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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I've always thought that it makes you stand out by making you shimmer.
  2. There are several views: Ghosts are not undead Binding a Ghost stops it flying around causing trouble Humakti Warriors can remain in an area and guard it forever Of course, it all falls down when you try to take it to its logical extremes. For example, Wraiths are like Ghosts but are classed as Undead, so a Humakti can become a Ghost but not a Wraith. I wouldn't overthink it and, if it is a problem in your game, just ban the spell. Few Adventurers are likely to take it, anyway, unless they have lots of Rune Points.
  3. It used to give +1AP/point to the shield, so that might be worth trying.
  4. Write your own stats and ignore those official stats you don't like. If you feel uncomfortable about it, put the reasons why you have done it in a side-bar, author's comment or footnote.
  5. Scenarios are the biggest thing for me, although I am embargoed from reading them. I would buy writeups of areas or places, as general background material. Prax is an area that I don't think gets a lot of material on the Jonstown Compendium. But, I buy every Jonstown Compendium supplement, so I am not really representative.
  6. I set my budgets at guaranteed Copper Sales (51 copies) and probably going to get Silver Sales (101) eventually. Anything more for me is a bonus. However, I don't figure in payments to authors, as I normally either write my own material, or split the royalties 50/50 with other contributors.
  7. Interestingly enough, RuneQuest Glorantha uses a mixture of generic and specific skills. So, it has 1H Axe, 1H Hammer, 1H Mace and 1H Spear but has Broadsword, Kopis, Rapier and Shortsword as separate skills, presumably because swords are "special" in some way.
  8. Interesting, the Charter excludes Revolution D100 because Revolution does not use the SIZ Characteristic.
  9. I would make it an opposed roll of some kind, to see whether the Control/Dominate/Command or possessing spirit takes precedence.
  10. It was effectively a divine trial, but was done in a mundane way in our game. I suppose it could have been done as part of the HeroQuest but the Player was not keen on HeroQuesting with the Red Emperor.
  11. an interesting point. What was his arguments ? And to whom he put forward his argument ? (gods ? priests ?) He used Firshala's ancestor spells to work back to Balazar, to prove that he was a direct male-line descendant of Balazar. Then he used a HeroQuest to prove that Balazar did things that only a Yelm cultists could do, therefore Balazar was a Yelm Cultist. It was nearly 30 years ago, so I can't remember all the details. I think he demonstrated it to the Red Emperor, who is the Great High Priest of Yelm, and he accepted the proof.
  12. One of the PCs in my Dorastor/Balazar Campaign did exactly that. He proved that he was a direct, male-line descendant of Balazar, then proved that Balazar was a Yelm cultist.
  13. Cost is one factor, lighter armour normally costs less. Acceptance is another factor, some places, such as Pavis, frown on people wearing heavy armour. Thieves, and other people who sneak around, are less affected by some lighter armour than others.
  14. I use extensions to RQ to make High Level Play easier and more interesting, so all my material needs to take that into account.
  15. Birds can fly, and are associated with Fire/Sky via Vrimak, so bird cultists might be able to fly. They probably joined the True Golden Horde and perished in the Dragonkill.
  16. I didn't know that Ironhoof was descended from Orlanth. Are some centaurs closely related to the Storm Rune or Fire Rune? They are closely associated with the Best Rune, of course.
  17. I tried it but had the same problem. In the end, I decided that the margins looked OK, anyway, as they are.
  18. Why ever would you want that in a game?
  19. If that were true then there would be no more reason for the Dormal Cult to cast their Open Seas Ritual, and the cult would likely fold inside a decade. Probably, yes.
  20. Okay, the minute you turn on Path Watch, the whole ocean lights up as an inimical threat to your existence because of the Closing. Not if you cast Open Seas first, or if the Boat Planet has risen. I have come across GMs with this kind of attitude and it is so frustrating.
  21. Sensible people cast it in this order: Shield, then Countermagic, as the Countermagic stacks with the Countermagic in the Shield spell. Fools cast it in this order: Countermagic, then Shield, as the Shield spell knocks down the Countermagic. I suppose you could say that this is your spell, so does not affect the Countermagic, so they still are both in effect. I wouldn't, personally.
  22. Yes, we played that. It was a good tactic for PCs and a devastating one for NPCs.
  23. There are ways around that. I had a Golden Mirror in our last Gloranthan campaign, which allowed Sunspears to be cast on it and stack, just to get the effect described in King of Sartar. But, I prefer a high-powered game, so that is the sort of thing that becomes routine.
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