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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. A Golden Bow shaman contacting Yelm for a shamanic ability, is not the same as HeroQuesting to Hell to gain Darkness HeroQuest abilities. In the rules, the abilities might be identical, but he method of obtaining them not. The shamanic abilities are very specific, lesser entities could give other abilities appropriate to their kind, that's what rune spells are. A Troll shaman could adventure to Amanstan's cave and receive fire powers, but not without a sacrifice of some kind, perhaps having to go through Hell Roar. In this case the shaman could start a spirit cult based around the spirit to receive the rune magic (still at double cost). However this would likely cause some consternation among the Zorak Zorani and potential conflict.
  2. Namolding Clan of the Malani tribe
  3. You might also be interested in Hordes of the Things (fantasy wargame rules), which has a Glorantha army list and the Gloarmy pages: http://hordesofthethings.blogspot.com/2013/08/gloranthan-army-lists-for-hordes-of.html http://gloarmy.free.fr/hottarmylist.htm
  4. I don't see why? although specific Greater Entities may have their own shamanic abilities to give. They would go to their cult / cultural Greater Entities. Horned Man - any except chaos Daka Fal - Praxian, Sartarite (any ancestor worship) Waha - Praxian Hykim and Mikyh - Hsunchen Kolat - Orlanth Kyger Litor - Troll Jakaboom - Troll Earth Witch - Earth cults / Praxian i'd also add Yu-Kargzant for Grazers. I did an example of a Kolat shaman visiting Kolat for a new ability:
  5. The connection is by way of the characteristics you sacrificed to them. The Greater Entities are all gods (Horned Man, Daka Fal, Waha, Hykim and Mikyh, Kolat, Kyger Litor, Jakaboom, and the Earth Witch.) It's like an initiation link. So same as breaking as geas with Humakt and Yelmalio.
  6. Because combat is rare for that very reason. Non-combatants don't get involved in combat. The Ernalda merchant in my game has no armour, doesn't need it. Look at Leika's Chalana Arroy companion Hollybright, did she go into snakepipe hollow armoured up? That's fine on the understanding that killing another clan's Ernalda priestess is going to cause a huge problem for the archer who does it. My players love the whole ransom system, it introduces a whole checks and boundaries system governing violence.
  7. per the magic section in the core rules: "The sensory effects of a spell (what it looks, sounds, smells, and even feels like) depend on the type of magic used and the power of the spell." The red book of magic adds: "Spells almost always have some sort of sensory effect." You can see the caster, casting. As RBM says "It also synthesized different spells with near-identical effects into a common spell with a descriptive name. Under this rubric, the label Bladesharp comprised a thousand different spirit techniques for enhancing the deadliness of a bladed weapon" So depending on who is casting there are different effects. I encourage players to decribe their versions. Elves casting protection would be bark-like, Ernalda cultists, earth or coppery Water cultist with a trail of shimmering droplets, Orlanth cultists with the whoshing of the wind. A humakti in my group has stop motion death runes flickering behind his bladesharp matching up with the shape of the weapon. Rune magic has even more obvious effects. There are few unknown spirit magic effects. Most common ones will be known by all. I can't think of any that that would be obscured.
  8. The key to RQ mass combat is the Battle skill. The skill is in the core rules, but its rules aren't described. The skill first appeared in Different Worlds 28 (April 1983), and had a simple results table: Roll Type Result Earned Skills Critical Fought well, and with notable heroism Best 3 weapons, POW. Battle goes up 5% automatically. Special Fought well Battle, weapon, POW Successful Fought competently Battle, weapon Unsuccessful Saw action Battle Very Poor (opp of special) Fought poorly, took wound Battle Fumble Character killed None For historical battles, there was a modifier +/- depending on what side you were on. This should all look familiar if you've used the family history section This was clearly developed into the Battle skill of Pendragon, the rules expanding (If you have that, it can be used with little modification).There's a simplified modular system in Beyond the Wall (1995): Basically the player group experiences a small section of the battle that contributes to the outcome. Now have a look at what jeff wrote here about running the Battle of Queens:
  9. It's covered on page 81, Handiness. Those who are left-handed are considered unlucky. IMO, it shouldn't impact the game and should be treated as a story hook, or as 13G as one unique thing.
  10. There is no system in the core rules to allow career changes. You would start as an assistant shaman in the Golden Bow subcult. The core rules don't allow occupation changes. As an assistant shaman wouldn't be able to fulfil "Members must ride and herd only horses and may not practice agriculture." They can't be herders. Once you're a shaman can you never be Rune Lord or Rune Priest, as to stop being a shaman you would have to loose your fetch and die. Players are likely to follow Archer to Sun Lord or Elder. They cannot be shaman (or sorcerers). The shaman path and the rune path are separate.
  11. It's in The Book of Heortling Mythology, Appendix C, Orlanthi Heroes and Hero Cults, Derik Furman Jaldonkiller, page 176. He's an Orlanth Hero / Founder, so I would suggest more of a culture hero. Hero cults usually only teach 1 or 2 things at most. Orlanth cultists learn Ride from the associate cult of Storm Bull. I suspect that the tribal chief can heroform him as the (pure horse founder). I'd give him Call Founder (RBM page 21) and maybe change the rune to sky.
  12. The Sorcery Q&A (link) says: Please be aware that, Sorcery is presented to allow Lhankor Mhy adventurers to be created. Future supplements will detail sorcerers from other cultures and provide more details of the sorcery system. Some elements of the system will likely change to portray other cultures. No supplements or sourcebooks have been announced.
  13. Look at real life food taboos and this very question, this is an excellent answer https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1614932/jewish/I-Ate-Non-Kosher-Food-Now-What.htm. Traditionally shaman who deliberately break their taboos loose their powers, are struck down by illness, bad fortune, etc. If an accident, a few days of prayer, ritual cleansing, abstinence from (something) usually solves it. If the person serving the food did this deliberately, they are going to be in serious trouble. This is not an unknown concept. See above. Generally you would use the same Greater Power appropriate to your cult / culture. The ability granted by the Greater Power could stop if the taboo was broken, and remain gone until. The implication is that if you don't do this, you don't get that. A better wording would be Never eat any meat of any animal spirit creature you have dealings with: If your Water rune vortex is full of spirit fish that are your source for water based spirit magics, don't eat fish. If one of you bound spirits is the Blue Llama spirit companion of Lucky Star, don't eat High Llama. Never eat any meat of any animal spirit creature
  14. The version of Thed in the upcoming GoG is based on the write up in. RQ2 Cults of Terror, fortunately not the RQ3 Lords of Terror version. So without crossing Lines & Veils, the cult of Thed doesn't cover such extreme actions, and gifts to Thed are the norm. Cults of Terror says: Basing taboos on those are a way forward. I would also suggest looking at taboos in earthly cultures: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342107714_Why_do_religious_leaders_observe_costly_prohibitions_Examining_taboos_on_Mentawai_shamans
  15. They are still Rune Lords if they maintain their status, so Rune Lord-Priests of the Elder subcult or just priests. You's need to be an assistant shaman first, so you'd join this subcult to do so to gain access to Discorporation. So a lay member could do so. (from upcoming GoG) Sun Lords, priests, rulers can't be shaman (or sorcerers) If you aren't in the archer subcult, which one are you in? Yelm lay members pay a point of POW to do so, but receive no magic. To become a shaman of Yelm you need to be at least a lay members, so you are effectively initiated by joining Golden Bow as an assistant. see: See above. The Yelm cult is complex and all the details will be in GoG
  16. Shaman get their abilities by bargaining with a Greater Entity (page 359). For Chaos shaman, this is likely to be Thed itself (as the source of chaos shamanism, stolen from the Horned Man). I don't think there is any illumination power that gives immunity to intercession by a Greater entity. Of the eight illumination powers, most have only the first three. Not everyone has them all. The uncommon ones that would be relevant are: Power to Ignore Cult Restrictions Immunity to Spirits of Reprisal The abilities' source is the Greater entity, so it's not a cult restriction and the Greater entity is not a spirit of reprisal. I always have the shaman's Greater entity appear from time to time. Remember, the Horned Man is often in the Middle World, whispering into children's dreams.
  17. The infinity rune is, but the Illumination chapter doesn't detail the cults and schools themselves. Nysalor / Gbaji's cult is (from upcoming GoG)
  18. I think there could be 4 or 5 copies of Arkat Saga out there. As for Harmast Saga, more, mainly due to Friends of Glorantha. FOG was a patreon style group that ran from roughly 2006-2007 and sponsored Greg to write his unfinished novels, variously titled Harmast Saga, Ten Woman, Well Loved, Lokamayadon-Novel, and a few other scripts.
  19. There's more info and pictures on the two editions here: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/moon-design/moon-design-kickstarters/guide-to-glorantha-kickstarter/roots-of-glorantha/
  20. Page 197, Aimed Blows: reiterated in Rune Fixes 2:
  21. Given that the core power of illumination is: I'm not sure that will help.
  22. Yes, just pick other taboos. It is focussed on the shaman available in the core rules: Daka Fal, Waha, and Golden Bow, so it's bound to be narrow.
  23. If you need to detail the taboos, just roll again, pick an appropriate one, alter, or alter to fit, or use curse of Thed in their place. They have to go through the ritual of Rebirth as well as have the normal qualifications to be a priest as well. IMO, the celibacy taboos would be excellent for a Thed Shaman-Priest, given they are NPCs this would make for an excellent twist to the character, who knows how this would manifest.
  24. Just to throw in some more, there was another separator before Daka Fal - Larnste the Soul Arranger
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