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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Unfortunately, General Ork has said that doesn't like PDFs and most of the Jonstown Compendium supplements are currently PDF only. But, but, but, one of the Jonstown Compendium series of supplements is called Monster of the Week, so it must be!
  2. Trolls eat sentient creatures all the time, in fact Kaarg Sons are ritually obliged to eat relatives. Many cultures eat Newtling Tails and are not treated as chaotic. The Cannibal Cult eat people and are not chaotic. The Maran Gor priestess at the Shaker Temple has cannibalistic virgins, are they chaotic? Oh, but maybe you mean Ogres, yes they are chaotic. Also, Glorantha has normal ducks that are not sentient and can be eaten freely.
  3. Maybe a Slarge, or another type of lizardfolk
  4. I am going to buy them all in PDF format anyway, regardless of whether they come in 10 books or one humungous book. I'd probably join them together as PDFs anyway.
  5. Sure, people have made all kinds of skins into armour. It makes sense, as a Heroic thing to do. A lot of GMs would blanch at the idea and put a lot of obstacles in the way, but in theory it should be possible. Maybe unwise, but possible. It should be doable, but you probably won't find anyone who has done it, this sounds like a one of a kind sort of thing. Dragonewts normally wear Dragonbone armour, or at least the more advanced ones do, so maybe they aren't the best people to ask. Acid might do the job, but I would say that wouldn't I? You might be able to boil it and scrape the hard scales off, leaving a skin. Or, you could take the scales off and use them to make dragonscale armour. Maybe there is a dragonstone rock that dragons scratch themselves on that could be used. Whatever makes sense can be used. Maybe, all make sense to me. The armour maker might even have to HeroQuest to get the skills and knowledge, or can make the armour on a HeroQuest, but, again, I would say that. Alternatively, look at Legend's Arms of Legend supplement, p56-58, that has a good guide to making armour from animal skins/hides. You could probably use them exactly as they are written. I doubt if I can copy them here, unfortunately.
  6. For me, a year is a year is a year. I don't often count years in days. So, someone who is 20 years old in Glorantha is 20 years old and looks like an 20 year old would. Maybe, who knows? I play that a Gloranthan day is 24 hours long and hours are broken down into minutes and seconds, same as in the real world, as it is easier to work with spell durations. Is there a mismatch there? Sure, there is. Do I care about the mismatch? No, not really.
  7. Few of us follow the world view rigidly. In my last Gloranthan Campaign, a Baboon (Mello Yello) became the Golden Dragon Emperor of Dara Happa, so does that make me a Glorantha purist?
  8. Have a look at the Mystic Martial Arts in the East isles supplements on Jonstown Compendium. There are loads of things that could be reshaped into EWF/Kralori Martial Arts, as well as Martial Arts for non-humans
  9. I agree and have been championing Alternate Earth RuneQuest for many years. Kickstarters aren't allowed but Jonstown Compendium Bestiaries are allowed. The Jonstown Bestiary is a good idea, but it takes time and effort. Many of us have other projects at the moment, and I'm not sure I can take on another one at the moment. The idea of a Bronze Age Bestiary sounds really appealing though. I've included a number of creatures in my supplements and will probably include more. They could be used as the basis of a bestiary, I suppose. I have never adhered to canon in the "That isn't in Glorantha" sense, but have done in the "That doesn't fit established lore" sense, most of the time. It isn't a canon thing, it's a time and effort thing. I am not sure how well they would sell, so it might be time and effort that doesn't recoup the cost of the arftwork. So, do I, so do I. The RuneQuest Family includes Basic Roleplaying, OpenQuest, Revolution D100, Legend, Mythras and more. It has been used for historical supplements, SciFi supplements, Multiverse Supplements and more. The core is a very flexible one that can be used for other settings. I can't believe that Passions, for example, only work in Glorantha. That is a real shame, as RuneQuest has a lot to offer. You are likely to encounter similar issues with the Bestiary, as the various incarnations have Monsters in their various core rulebooks but I cannot remember having seen a bestiary such as you need for any of them.
  10. If you have Hate (Lunars) at 100% and find an artefact that makes you love Lunars, reducing your Hate (Lunars) by 40, your effective Hate (Lunars) becomes 60%, if your Hate (Lunars) was 130% it would be reduced to 90%. That is the point of having a super-high Passion, you still feel the passion strongly when the situation reduces your Passion.
  11. Probably because it focuses on Gloranthan monsters, not generic ones. That argument has been made for numerous things, for example Cults, Non-Humans, and Regions. The only real answer is "Wait and see what comes out", which is not particularly helpful. Looking at the alphabetical list of creatures, there are 230 creatures listed, which is a fair amount. The trouble is that the monsters from Jonstown Compendium are from many authors and it would be tricky to collect them into one Bestiary. Also, Chaosium probably have other priorities than making up new monsters. That is what people like me are for! As a fan of RuneQuest from long ago, I would love for all the previous monsters to be collected into a Bestiary, as it would make my life easier. For me, part of playing RuneQuest is interacting with non-humans. Sometimes they are intelligent foes or allies, sometimes they are just monsters. So, I see RuneQuest as definitely being part monster-hunt. That is why I have included monsters in most of our Dorastor series, many of which could be used outside of Dorastor, in any Chaos Nest. The lack of some of the material in a Game Master's Guide is something of a frustration to many of us. It has been pointed out that RQ2 didn't have one, and RQ3 had one as part of the boxed set, but that isn't a help to RQG GMs. As for Adventures, I have posted some figures, that are now out of date, showing how many adventures are in the Jonstown Compendium. Sure, some people don't count them, as they are not official, but they can still be used in a campaign. My eventual aim is for Dorastor to have more scenarios than Sartar, but I am not sure how achievable that is. I was going to ask the same thing. Maybe we can point General Ork towards more monsters. When I get my finger out, I'll be able to produce the 13th Age Glorantha to RuneQuest conversions for Monsters, but my finger is well and truly stuck at the moment. I have great artwork for it but a stationary finger.
  12. Please come and visit the Jonstown Compendium, Chaosium’s community content programme: we have dozens of highly-regarded RuneQuest adventures waiting for you to discover them. This is probably out of date, but I did a breakdown of where Jonstown Compendium Scenarios were set. I should probably add monsters to that list.
  13. That is exactly my attitude. If a Player can justify it then why not? Exactly. In my Glorantha, the Oasis Folk have martial art traditions hidden in dances, with the same rationale.
  14. You don't need to write down the Common Magic spells. So, instead of having a list of Rune Spells which includes Common Magic, you strip out the Common Magic spells from the list. As an Initiate of the Seven Mothers, Ran-Eel gets All Common Magic anyway, so why write down the spells? So, you could write down All Common Magic, as a reminder. I wouldn't list all the Common Magic spells for every NPC or Adventurers, though, what's the point of that? That works for me, but I prefer more challenging NPCs. What I would avoid, though, is mini-maxing the conversion. By that, I mean don't just add up all the points in every Rune Spell in the writeup and them assume that the NPC has the same number of points in Rune Pools. RQG restricts the size of Rune Pools to CHA so having 50 Rune Points doesn't really work in RQG. Sure, you could turn them into enchantments, but that means having to account for every single point, which is a pain. Similarly, for skills, Ran-Eel has Lock Picking and Trap Set/Disarm, so has 210 in those skills but 110 in Devise after converting, just ignore the lost 100%. After all, he is going to get skills such as Cult Lore and Worship for free anyway, as they shouldnl;t be at base chance.
  15. Who is the artist? We are always looking out for artists.
  16. Sure, why not? The Antiparry idea might apply, so if you have Hate Lunars 130% and Honour 70%, then matching Hate Lunars against Honour brings Honour down, making it a 100 vs 40 roll. Also, if you apply Specials and Criticals to Passion rolls, then a higher skill increases the chance of that. If you have a Passion at 100% and then get a +10 increase then why not have the Passion at 110%? It is playing by the normal rules, unless the normal rules cap Passions at 100%.
  17. Ran-Eel has the following Rune Spells in the Runemasters supplement. RUNE SPELLS: Chaos Gift 4, Concealment 2, Divination, Madness 4, Mind Blast 4, Multispell 3, Regrow Limb 2, Resurrection 3, Shield 4, Spell Teaching, Summon Lune 3, Summon Salamander, Truesword 3. Splitting them into Common, Specialist, and Missing Runemagic gives us: Common Runespells: Divination, Multispell 3 Cult Special Runespells: Chaos Gift 4, Madness 4, Mind Blast 4, Regrow Limb 2, Resurrection 3, Shield 4, Summon Lune 3, Summon Salamander, Truesword 3 Missing Runespells: Concealment 2, Spell Teaching We don't list the Common Runespells as Runespells, because they are Common, so we lose the reference to them and can remove them. The Concealment and Spell Teaching spells no longer exist, so simply remove them. That leaves us with a list of spells and points, remove the points as they are no longer relevant, leaving us with the following spells: Cult Special Runespells: Chaos Gift, Madness, Mind Blast, Regrow Limb, Resurrection, Shield, Summon Lune, Summon Salamander, Truesword When working out the total number of Rune Points, simply sum up the individual spells that Ran-Eel had sacrificed for, in this case 13. Alternatively, sum up the total number of spells sacrificed for, so Truesword 3 becomes 3 points rather than 1, which gives him 34 points, which is far more than his CHA, so limit it to 18. Hopefully, that is clearer.
  18. He originally had common spells listed, such as Divination and Multispell, some with multiple points. Just lose them, as you don't need to list them any more. Yes, and that is a problem with cultists who have big Rune Pools, eventually you run out of spells to access. Cults with lots of associate cult spells might have more Runespells than the normal maximum of 21 CHA, for a Rune Pool of 21.
  19. I was going to mention you when I came back to the post.
  20. How does this work out? Sounds like it often involves "secret murder", which is chaotic. Interesting ... Only Orlanthi believe that. Other cultures are far more accepting.
  21. Here is what I would do. I am sure that other people would do it in different ways. Use the same Characteristics, there's no point changing those. Recalculate Hit Points per location and Armour Points, although it is probably easier to use the RQ2 versions Calculate the Rune Pool by adding up the points spent on Runespells, but this is capped at his CHA of 18, ignore any left over or have him as an initiate of another cult, maybe one of the Seven Mothers. Alternatively, keep his Rune Pool the same as the spells that he has. I'd give him 18 as he is powerful. Keep the same Rune Spells, but lose the Common Magic, leaving him with Chaos Gift, Madness, Mind Blast, Regrow Limb, Shield, Summon Lune, Summon Fire Elemental, Truesword. The Seven Mothers don't grant Shield, unless to Chief Priests through Hwarin Dalthippa, so you could say he keeps his Shield spell, in fact he has Chaos Gift, which is only available to Chief and High Priests, so he sounds like a Chief Priest. Spirit Magic spells are trickier, as he has a lot of Spirits. You could keep them and say that they have CHA=INT, for convenience. Ran-eel: Befuddle (2), Bladesharp 2, Dispel Magic 4, Disruption (1), Healing 6, Multimissile 2, Protection 2, Allied Spirit: Lightwall 4, Mobility (1), Repair 2, Spirit Screen 2, Vigor (2), (It wouldn't have Invisibility as that no longer exists as a Spirit Magic spell) Falcon: Countermagic 4, Ignite (1) (Mindspeech doesn't exist so he'd lose that) Bat: Detect Enemies (1), Detect Life (1), Detect Magic (1), Detect Undead (1), Extinguish 2, Strength (2) Hawk: Dullblade 2, Farsee 1, Glue 1 (He loses Xenohealing as that no longer exists) For skills, keep the same percentages and convert according to the conversion guide, ignore piddly little skills such as Find Cattle Food 20%. Identify Plants simply becomes Plant Lore, Identify Animals becomes Animal Lore. he has both Lock Picking and Trap Set/Disarm which both become Devise, so take the highest value. Lose The Peaceful Cut as he is not a member of Waha or Storm Bull. Lose piddly skills such as Rowing or Masonry at 40%. Take the highest of Camouflage and Hide in Cover, for Hide, they are the same so stay at 100%. Don't bother increasing skills like Evaluate by +5, as it has a higher base. Give him a decent Worship (Seven Mothers), Cult Lore (Seven Mothers), Homeland Lore (Lunar Empire) and Insight (Human) as they are cult skills. Communication: Orate 95%, Bargaining 35% Knowledge: Evaluate 80%, General Knowledge 20%, First Aid 100%, Treat Disease 100%, Treat Poison 100%, Plant Lore 100%, Animal Lore 100%, Mineral Lore 100%; Manipulation: Craft (Map Making) 100%, Climbing 110%, Conceal 80%, Jump 100%, Devise 110%, Ride (Horse) 100%, Disguise 75%, Swim 100%; Stealth: Hide 100%, Move Quietly 110%, Sleight 90% Perception: Listen 100%, Scan 110%, Search 105%, Taste Analysis 80%, Track 100%. He doesn't have any magic skills, so give him Spirit Combat at a reasonable level, maybe 60%. He good in combat, so give him a reasonable Dodge, maybe 70%. Languages: Keep them as they are. I like the RQ2 format of Language xx/xx for Speak and Read/Write, so retain that format. Equipment: Keep his equipment, but you might need to convert the Armour Points and ENC, so that they match RQG values. Iron is half the ENC and 1.5 times the AP. Maybe change Scimitar to Kopis and redo the ENC/AP/SR. Keep the weapon skills Weapon Damage Attk% SR Pts (I) Kopis 1D8+1+1D6 120% 3 18 (I) Greatsword 2D8+1D6 130% 2 18 (I) 2H spear 1D10+1+1D6 110% 1 15 lH spear RH 1D8+1+1D6 100% 2 15 Javelin 1D10+1D3 120% 0 12 Composite bow 1D8+1 - 0 10 50% (I) Large shield 1D8+1D6 - 5 24 120% Magic Items: Keep them as they are, as life is too short to worry about them. Keep the Potions, if you like, or lose them, whatever you prefer. Passions: Add relevant Passions. Sor-Eel would have Loyalty (Red Emperor), Love (Eel Clan) and maybe Loyalty (City). He might even have a relationship with his cousin, Jar-Eel, so give him Love (Jar-Eel) or Resent (Jar-Eel). And that's about it. Keep it simple and don't try to minimax the conversion.
  22. Wikipedia says that Pike and the similar Muskellunge have a weight as shown by the formula below. Putting that into Excel, a 72 inch (1.83 m) Pike would weigh 101 lbs or 46 kg, equating to SIZ 7 if using the Adventurer Sizes chart on p52 of the RQG Rules. Doubling that to 144 inch (3.65 m) gives a weight of 394 kg, which is probably more like troll sized, in fact RQ3 says that this is SIZ 31. Muskellunge are even larger, with one the same length weighing 607 kg, or SIZ 36.
  23. They aren't anathema to Humakti, although the Humakti will aid non-voluntary ghosts to pass onward. They aren't Undead, and Humakt grants Bind Ghost as a Runespell.
  24. That means that anything could be Chaotic, and that way leads to madness. Surely, Storm Bull cultists can be trusted? If not, who can you trust?
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