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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I would be tempted to play it for laughs. The Ernaldan servant bossing her mistress around, because she can. The Humakti trying his best to do a good job and asking questions in a very careful and stilted way, while making an Act roll. I apply Fairy Tale Logic to situations like this, as it works much better.
  2. I always thought of them as a squirming mass of red worms, so I'd make it a lot redder and angrier, also squirmier. However, I have no idea how you would make it angrier and squirmier.
  3. It's how I have seen Call of Cthulhu when I have played it, except at very serios convention games.
  4. They participated in the creation of Osentalka, acted as mercenaries for Nysalor/Gbaji, helped build the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends, assisted the Golden Emperor Dragon when he ruled Dara Happa, took part in the Dragonkill, policed the Inhuman Occupation of Dragon Pass, performed the Dragonewt Dream, and blasted open the doors to the Big Rubble. So, some quite heavy featuring to me.
  5. It could work, as Etyries is the daughter of Issaries. There is, of course, always the possibility of sabotage, or of taking the HeroQuest in unusual directions. It wouldn't, unless the participant wanted it to. It is possible that a HeroQuestor might need to roll Cult Lore (Issaries) to know something that could be used on the HeroQuest, and Cult Lore (Etyries) won't do, or has a big penalty, that would affect the HeroQuest but not in the way that you mean. What are the Runes of Etyries? I am not sure, but don't think she has the Moon Rune, so most of her Runes should be the same as Issaries. Her Passions are similar, but maybe the HeroQuestor has a moon-related Passion, which could cause some unusual behaviour on the HeroQuest.
  6. Thanks for the heads-up. I don't own that yet. What are some salient points from those rules (if you have the time Soltkass)? They are more about using Ritual Sacrifice to get specific magical effects. Want to cure a Plague? Sure, sacrifice a number of people and the deities will grant you magic to cure it. Want to lift the curse on a land? Go ahead and sacrifice the Ruler. Want to curse someone big time? Sacrifice 10 people to the right deities and they put a curse on your enemy. So, not really about sacrificing a lamb to get some mana or a little benefit, or even burning some sausages to make your deity happy.
  7. What I don't want to see in my Glorantha are the Funny Phobias from Call of Cthulhu. You know, where you see something, go a bit insane, roll a Funny Phobia and everyone else laughs at what you got. That doesn't feel Gloranthan to me, at all.
  8. Both, the faces of those they killed do a little dance around them at night, protecting them from attacks. Sure, if you want that kind of thing, then give them an appropriate Passion. That is the way we did it in How Humakt Learned to Grieve, which is basically how to deal with Gloranthan PSTD.
  9. Sometimes, but that is dangerous. Is all Chaos evil? Can you kill the Wild Healer of the Rockwoods because it is Chaotic? Are other things than Chaos evil? So, is the group of Gagarthi rampaging through your village not evil, because they are not Chaotic? I find that Evil = Chaos and Chaos = Evil misses a lot of subtlety.
  10. No, I don't use Sanity Rules in RuneQuest. The Adventurers are hardened to horror through repeated exposure. I keep Insanity for Lunar Madness effects.
  11. Medium range is half=skill, long range is halved again, aimed shot is halved again. So, someone with 100% skill has an aimed shot of 13%n at long range. Is that hard enough for you?
  12. In Prax, Eiritha is the Herd Mother, the goddess of Praxian herd beats. Elsewhere, she is the Herd Mother, the goddess of various types of cattle. Praxians visiting an Eiritha Temple in Sartar might be horrified to see her as a cattle-headed goddess. In Prax, Storm Bull is the father of the Khans, through Waha, and an ancestor of the spirits associated with the Tribes. Outside Prax, he is just a killer of Chaos. So, Praxian Storm Bulls might be miffed to find that the Mythology of Storm Bull misses out on him being an ancestral deity. Daka Fal, for me, is a god of families, so is worshipped according to the local culture. A Praxian Baboon Shaman of Daka Fal would see very little of their Daka Fal in the Ancestor-worship found in Yelm families, for example. Orlanth is found almost everywhere in Central Genertela. Most of his worship will be the same, but will vary depending on the particular Heortling culture of the area. Praxian Orlanthi see Orlanth as Little Brother, a friend of the mighty Storm Bull. Sure, they know of his other myths, but the important one is of being Storm Bull's kin. Heortling Orlanthi in Parax, for example those of Pavis and Pavis County, have more of a traditional Orlanthi approach and see Orlanth as being King of the Gods, a Lightbringer, bladiblah, but also recognise him as being Storm Bull's most important brother. Some deities are more recognisable everywhere. So, Issaries is probably the same, or similar, all over.
  13. Not necessarily. Eurmal grants Charisma, as he is a smooth-talking, smarmy, con-man. Donandar is a performer, so I can see that Charisma is useful, but should it be a core spell? I don't think so, as Donandar is about performing, rather than individual showing off. However, a house rule that Eurmal is Associated with Donandar and gives Donandar Charisma would be fine.
  14. Not for the purposes of joining Yelm, though, as that needs to be through the male line. I would guess that there are a lot of men in Peloria who descend from Yelm but cannot join the Yelm cult, as their descent comes partially thorough the female line.
  15. I would just contact the Cult of Chaos and say that you are running a game, or have run a game. Don't mention what language you ran the game in.
  16. To be honest, I just let it happen. I have little interest in stopping a HeroQuest by having people fail to roll. I just use a HeroQuest as a Runespell that can be cast with an appropriate Rune, nothing more complex than that. If you want to, use the sacred place and time modifiers, anything to boost the chance of starting the HeroQuest. Even if they fail to cast the spell, they should be able to try again. Starting the HeroQuest should require something magical, but that's about it. Resource gathering etc should help to succeed on the HeroQuest, nit to start it, in my opinion.
  17. Interesting. In the travelogues in Cults of Prax, it mentions that a Humakti became a wraith, I think, and the merchant was shocked as he was a Humakti.
  18. In my Glorantha, almost everyone has a variant of the Horns of the Bull/Wings of the Eagle, where the head makes an attack and the wings/horns sweep around. It is almost a secret technique that everyone knows about.
  19. Something is Chaotic if Storm Bulls can Sense it. If they can't Sense Chaos then it isn't Chaos. There has been a recent trend, over the last 20 years or so, where performing despicable acts makes you Chaotic. Personally, I don't really subscribe to that idea. For me, Chaos is more absolute.
  20. I'd definitely let a Donandar cultists augment weapons skills with their stage skills, if they have said that they specialise in those kind of things.
  21. They aren't widespread in the real world, by any means, but could be in Glorantha. The Hydraulophone is relatively new, but I can see it in Water Temples. The Jal_tarang is played by striking the edges of partly-filled ceramic bowls. The Water Tube Piano is also interesting. Yes, River Deities and Lake Deities are most commonly encountered. Sound travels well underwater, so might be important. I can see Triolini instruments being percussion based, with some using bubbles to make sounds. Instruments mimicking things like whale song might be found, although I have no idea how they would make them. Thanks, I'll look for that. According to Facebook, we do, although I can't find a link to the post.
  22. That sounds like an interesting project. The only lyrics I can remember are the Orlanthi Poetry and some hymns to various deities. Donandar was given a full writeup in White Wold, or Different Worlds, I can't remember which, and is in Cult Compendium p 241. It should feature in the upcoming Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha. Heretically, Indlas Somer has a music-performing subcult, in Different Worlds. Some say he isn't Gloranthan, but where's the fun in that? Harmony is a rune associated with music due to the Harp of Harmony that was played by Yelm. Illusion could work, as it allows you to play with sounds and how they work. For me, Elemental Cults have sacred music that is based on elementally-linked instruments. So, Darkness music is associated with Darkness especially with drums. Troll music has notes that they can hear but humans simply feel. Imagine Throat-Singers whose sounds cannot be heard but rumble in your stomach. Water cultists might have tubes partly-filled with water, that vibrate at different notes when rubbed. Earth cultists might have bells and tambourines, I am not sure why, that's how I see them. Fire/Sky cultists have stringed instruments, specifically harps, lyres and lutes. Air cultists use wind instruments, whistles, pipes, horns, bagpipes and so on. Also bear in mind that a cult's relationships with other cults might affect their music. So, Orlanth and Ernalda have a strong bond, so their cult music might be a mixture of Earth and Air music. Each area or culture would have different music and they would probably be instantly recognisable. Some of the music might sound very different to us. In the real-world, for example, Eastern European singing uses a different scale, so can sound off-key. I am an unrepentant folkie and one of the delights of spending time in Russia was a TV programme that they had where they went to different parts of Russia and showcased the folk songs and folk music of that region. I'd watch it every week, just lost in the different melodies, rhythms and styles of the music, and the glorious traditional folk costumes they wore. Many regions have multiple musical traditions., So, in Peloria, for example, Horse Nomads ruled the lands at the Dawn and during the Third Age, so some areas might have some horse nomadic musical styles, either overtly or covertly, it some might emphasise traditional styles to show that they were not affected by nomadic musical styles. One last thing to remember is that modern music is very different to ancient music. My brother bought me a cassette of authentic Viking music, let's just say that music has come a long way.
  23. I don't necessarily agree. Donandar Adventurers are about performing, infiltrating, using Illusions. If they want to heal they should learn Healing magic. Having said that, I'd give them basic Common Runemagic, such as Heal Wound and Dismiss Magic. All cults should get Spirit Block, as Flesh Man gave that to all deities.
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