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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It's not an enchantment, it's a ritual. To be an enchantment permanent POW not Rune points must be spent. It can be be dispelled by any magic strong enough to do so. (Dispel, Dismiss, Neutralise Magic). Once the ceremony is over, it disappears anyway.
  2. With sunspear you might incapacitate or kill three people in phalanx formation. Based on an average roll of 14 and a 1-3 AP you would incapacitate the average person. Five people in phalanx formation in 2m is unlikely. Have a look at these dimensions, they're roman but work well enough: https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/gb_army/the-spacing-of-individual-soldiers/ Likewise having a rear line so close seems unlikely. Those fighting troops likely to use Sunspear would be well aware of its tactics and place the second line further back, using longer spears (RQG page 223). Having said that, Grazelander Sun Lords would likely use it to punch through a phalanx for a charge, but not if the row behind could set spears (pikes) for a charge (RQG page 220).
  3. Illumination will have no effect on a 3pt ban under RQG and not every illuminate gets immunity to spirits of reprisal. There are however many Illumination powers and so one stopping ban from working may exist (however I would suggest that it would stop all rune magic including the illuminates rune magic working too). How exactly do you get them to cast their magic? (and illumination has no effect on moon phase casting).
  4. This is an error and I'll add it to the Corrections and Q&A, thanks for spotting it. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/cha4039-the-smoking-ruin-and-other-stories-2019/cha4039-the-smoking-ruin-and-other-stories-qa/
  5. I always find Huichol yarn paintings very near the mark (and of course the basis of the spirit art in RQG). You can find some animated if you look around: Every day in the spirit world: Not Huichol, but has some great spirit landscape imagery and shows a ritual for dealing with ferocious polar bears
  6. They don't. The RQ Bestiary says on page 164: As neither are disembodied spirits, neither have the rune, their form is Man & Beast (or Plant & Man for elves). The fetch has the spirit rune and when the shaman travels into the spirit world they swap forms. Those using Discorporation magics can temporarily separate their spirit in to the spirit world, but it's a temporary form (unless they die).
  7. You might also be interested in (if not seen already): and Jason's video: https://www.chaosium.com/blogchaosium-interviews-jason-durall-on-upcoming-runequest-products/
  8. Works fine for scaling on Roll20 and matches perfectly with the new map that Jeff showed previously and has an excellent scale (which I used as the basis and overlaid for accuracy).
  9. It's 5km from the centre of Swan to the centre of Apple Lane as the crow flies: That's what I use as my reference on Roll20. Yes this isn't the same map, but it was a great way to get the correct scale.
  10. Depending on the structure of the cult it could be very far reaching. The Red Emperor could have you banned from the the entire Solar/Lunar religion for life. The prince of Sartar, for all of Sartar. The FHQ, all of the grazelands, etc. You'd likely have to go a way away, to start again.
  11. If it was a social transgression not religious one, yes. Otherwise read Ban RQG page 319 or RBM 15.
  12. I post some of Greg's maps of the city of Wonder's here:
  13. This is where IMO the example starts to muddy things. We have a good body of info to use to determine what should and shouldn't happen in certain actions: Cattle raids. I'm not sure at all if these are common, except in specific situations across tribal borders (for example the Varmandi/Orleving dispute which is over 150 years old and has at points become war). If the players are considering raiding a clan of their own tribe, things will quickly come down on them. The basis is also that no one dies. See the GM Screen pack, it covers most angles in a cattle raid, including if someone dies. As to who pays? those who did the killing / wounding. If they don't have the resources, they can turn to their family (bloodline) and with a success on Love (family), they will pay. If that fails, then it gets more complex. The clan may not want to get involved, mainly for political reasons. You may have to play out the lawspeaker vs the players. The temple is more complex, due to religious ties. My players went to the Queen Loyalty (Queen Leika) who made another party pay. The What is Ransom box, specifically mentions outsiders harming a member of their kinship group (like in the cattle raid), and blood feuds. Blood feuds occur when tit-for-tat killing starts, and it spirals into a cycle of retaliatory violence. Orlanth made a law (The Book of Heortling Mythology, page 87): To prevent events like Njáls saga occurring. Njáls saga is a horrendous example of a blood feud spanning 50 years (https://www.sagadb.org/brennu-njals_saga.fr) If it's against an agreed enemy, no. Don't forget that Honour is a defined list, so A killing B honorably just means B had a weapon, wasn't a guest or family member.
  14. As easy as you want it to be. Depending on how you want to drive the story. You could even have the distant shaman "haunting' the other in their dreams (a common theme), communicating messages that way. Of course they could meet up on the spirit plane. Hopefully in the inner world. Another common shamanic theme. There's loads of good inspiration to be found in Shamanism - Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy by Mircea Eliade (https://archive.org/details/shamanismarchaic0000elia/). For example read the section on The Shaman's Female Tutelary Spirits, and there's loads more for inspiration:
  15. Clans don't pay ransom and tribes only ransom shaman (if they have them). Depending on who the individual is depends on who pays the ransom: An individual pays their own ransom, rather than be in the debt to the clan or temple. they often deposit a ransom at their temple. If they don't have the resources, then cult or family, will after making a love or loyalty roll. If it succeeds then they have a life debt to either family or cult (RQG page 407). If they are a priest or rune lord, it's paid for by their cult/temple. Temples have an income, likely have enough to cover a ransom. (RQG page 276, 280) A Shaman's ransom paid for by their tribe or their cult. (RQG 359). For example, the thane of Apple Lane is a tribal thane and a member of the Orlanth cult. They would deposit their ransom at the local Orlanth temple, in the form of treasure, livestock or goods in addition to their tithe. If they couldn't do that after a love (family) success, their family would pay (if local) or loyalty (Swan temple) success, their local Orlanth temple would pay. I'd also allow if they had a successful loyalty (Queen Kallyr) for the tribal Rex temple to pay as she appointed the thane.
  16. What's your reference in GRoY for this. I can only find one reference to the spike, and that's about putting someone on a spike...
  17. I use the worst adventurer's sneak from a group (the weakest link). If they succeed everyone else auto-succeeds. Scan, I always let every one roll, mainly so they can disagree on who has seen what.
  18. They are effectively the same goddess, Ernalda is everything that Dendara wants to be, but cannot. Dendara is everything that Ernalda cannot be, but will not.
  19. Yelm's illumination has no real part in the Lightbringers Quest. IMO Most people vastly over emphasise what illumination actually is, and focus on its game mechanics as a power gaming resource.. It depends where it's done. If Yelm avoids Orlanth, then the dawn doesn't come at the end of sacred time. Loads of upset trolls then react what happened last time this happened. If they ask for more atonement than needed, and orlanth fails, then the same happens. If you've played Gods War: You might also find this helpful to read: Greg Sez: Humakt Illuminated? (Apr 1998)
  20. This is as Peter has said, the Grazer god Yu-Kargzant. In this form he's not the source of the Fire rune. In the GoG write up you will see Not stasis and Mastery in RQG, yes in older write ups: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/prosopaedia/deities/y/yelm/ That's the nature of Yu-Kargzant. Yu-Kargzant, see above. Yelm receives Sunbright from the subservient cult of Antirius, Antirius is not a subservient cult of Yu-Kargzant. There is only one cult with the stasis rune, and they focus on truth, knowledge magic and sorcery: Few cults associated with stasis: Alkor Inora Krasht Mostal Polaris The Ten Workers and Servants of Lodril Yes. Enchant Ice Frost Mold Rock Morale Mountain Leap Shape Metal Support Warrior of Stone Just chose a result that you want, or ignore the modifiers: Passage of the sun:
  21. Jeff may know more, look in RQG page 108, it says the Curtali are part of the Hendriki tribal confederation with Whitewall at the centre.
  22. Stagwood is a Curtali settlement, likely the clan village.
  23. You might find these helpful: Guide Art Direction – The Seven Faces of Arkat (2013) A Question About Arkati Henotheism and Arkat’s Runes Arkat in the prosopaedia - lists the five Arkats https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/12429/HeroQuest-Glorantha--Introduction-to-the-Hero-Wars
  24. I do birthday when creating the family history, so most leave it on the sheet they used when generating the history. One has added it to the family history page, Your History, next line after begin, and one on the front page above age. As the rules assumes right handedness is the default, so it's not important to note for most of my players. My left-handed player writes L in front of their main weapon on the front page. Move isn't a problem for my group, everyone remembers that it's 8 for humans. You could add it under healing rate on the front page. IMO these are minor additions that don't really need their own space on an already full sheet.
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