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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. So, you gain a Dishonourable Passion. Why bother with an Honour Passion that is going to be below 60% if you are not honourable?
  2. So, I would use other skills to emulate this. Homeland Lore, Culture and so on. If I had a clash then I would use my other Passions to see which one takes precedence. No, why should I track something using Honour if I don't have it? If someone is declared outlaw and is injured, but I heal them and put them under my protection, am I behaving honourably? Ami I following the hospitality or rules of the clan? Am I following the ways of the Healer and of Chalana Arroy?
  3. If the dice say so, then yes. However, I play that 0 HP is unconscious, not death, and that you have until the end of the round to become not dead, so even death is not-dead-yet. Players not so often. I haven't killed any Players at the gaming table, yet, but one did pass out through laughing, not my fault though. PCs can die, but I always like to be able to bring them back through Divine Intervention, Resurrection and so on. In my last non-Gloranthan campaign, the Adventurers did not die, but became quite ill a few times. In my last non-Gloranthan campaign, the Adventurers did occasionally die, but always came back again. Never. However, I do forget tactics and mess up things like when poison kicks in. Not deliberately, but I have a lot to think about as a GM. Not really, they are generally tedious. Sure, pit traps and so on are fine, but there had better be a good reason why they are there. Gone are the days of checking up, around and down for traps, every ten feet. Quite from our RQ2 Game: "Who's got the best Spot Traps?" "Oh, he's dead, he fell down a pit". Hur, hur, hur! I do like really tough monsters and use them all the while. My Players whinge about it and ask how they are expected to defeat them, but that's their problem not mine. I describe them as they are. I compare the SIZ to something similar, horse-sized, rhino-sized, mammoth-sized and so on. If they are armed, I quickly describe them. If I have a picture I show it to the Players. My GMing style? Cruel but kind.
  4. Ignore it, as Honour is not important to that Adventurers. My Chalana Arroy Adventurers doesn't have the Honour passion and he behaves just fine, Not all Adventurers have Honour.
  5. These look OK, but only go back so far. You could do one on a spreadsheet fairly easily. It all depends on what information you are trying to capture. A Mind Map might be a better way of capturing the relationships. https://www.ngsgenealogy.org/free-resources/charts/ https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk15/?requestHash=d8de0d611b61316e7b72923f9ccc9bac63cda149712f4a787d90974cac12f38d&projectId=1009767177&loader=tips&replace_gtm=false#d158f19953f5428cb77a667b6936afeb https://www.ancestrycdn.com/support/us/2018/03/anchart.pdf
  6. I use Excel, or Google Sheets. What I normally do is resize all the columns to 1 character, then arrange the Character Sheets into boxes of skills, spells and so on. It produces functional but nor pretty character sheets, so a lot of people would hate them.
  7. Pikes are absolutely fine in enclosed places. If you have four pike wielders in a tunnel, you can stop NPCs before they reach you. Corners are tricky, unless you have "snooker cue extension" pikes that you can unscrew and put together again easily. Shergar Sunhoof, Centaur Extraordinaire, used inflated bladders, Extended Breathe Air/Water and a Pike very successfully against sharks. It's amazing what the "Set Pike" rules do against a charging shark.
  8. People say this, but I don't understand. Personally, I find Strike Ranks intuitive and very easy to follow. The only bit I don't like is the big/fast Adventurer with a long weapon acting on SR 1 and then not doing anything for the rest of the round. That is the only unsatisfying part, for me. The rest is OK.
  9. Let's give the HeroQuesting rules a chance. I, for one, am eagerly waiting to see how they work and what we can do with them. As for Super RuneQuest, that isn't how I run HeroQuests, so I am not wed to them at all.
  10. That is an interesting post. My view is simple. I don't want to be playing a has-been in the Hero Wars, I would much rather be centre stage. So, for me, the idea of playing one of the Heroes makes sense. Other people think that is just awful and wouldn't enjoy that style of gaming, which is fair enough, whatever suits them is fine for them.
  11. Those are really good, perhaps even better that Jean M Auel's series, certainly more approachable.
  12. Or Gestetner! It still burns ...
  13. I have dropped a copy of this at the following link, for those who have purchased the POD version, or for people who haven't bought Secrets of Dorastor and would like to see the supplement. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BOWiPH6jN1sAlr5VQrnqgpf8InPNaALp/view?usp=sharing
  14. I have never cared much for sticking with the rules of the game, or rules as written (RAW). After all, what are the RAW? When the Quickstart came out, the RAW were the Quickstart rules. Then, RAW were the RuneQuest Glorantha rules. After that, the RAW were the RuneQuest Glorantha rules plus pages of errata and clarifications. Then the RAW included RuneQuest Glorantha plus errata/clarifications, plus Glorantha Bestiary. Then RAW included RuneQuest Glorantha plus errata/clarifications, plus Glorantha Bestiary, plus Weapons & Equipment. Soon RAW will include RuneQuest Glorantha plus errata/clarifications, Glorantha Bestiary, Weapons & Equipment, Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha and HeroQuesting rules. So, what is RAW? To me, it is a pretty meaningless concept. We have always used houserules in all of our campaigns and I will probably continue to do so. This means that all my supplements don't use RAW but use extensions of RuneQuest.
  15. Eiritha has worse combat spells, all about animals and elementals. They can't use most of the good combat Spirit Magic spells either. They get Shield from Storm Bull and a lot of healing magic. Engizi has some watery spells, but they are not much use away from the water. Lhankor Mhy gets no useful spells, just things about knowledge and stuff. Storm Bull gets spells useful against Chaos, but are pretty useless when not fighting Chaos, except they can get a bit angry. Yinkin can turn its hands into claws, which do less damage than weapons. It can also smell where other cultists have urinated, which is the best use of Identify Scent. Two of its associate cults don't grant it any spells, but allow cultists to take part in their Great Hunt.
  16. So, would you like me to go through the Personalities from Secrets of Dorastor and list the tactics that I think they would use in combat? Would that help? Apologies for waking up the thread, but I have put together a document that covered the Tactics of the Personalities of Secrets of Dorastor. It contains nearly 70 pages of notes about High Level Personalities and gaming. In it are: Expanded Tactics for all the Personalities from Secrets of Dorastor Some suggested tactics that can be used when playing RuneQuest Glorantha A quick review of the tactics from the excellent RQ2 RuneMasters supplement, which is recommended reading for anyone wanting to know about RuneQuest Glorantha tactics The latest Jonstown Compendium Wall of supplements It is a free download and can be found under Secrets of Dorastor. If you have already purchased this, it should appear in your Library as am update. Please let me know if anything is missing, or you want things adding.
  17. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a powergamer. It is about using the rules imaginatively to squeeze the best outcome out of a situation. Someone can be a powergamer and also be a good roleplayer, the two are not mutually exclusive.
  18. The horse would probably be fine, in my games. Sure, the human might smell funny, but all humans smell funny anyway.
  19. There are Facebook Groups that can help. Look at the Glorantha Fans or RuneQuest Groups.
  20. If you like the game and can afford a new supplement, I would recommend buying the PDF of the new RuneQuest, it is even better than RQ3. Or, download the free Quickstart rules. There is not much about Brolia, except what is in the Guide to Glorantha. There are some Voices documents, "What my [] told me" on the Well of Daliath. The Hsunchen ones would be useful, I think. Aside from that, the only articles on how such people think are in web discussions or in old fanzines that are difficult to buy. That can be easy. I wanted to see more of the world My tribe sends its young out into the world to experience how bad it is, so that we are thankful of our people when we return Raiders killed my family and I am hunting them I saw warriors covered with metal and they looked so shiny and nice that I had to see where they came from The Spirits gave me a mission/quest We each reached into a bag and took out a token, I must do what my token says I must return with a peacock feather to impress my intended mate
  21. I like the idea of Victory Points and spending them to achieve various effects. You could use the same method for non-combat skills, but the effects would be different. So, getting 2 Victory Points on a Climb might allow you to climb twice as far in one round, for example. The rules for criticals, specials and fumbles are OK, but it would be worth putting values into a spreadsheet to see what they mean in practice. It seems easy enough to work out whether something is a critical, special or fumble, though.
  22. Aww, hardly worth buying, then, for just 96 full cults. 🙂
  23. Where did the Giant get his Aurochs from? If the Adventurers know that, then maybe they can go to that source and get Aurochs from there. Not really. You take the role of Ulanin the Rider on the heroquest and they are enemies to Bergilmer the Giant. The giants eat humans and enslave them and are generally bad news. Surely, if they are doing things differently to the Red Cow clan, being different is important. Ulanin the Rider might be an enemy of the Giants, but maybe the Adventurers can perform a HeroQuest to become a Giant Friend, or could meet Bergilmer the Ginat on another HeroQuest and get a boon from him. They could then perform the HeroQuest, march up to his door and when he goes "Fee, Fi, Foe Fum, I smell the blood of a Rider Man" they just say "Hey, mighty Bergilmer, remember that boon you granted me, well I'm here to collect, matey". That's how I might do it, sneak in and pull out a couple of Aurochs. What, you can't get through the wall? Eurmal knows a trick about noticing a crack that wasn't there, that nobody could look at, and slipping through it, as he used it to get into The Only Old One's basement in the Castle of Black Glass. There are lots of ways to do this. You rock up as entertainers and have a couple dressed up as a pantomime cow, sneak your way in, the Giant notices you and puts you in the herd, you point out his mistake, everyone laughs, then you dress up the Auroch in the pantomime cow's outfit and lead it off, laughing all the way. You get the giant drunk and, while he is passed out, steal an Auroch or two. It might be the full benefit of that version of the HeroQuest, but skilled Adventurers might find a better way of doing it. HeroQuests are not to be slavishly followed. Pavis drove the giants out and built his city there. Dragons killed the giants in an ancient war. Bagog stung Dorasta's son and put him to sleep. I am sure there are myths about giving a giant drugged ale and sending him to sleep. Eurmal's trick might work. Gerak Kag was known for jumping onto walls and off again, so learn , or steal, a HeroQuest trick from him. Jaldon Goldentooth ate his way through the walls of Pavis, they could try that. Exactly. Great ideas. Definitely. Work out a strategy, use HeroQuesting to get the tools, abilities and tricks needed to achieve that strategy. Perform the main HeroQuest fully tooled up and expecting to win.
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