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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. She did suggest that some of the previous data was a bit odd by comparison.
  2. Chapter 7 has some relevant info, although the whole paper is interesting: Lethal Threshold: The Evolutionary Implications of Middle Pleistocene Wooden Spears I also found the one and two handed grips useful.
  3. It depends on the nature of the adventure, bearing in mind that most will have experience checks for the end of season. otherwise: Reputation (see Reputation gains 237-239) May be special service for a temple, guild or other organisation. So access to training, spirit magic or rune spells. Rank (given by appropriate leader for services) Property (a stead or hides of land, or herd or orchard equivalent) The possibility of taking loyalty to a new person or organisation. If they've got loot, my players give it to the merchant, who can sell it on and give either goods in kind or in some cases cash. (the merchant keeps 10% per occupation). Have a look at any of the published adventures as they have some examples of the list above.
  4. Great. My players devoured the books, I used to have a three volume omnibus of Lovecraft's works I would lend out. It really added to the game play. Players understood the whole weird background, but as roleplayers didn't let that affect them. Given the Achtung! Cthulhu setting. It won't have any effect on the game (IMO), just as their knowledge of WWII won't.
  5. Six Seasons is a Jonstown Compendium publication and as such doesn't need to follow any established background from Chaosium publications. Anything in it may be the creation of the author. @Andrew Logan Montgomery may be able to help you.
  6. No idea. But we have just finished a 6 session adventure and checking their roll20 sheets yields: Sestar the Ernaldan Merchant 11 (3 rune, 1 Passion, 1 Agility, 1 Comm, 1 Knowledge, 1 Magic, 1 Manipulation, 2 Perception) Zoukos the Humakti warrior 10 (3 rune, 1 Agility, 1 Comm, 1 Knowledge, 4 Perception) Varanys the Lhankor Mhy scribe 12 (3 rune, 2 Agility, 2 Knowledge, 5 Perception) Which would give an average of 11, so 1 or 2 per session. We also aren't finished for the season, This was the foreshadowing for the Battle of Queens, so it's likely that each will get a few weapons checks, none are mounted so not ride. No (except above) I trust my players. As experience is seasonal, players very quickly reach a point where they can't check a skill anyway. Given It doesn't really happen in my games, I always want a description / roleplay of how they use the ability, so as they have to explain what they are doingd before rolling, they often skip it themselves as it fails their own (or others) credibility. Don't forget that improving abilities not used in adventures is covered in Experience Between Adventures on page 416, it's only 4 abilities, but works well.
  7. What's the reference for this?
  8. HeroQuest Glorantha, page 209 is where Martin's size comparison comes from: The originals were on Google+ and so are on Tapatalk: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/glorantha/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=63 https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/glorantha/index.php
  9. It's the main settlement of the Yalmoring Clan of the Locaem tribe
  10. Ulanin the Rider appears in The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories (page 32) - A small cult worships Ulanin here as the Horse Lord. It should be noted that in Heortling Mytholgy (2010), Ulanin is a Hero of the Orlanth cult. Gathering Thunder (2004) did indeed have Ulanin as a subcult (page 72), but even there it said - only a few rebel bands still call on him. So although a subcult under Hero Wars rules, didn't really have the numbers. Hero Wars did really over detail the small points. Overall Ulanin seems to be a tiny hero cult of specialist and localised interest.
  11. It's from Xiola Umbar, so would likely be only found with her cultists and associated cults (Kyger Litor & Zorak Zorak). It's not restricted so a shaman could teach it if they could find the appropriate spirit. Chalana Arroy shaman would likely have it or a charm containing it. Now that passions are in the forefront of the game, this is a useful spell for dealing with some aspects of them. The keyword here is mental distress, so the effects of failing or fumbling relevant passions or runes would be an obvious choice. It wouldn't remove the penalties, but would allow the adventurer to function normally. Likewise if a family member dies and the Love (family or individual) success, it would likewise remove the distress for 24 hours. As usual, this spell deals with a situational moment, that the GMs and players should cooperate over.
  12. We have quite a few city founder examples: Pavis, Balazar, Wilms, etc. Some are her founders, ancestors, everything really. There's also the city gods write up for RQ3 in GoG, roughly speaking: Initiate and priest requirements: normal. Rune magic: Ban, Sanctify, Warding. Special: City Harmony - in RBM. Looking at the size of the cult - if the city has a population of say 10k, 5k are adults, and say 1% are the wealthy, so 50 cult members. Thats enough for a single shrine that gives a single special cult rune spell - City Harmony. So you get a single priest running the cult. Throw in local ancestor worship and you get a bit more.
  13. I had a guy play a Storm Bull combat medic in HeroQuest.
  14. Apologies, here are the old rules: RuneQuest 2, page 18. 1980. If you were referring to an earlier set: RuneQuest 1, page 22. 1978
  15. Does that make more visual sense? I'm just thinking of the language that we use when playing the game. I'm pretty sure we say make a Strength vs Siz or a POW vs POW, etc. I don't think I say make a resistance roll with your strength or make a Strength resistance roll. Much like a CON times 4 roll, my players seem to understand what the x? means (although one did say it should be x n or *n, But ignore that) What do others say?
  16. Would a small vs. work (as in versus)
  17. Given that the Lowfires are Mahome, Gustbran and Oakfed, and only Oakfed appears in the Empire as a portion of Yelm (Enverinus), not the offspring of Lodril. That would make Gustbran Lodril. So the further north you go, the furnace fire is Lodril and the further south you go, the furnace fire is Gustbran. For me this born out by Lodril's Ten Sons and Servants, many make things that need the fire, but are not the fire. Why? because their father is. There is of course that Alfostios could be the smith, as he will be making the metal hoops. So perhaps in a few places, Alfostios is Gustbran. Mahome's worshipped almost exclusively through Ernalda and Lodril, in the Empire she's a handmaiden of Dendara (upcoming Cults of Glorantha). None of Dendara's handmaidens appear on the God's Wall, solving that problem. I would say that Mahome is the part of Lodril that stays home in the hearth (or their daughter) The aspect of Lodril that is Gustbran works just like Gustbran, the Godlearners would have called this Lodril Gustbran. Likewise Ernalda Mahome, Dendara Mahome and Lodril Mahome are all the same. Even Lhankor Mhy and Buserian scholars find the God Learners legacy annoying.
  18. Keep it then, Bag of Winds appears in the RQGM Screen Pack:
  19. It's covered in RQ2 (RQ Classic page 106). There are three types of this kind on the table, you need to make a reading skill to use them! Characteristic increase - 1D20 weeks to implement, and increases STR, CON, DEX or CHA. eg +1 STR, takes 13 weeks. Secret technique scroll - 1D4x5% increase in one of the weapons on the Weapon Training Table, but not above 75% Secrets of general abilities scroll - 1D4x5% increase in the ability and all special skills tied to the ability! but not above 75%. We used the training cost & time on page 12 to work out how long it would take for the last two. So using a +15% Secret Technique of sword with an initial skill of 40% would be, 500L x 2 for 40-50%, then 1000L for 50-55 for a total of 1500L training (Weapon Training Cost Table page 26). Divide by 400L to get the number of weeks for full time training, so 3 weeks and 4.5 days.
  20. You just have one on your own, creating the sacred area with sanctify. My players always keep a point in reserve if they know this will happen. The other adventurers often take part as lay or associate members. It does take a day though.
  21. There are only a few cults with minor days: see Minor Holy Days. However most can use associated cults high or seasonal holy day per page 315. One of the few cults not helped by this is Humakt with no associated cults. In the upcoming cults book, it says: If this has happened, I allow Orlanth seasonal and high holy days as Humakt is Orlanth's Sword.
  22. Given that warding is a ritual, so it's an hour to cast per point (RBM, page 9), and that: A kind GM might say you realise that the setup for the ritual is not going to work within the conditions you were taught for the spell. A mean GM might say after four hours performing the ritual, you realise this isn't going to work as you've clearly not set something up properly. And just disallow their rune roll. I'd go with the former. Rituals are effectively something you know (a repeatable series of procedures that produce a known result).
  23. The Ostrich tribe are an independent tribe (aka minor), they are one of the Earth Tribes were given to Eiritha’s care by her mother Ernalda, when she could no longer sustain them. They are part of Waha’s Covenant. Their main cults are Waha and Eiritha, with Ostrich mother, coming third and Yelmalio fourth. As they are so small there's only 1 or 2 khans and 1 or 2 Eirtha Priestesses, one of whom is usually the Ostrich mother shaman priestess. Eiritha worship is effectively Ernalda. They have no permanent representation at the Paps, due to numbers. But priestesses are always welcome. There is a shrine to Ostricth Mother at the Paps too. No. They have always been in Prax and the wastes. Like any other minor tribe - not that important or interesting. Tasty birds if you can find one.
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