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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. I'm not disputing that he wasn't illuminated. Just that, our knowledge of illumination has moved on. Illuminates no longer automatically get all eight of the powers. Not all automatically have the "Power to Ignore Cult Restrictions". As you move down the list of abilities they get less common. Everyone gets 1, most get 2 and 3. You can use your illumination skill to work them. There are also abilities not listed.
  2. Or he never had those illumination powers. Or the sword broke as a the height of the battle he plunged the unbreakable sword into the god Gbaji causing a huge rupture through layers of the cosmos. The resulting magical imp/explosion shattered both Gbaji and the sword. His soul being sucked into chaos never to be seen again, his viscera scattered across the landscape and rubble of the tower. See above. Personally, I don't believe there was any temptation, nothing to atone for, and he'd carried out his responsibility (at great cost to all) As an illuminate, the fundamental truth is: Where does this temptation of Arkat by Gbaji come from?
  3. I'm preparing adventurers for tonight's game as we speak. The sheet looks good. I'm not sure what default box on a weapon line means though. When I check it and roll, it halves the skill used (90% broadsword rolls as 45%). It may have been like this before and I've just never used it. Unless there is another explanation for what this is?
  4. For NPCs, it would be unlikely that a farmer would have any need to join the Adventurous subcult if already a thunderous member. This is what players certainly do.
  5. As a whole. Tithing is on a per cult basis.
  6. No, the cost is 1 POW per subcult after the first or main cult. See Subcults page 282:
  7. When you join Orlanth you choose either Adventurous or Thunderous. You have access to the shared rune magics (all subcults) and the rune magic of your specific subcult (see page 301). Look at the Associated Cults list on page 302, associate rune spells are either available to all, or Thunderous or Adventurous subcults. If you join Adventurous you have no access to Odalya's rune spell, it's Thunderous only. If you are a member of the Adventurous subcult, to join the Thunderous subcult, you pay a POW, add it to your Orlanth rune pool and select a rune spell (free). As you are now a member of both subcults, you have access to Odayla's rune spell (don't forget to pay...)
  8. Think about how how an initiate of Odayla would work in Dragon Pass. It's not a widespread cult. Firstly to be an initiate you've hunted, killed and skinned a bear under the auspices of a Bearwalker. Next, there no temples to Odayla in your region (likely shrines though), so you go to the Orlanth temple and as Orlanth's brother you can worship there at the Odayla shrine and access all your rune magic. Orlanth Thunderous worshippers can access only the single rune spell.
  9. Martin pretty much nailed the story I know (we likely have similar pieces of Greg paper): It's a clear riff on the story of a woman who meets a god and has a child with them, and the god vanishes from the story. (Modern day versions are told in Guardians of the Galaxy, and Aquaman). In this case the woman was (IIRC Amilla), daughter of a Duke of Lokawal and a barbarian hero (likely Humakt or his avatar), called Truesword. His father leaves him behind some cool treasure that he can recover when he's the right age (ten) - from under a rock by passing some tests (very sword in the stone), one of the many items is the Unbreakable Sword. It's a standard tale of destiny, and accepting who your father is, and why he abandoned you.
  10. See POW Increase in the Q&A for clarification of how many POW gain rolls per year (6).
  11. Or treat her as a spirit cult. Your suggestions work perfectly with that.
  12. All of these unpublished works were © Greg Stafford. When an author dies, the rights pass to their estate and heirs. For example, who own the rights to Middle Earth, Dune, etc. It's not the publishers.
  13. You might find these threads helpful as jumping off points to other info, otherwise start a new thread with the title of what you want to discuss.
  14. The document is currently under update, so may have more additions soon!
  15. Just in case you missed anything: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/timeline-dragonpass/1561-1602-conflict-with-the-lunar-empire/ Are you trying to do this for all the homelands or just Sartar?
  16. And everyone who has copies of any of his unpublished materials is aware of these usual additions:
  17. Try the unofficial Chaosium discord instead: https://discord.gg/evnaQw2P
  18. In my Praxian campaign, there are four or so hunting cults: Orlanth Adventurous, Foundchild, Waha and Orogeria (sables and unicorn tribe). Only Foundchild uses the Great Hunt for cult progression. So what happens if an Orlanth Adventurous hunter, brings in the largest prize - Nothing. They get to be an honoured Great Hunter / Master hunter (whatever), but unless they were Foundchild / Zong / Rasout / Odayla it is just a bit of fun. Think of it like the village cheese rolling contest. Outsiders can take part, but they only get the visitor prize even if they win. Villagers get the glory of being master of the cheese. Outsiders who get a visitor prize maybe looked on kindly when they move to the village as they participated. (If you don't have cheese rolling, replace with Morris Dancing or Yard of ale drinking) When I've run this, there's never been the intent for for any of the adventurers to bring in the best prize, most were happy to finish.
  19. I would also point out that it says If you want to include all of your group, it then moves out of normally, which is also allowed.
  20. RQG Page 116: Yu-Kargzant the Sun Horse. Arandayla the Horse Goddess Hyalor the Rider La-ungariant (Ernalda) Humakt (Hiia Swordsman) Arandayla the Horse Goddess is Hippoi. Upcoming GoG says
  21. I have a Red one from 1990 (27 pages). A different one from 1990 where Greg mailed it to me in three parts (No cover, 29 pages, two pages are from Harmast saga but have Arkat sage headers. And finally a copy I printed from from a floppy disk he had when he was visiting in 1994. As I didn't have WordPerfect it printed the raw text with the Wordperfect headers (unformatted 27 pages). This edition was on June 24, 1994 to be actioned off at Convulsion '94. They are all different in some way. 1990A & 1990B starts "I hate trolls," thought thinked Arkat to me. 1994 Starts: I remember when Arkat was born. I was there. It would take a lot of work to sort all of these out into a coherent book (just the copies I have) There are likely a few dozen copies out there, and I suspect there are a few unique ones we've not seen yet.
  22. This what separates those who are and aren't heroes. I treat Hero boons like shamanic abilities. They can't be dispelled, but they could be neutralised by another hero. As a hero of Lodril, if I fire my Lava Fingers at a Heler hero who fire back Fingers of Water, what happens? Exactly what happens in every film. The two beams meet in the middle with a huge explosion. The elemental rune affinities chart on the adventurer sheet doesn't come into play as neither interact. So could a sufficiently large dismiss / dispel / neutralize work. Yes, maybe at double the strength. So Fingers of Fire is like a 3pt rune spell, so perhaps it takes 6pts of dismiss or 12 pts of dispel to stop it. Then Fingers of Fire just starts again next round...
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