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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Because Wonderhome is perfect, as long as you keep away from the burning bits. Trolls can sit in the darkness and eat as much as they want all night. Why bother escaping from that?
  2. Both could be Humakti. Don't forget that Humakti can kill Humakti in battle. Of course they can. The honour is gained by carrying out a rightful execution, according to the law. Humakt is a god of Death and lawful execution is a good use for a Humakti. What do you see as the key difference between the first and the second bullet above? Other then your use of the term "slaughtering" instead of "fighting" the two situations seem similar to me. The first situation is where the opponent has been dragged out of bed, so has no armour or equipment, but just has a random weapon thrown to them. The second situation is where the opponent is fully armed and armoured, with equipment. They are two different situations.
  3. I saw an online version many, many years ago.
  4. And ostriches don't hide their heads in the sand. Of course, they do in my Glorantha, and lemmings can run off cliffs in a glorious stampede.
  5. No, I haven't used it, but it could work as a very basic Fantasy system. I have just used RuneQuest in other settings, and it works fine.
  6. It depends where you are. A Shaman in a Western Forest might be able to contact a Praxian spirit (don't ask me how) so might not know the name of the spirit, except what the spirit tells them. However, a Praxian Shaman contacting the same Spirit is likely to know all about it.
  7. Let's think about one problem at a time ...
  8. Yes, they can teach whatever Spirit Magic they grant. There may well be taboos about teaching the spells to those outside the Spirit Cults. Except that someone stole the ability to speak Old Wyrmish from a closed school and taught it to others, at least that's how I remember it. So, cult secret skills and spells can be taught to outsiders. However, as you say, there would be consequences. If, however, a minor spirit had the Sleep spell and taught it to worshippers, with a restriction that it could not be taught to anyone else, it might be harder to restrict. I wuld say that offenders would immediately fall asleep and would not awaken. In my opinion, yes, but they could not teach Sleep to anyone else, except to members of a Spirit Cult of Chalana Arroy. I think that a Spirit Cult would not teach all Spells. Instead it would only teach one Runespell, or maybe two if the Shaman makes a Special Worship roll. It would also teach one Spirit Magic spell. So a Spirit Cult of Chalana Arroy would probably teach befuddle, not Sleep, and one, or maybe two, of her Runespells. The worshippers would not get access to Associate Cult spells, or spells or skills from Sub Cults.
  9. There are some in my Glorantha. The dwarves helped Nysalor, after all, and built several fortresses in Dorastor (Fort Wrath and Bloodstone Fort). There is probably a Dwarven source for the Oilstream, just outside Dorastor, in the Rockwoods. They are covered in a bit of detail in Tales of the Reaching Moon 15.
  10. I call that Heroic Casting in Secrets of HeroQuesting. The spells cost the same in Magic Points as they would cost in Rune Points. In effect, your POW becomes a Rune Pool with which to cast those spells. In my games, having a power like Release Undead or Turn Undead would cost magic points, but immunity to the powers of undead would be free, not costing magic points.
  11. There are Chaos Dwarves in Dorastor and, I think, in the Tunnelled Hills.
  12. Yes, although Shamans, not Shamen, because English is funny like that. Yes, any spell that is granted by the Spirit. Yes. Yes. Yes. It is possible but usually unlikely. Oakfed is an example of a localised Spirit Cult (Prax) that provides almost as many spells as a small deity (Create Wildfire, Summon/Dismiss any Sized Fire Elemental, and sometimes Cremate Dead). Also, don't forget that Shamans can negotiate directly with Spirits (RQG p365), to worship the spirit costs MPs = Spirit's POW. Here are my house rules for this, which will appear in the forthcoming Holiday Dorastor: Foulvale supplement: I allow the Shaman to spend 1 POW to gain a Runespell from the Spirit. I allow a Shaman to maintain a Personal Tradition Rune Pool so that the Spirit becomes one of the several worshipped by the Shaman, instead of having to maintain many tiny Rune Pools. So, Waddler Bluefeather is a Durulz Shaman and worships Zola Fel via personal negotiation. She has a Personal Tradition Rune Pool with 1 Rune Point and has Breathe Air/Water. She encounters the Blue Hag, a malevolent Water Spirit, on the Spirit Plane and tries to negotiate with her, spending 150 MPs to match the Blue Hag's POW, and spends 1 POW to increase her Personal Tradition Rune Pool to 2 and gaining the Blue Hag's Drown spell. Later, she meets the Cork, a minor spirit with 50 POW, so spends 50 Magic Points to worship him, spending 1 POW and gaining his Float spell. Waddler Bluefeather now has a Personal Tradition Rune Pool of 3 Rune Points and can use them to case Breathe Air/Water, Drown, and Float. I also play that a Shaman can negotiate with an actual deity and gain one of the deity's Runespells. Of course, the POW of actual deities might be in the thousands, or tens of thousands, so a Shaman cannot spend that many Magic Points. Instead, I allow them to contact the deity and worship the deity by using a God Bundle, from Treasures of Glorantha, that allows the Shaman to interact with the deity as if founding a Spirit Cult rather than as a direct negotiation with a Spirit. The Shaman still spends 1 POW and gains a Runespell from their Personal Tradition Rune Pool, not a Rune Pool for the Spirit Cult. If the Shaman then founds a Spirit Cult that worships the deity, with other worshippers, the Shaman would spend another point of POW to gain a Rune Pool for the deity. In such a case, the Shaman would be able to cast the Rune Spell learned from the Personal Tradition using both the Personal tradition and Spirit Cult Rune Pools,. but would cast other spells using the Spirit Cult Rune Pool. So, Waddle Bluefeather decides to worship Zola Fel as a Spirit Cult, so that her family can worship her. She creates the Spirit Cult and spends 1 POW to create a Zola Fel Spirit Cult Rune Pool, and gains the Fireshield spell. She can cast Breathe Air/Water using both her Personal Tradition Rune Pool and her Zola Fel Spirit Cult Runepool, but can only cast Fireshield using her Zola Fel Spirit Cult Runepool.
  13. Thanks, p219 of the RQG Rules, in case anyone was interested. That pretty much clears it up. No need to invoke half-movement to negate the charge. I'd still allow a Trample or something associated with the charge.
  14. Ah, right, then I'd ignore that for charging. Personally, I ignore a lot of rules. If it is overly complex, or doesn't add to the enjoyment of the game, I drop it.
  15. I'm not sure where the half movement comes from. Why are you saying you can only charge for half your mount's movement in a round?
  16. I'm not sure where the half movement comes from. Why are you saying you can only charge for half your mount's movement in a round?
  17. In our River Voices (Arganauts) Campaign, the River Voices found the Land of the Giants. They then did some funky fertility stuff to quicken and enliven the Giants, with the result being a pregnant True Giant. They then found the Giant Cradles, each of which had a dead baby, as the Cradles were not allowed to pass down the Zola Fel. They had received a prophecy, or curse, that the next Giant Cradle to travel the Zola Fel would bring death, so they decided to sail the Giant Cradle with the dead Giant baby down the Zola Fel first, to absorb the curse. They ended up raising an army of undead that fought the Lunars who tried to stop the Cradle. I think they left it on the oceans and returned. They then took the newly born baby in a new Giant cradle and sailed it down the Zola Fel, facing off against opponents such as the Coders, Broo catapulted onto the decks of the Cradle, Dragonewt mercenaries, a seemingly indestructible Iron Dwarf with a suspiciously Austrian accent, and many more things. Starting the journey in Giantland meant that I could squeeze some extra encounters. They sailed the Cradle down into Magasta's Pool, onto the Styx, where they found a Waertagi Dragonship, but the size of a True Dragon, with a Golden Barge impaled in its side. They realised that this was a River Voice's Barge, from an earlier age, and tried to restore the Dragonship. After a few scenarios, they managed to fix it, rescued Dormal from the Hell he was trapped in, restored a lot of people, put a True Dragon's soul into the Dragonship and sailed it to the Heavens, thus restoring the Boat Planet and breaking the Closing. Of course, this took many sessions to accomplish.
  18. In my opinion, it was. God Learners were corrupted my many forces, Thanatar being one of them.
  19. We use Roll20 and Discord, if Roll20's sound plays up, which is often does. Roll20 has a nice RQG Character Sheet, which works well enough. The maps are easy to use and can be atmospheric. GMs just drop a map into the game and Adventurers can interact with it.
  20. What I would do: Have 0HPs as not dead, only die when you exceed your full HPs negatively, so someone having 15 HPs only dies at -16 HPs. Allow Healing to be used when someone is dead, until the end of the next round. Be generous with availability of healing potions and spells. Don't make everything about combat, that is not always the best part of the Game.
  21. Yes, I remember that. I absolutely hated the way it did movement, with quarter-turns, half-turns and so on. It made me feel like a little robot, turning and then moving, not flexible at all. Personally, I like having movement and melee mixed in together, as it makes for more exciting combats.
  22. Or overthinking it. RQG p54 says that a human can move 8 m per round walking, or 24 running. The human effectively moves 2m per SR. That means a Bidon, with Move 12, can move 12m per round walking, or 36m per round running. Now, 36m per round means that the bison moves at 3m per SR. RQG p219 says: So, to charge into combat so the rider can use a Lance means moving 20m, or using up 7 SRs, leaving a good 5 SRS with which to skewer one opponent and trample him beneath the Bison's hooves. Personally, I don't measure distances with a ruler in combat. If someone charges at their opponent on a Bison then I give them the charge bonus. But, as I often say, I am an extraordinarily benevolent and lenient GM.
  23. Secrets of Dorastor has the Stone Men, which are pretty close.
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