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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I used Hell Pits of Night Fang in the Big Rubble and it worked really well. In Secrets of Dorastor: Hellwood, we put Broken Tree Inn near the edge of Hellwood, as we thought it fitted there. I have used Duck Pond on the edge of the Upland Marsh, with the plinths reclaiming some of the marshland, and Duck Tower within the Upland Marsh, as the march reclaimed the land. To be honest, I haven't used City of Lei Tabor in Glorantha, as, for me, it doesn't really fit.
  2. Thanks, yet another reason to purchase that fine work.
  3. I'll get in touch with him at some point, maybe for Hahlgrim's War.
  4. soltakss

    Kero Fin

    Thanks, that was roughly where I had it, from my map of the Sacred Mountains, although I didn't include the 650 mile circle, perhaps I should. In my Glorantha, the people of the Risklands are divided, with some looking to Kero Fin and some to Top of the World, which affects how they worship and what strength they can bring to ceremonies and rituals.
  5. It contains a lot of new material and a lot of repurposed material. Here is the Table of Contents:
  6. I think that anime art suits Glorantha really well
  7. There are several Art Packs for the Jonstown Compendium. Dario Corallo has 4 Art Packs: Art Pack 1 Art Pack 2 Art Pack 3 Art Pack 4 Martin Helsdon had 3 Art Packs, but I cannot remember if he has taken them down: Art Pack 1 Art Pack 2 Art Pack 3
  8. soltakss

    Kero Fin

    I'm looking at how the Rockwoods affect the lands in and around Dorastor and whether the people can see Kero Fin from various places, for my Risklands supplement. It's crazy how tall they are and how much of the land is in shadow in the morning.
  9. I would use Special Criticals, for personal and historic reasons. Criticals do normal damage, ignoring all armour. POW Gains would be 1D3 not 1D3-1 (I manage to overcome POW and manage to roll a successful POW Gain roll and get 0 POW - Aaaargh). Spirit Magic Matrices do not need a POWx5% roll and go off at SR1 + DEX SR. POW/CHA/Skill requirements for cult statuses are applicable as thresholds in order to reach the new status, but you do not lose the status if they fall below the thresholds
  10. I'd still use Magra as the Ancestress. Lord of Terror p85 hints at her being originally related to Vrimak.
  11. So, the consensus of opinion is that this is not a good idea. Shame, really.
  12. The Cult Compendium entry for Aldrya says for Lay Membership: For Initiates, it says: So, no mention of a rebirth into Aldrya. The Kyger Litor cult, in comparison, says: So, I don't see why humans joining Aldrya need to undergo a rebirth ceremony to become an Elf. They are accepted as Aldryami simply by being initiated. As such, they learn the Plant Rune, as Initiates of a Plant Rune Cult.
  13. I have run 2 RQ Campaigns without Argrath, although not for RQG. All I need to do to exclude Argrath is to get the Adventurers to do what he does in forthcoming supplements, easy-peasy. However, I am not running a campaign for a while, as I am doing a course which takes up too much time. When I do start, I am likely to run in, or around, Dorastor, and we'll see whether Argrath manages to muscle in on the Land of Doom.
  14. We are pleased to announce a new RuneQuest supplement: Secrets of Dorastor Personalities - Tactics. “The Personalities of Dorastor are horrifying in many ways. Each one fights in their own special way, and few know of all of their tactics. I am lucky that I have seen several of them fight, at dierent times, and have survived to tell the tale, normally by being far enough away to not be in the combat itself. Some of the Personalities are true monsters, transcending normality. Aranara, the Great Gorp, Heidi and the Chaos Dragon are examples of these. Such creatures are to be feared and avoided. ” Ickigore the Well-Travelled This RuneQuest supplement is a companion-piece to Secrets of Dorastor, including the major Personalities of Dorastor with an expanded portion of their Tactics, and beautifully illustrated by my art-partner, Dario Corallo. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/421217/Secrets-of-Dorastor-Personalities--Tactics?affiliate_id=66807&src=Stormspearia
  15. We are pleased to announce a new RuneQuest supplement: Secrets of Dorastor Personalities - Tactics. “The Personalities of Dorastor are horrifying in many ways. Each one fights in their own special way, and few know of all of their tactics. I am lucky that I have seen several of them fight, at dierent times, and have survived to tell the tale, normally by being far enough away to not be in the combat itself. Some of the Personalities are true monsters, transcending normality. Aranara, the Great Gorp, Heidi and the Chaos Dragon are examples of these. Such creatures are to be feared and avoided. ” Ickigore the Well-Travelled This RuneQuest supplement is a companion-piece to Secrets of Dorastor, including the major Personalities of Dorastor with an expanded portion of their Tactics, and beautifully illustrated by my art-partner, Dario Corallo. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/421217/Secrets-of-Dorastor-Personalities--Tactics?affiliate_id=66807&src=Stormspearia
  16. Mythic Iceland is well worth getting for extra flavour and advice on how to do things. You might need to adapt things for Vikings in Britain. Personally, I prefer BRP to Magic World, as I am not that keen on Stormbringer-style mechanics.
  17. They are Chaotic Beast Folk, in a similar way to Broo.
  18. I ran two campaigns through the Hero Wars, both were very different. In the first campaign, Argrath was seen as a rival to Brankist Farlow, one of the PCs, who wanted to rule Sartar in the same way that Solarus Skywatch, another PC, ruled Balazar. So, he set off to kill Argrath, aided by the other PCs. That done, Harrek swore vengeance on them and so they had to kill Harrek several times, before binding him into a Lunar Hell, despite none of them being Lunars. I think that Brankist lit the Flame of Sartar, with the help of one of Derak the Dark Troll's Salamanders. In the second campaign, the PCs were in Prax at about the same time as Garrath Sharpsword, who they new as a casual acquaintance. They just happened to do the same things that were attributed to Argrath in King of Sartar, so they set the Giant's Cradle in motion and led it to the Underworld, they stopped the Lunars from marrying Pavis to the Red Goddess, they founded the White Bull Society, they liberated Pavis, one Adventurer became King of Dragon Pass, eventually they tricked and killed the Red Emperor. At one point, they came upon Garrath Sharpsword drowning his sorrows in Gimpy's, telling everyone who cared to listen that "I could have been someone, if it hadn't been for those River Voices". Neither campaign suffered without Argrat8h being a major character.
  19. Every body of water has a Naiad, in my Glorantha, unless it has been destroyed. The Lunars killed a lot of their water spirits, for some reason. I doubt if many have cults, unless they are major lakes or rivers.
  20. I am writing up the Slime Deer Hsunchen for Dorastor. They aren't cursed, as such, as they are happy being able to turn into Slime Deer and to squirt acid from their neck holes, but some people might consider them cursed.
  21. Won't that be used in every thread?
  22. For me, Gor means Death, specifically Earthen Death. There was a fan cult of Kanak Gor, who followed Kanak, a man who saw the Gor rites and castrated himself, in a state of religious ecstasy, to become closer to the Gors.
  23. Yes, I was playing a game that started just after 2pm.
  24. From Tales of the Reaching Moon 1 ...
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