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Everything posted by RosenMcStern

  1. As the inventor of this method, I thank you for your appreciation πŸ™‚ You can have it scale over 100 by adding extra conditions (ex. add double 1 for 110%, double 2 for 120%, etc.), but it becomes a bit clunky. As for avoiding to roll a third die, it is very easy: Easy roll (Advantage in D&D): you succeed if either your roll or your flipped roll is under your skill; Hard roll (Disadvantage in D&D): you succeed if both your roll and your flipped roll are under your skill. Easy peasy.
  2. Honestly, I would not apply the cumulative -30% to the fixed shiled defence against arrow fire. Regardless of the wording, these percentiles represent a general chance of the projectile hitting the shield rather than some active defence on the part of the target. You mighty object that this makes someone kneeling behind a large shield almost invulnerable to missile fire, but this is exactly what happened with legions or phalanxes: even when showered with arrows, they took very few casualties.
  3. You have imagined it. It is included in no version of the rules I am aware of, and believe me I have read most of them carefully. However, what a character can do in case of lacking a CA for a defense is exchanging a Hero Point for an extra Combat action. However, in the case of a NPC it must be a bad guy who is important enough to have Hero Points.
  4. I have just posted photos of the print proofs of the comic books on the Kickstarter page. The game book is ready, it needs only editing now. It just took five years and a half longer than expected. 😳
  5. Red Moon Rising will be out earlier, and it has a simplified ruleset while keeping the core concepts. For instance, it does not have hit locations. It may be a better opportunity for understanding the crunchiest parts. We have worked a lot on making things clearer.
  6. Unfortunately, direct sales from us are suspended because of the change of ownership of the license (see the other thread). We managed to stock distributors before it expired, as buying from a reseller is legit even after the license is no longer active, but the game has distributors for French and Italian only, so I do not know whether you can find it in any shops.
  7. The SRD is very, very close to its final form, after which it will require editing. It will certainly be out in 2023. I am taking advantage of all this noise about the OGL to find a motivation to move forward.
  8. Scared? Do not worry, it is nothing more than a mandatory name change. If you are interested in one of our announced games, rest assured that it will happen. Effective January 1st 2023, the legal entity known as Alephtar Games has ceased operations. The reasons why are very technical and it is useless to tell them here. Suffice to say that all trademarks and intellectual property have been transferred to a new legal entity that will do business as Cloud Games. In fact, Cloud Games was already operating as supplier of our products in France, but the general public was not aware of this, as Chathulhu and Dynamic D100 are still sold with the Alephtar Games logo. The Alephtar Games brand remains usable and we will continue to use it. The new brand will start to appear only once we have created a new logo and stuff, so no urgency. Products in the pipeline are unchanged. Red Moon Rising RPG is progressing and we hope to make it happen this year, which would mean that it is six years overdue. We apologize with backers for the delay. NB, I know that I have already said before that it would be out within the year, but this time we have the comic book at the printer, and the manuscript for the game is 1500 words away from completion. A revised edition of Dynamic D100, with a supplement, is expected at the same time. Both Red Moon Rising and Dynamic D100 will contain the new Revolution D100 core. As soon as these are out, we will release a SRD for v2.0 of Revolution D100, and then crowdfund a new commercial edition. Late 2023 or more likely 2024. For the new edition of Revolution D100, we hope to have the new Paizo- and Chaosium-sponsored Open RPG Creative License available to publish the SRD as open game content on a solid legal basis. We fully support that initiative and are very happy that Chaosium does, too. We also have new partners and collaborators. We will introduce them in due time. That’s all for today, folks.
  9. Check the Faeries of Merrie England. Simon has managed to make them quite flavourful.
  10. I am not sure. I have not checked with Rolecat and will not do so until we are ready to go.
  11. Clarifications, since someone asked: the SRD will be updated before the first crowdfunding; the genre packs mentioned are just examples, if there is more interest in historical fantasy we might start with that, or go in another order.
  12. Let us make a little summary of the seminar, and explain what will happen to Revolution in the future. The first part of the seminar was about the past. I talked about what happened with Alephtar in the 13 years since we started using this brand. We spoke about the Mongoose license, the Chaosium license, and what was good and not so good with these product lines. I would rather not bother you with these points. They belong to the past. The future, then. I reiterated that some change is coming, and explained why. For technical reasons, Alephtar Games cannot go on as a single owner operation as it has been so far. All its assets and trademarks must be transferred to a new legal entity, with a new administrator. This process has already begun and will be complete within 2022, although not much will change for customers. The next products might have a new brand attached to them, but the Alephtar brand will survive for historical reasons. What is in the publishing pipeline, then? As announced, the international and revised edition of Revolution D100 will appear after the two licensed products, Dynamic D100 and Red Moon Rising. Let us see what is happening to these two products. The license for Dynamic D100 is being renegotiated with Dynamic Planning. We are asking for permission to publish one supplement in 2023. Dynamic D100 will be targeted mostly at the French and Italian markets, with the two localizations being available since 2021. The long overdue Kickstarter for Red Moon Rising will see the delivery of the first rewards in 2022, at last. An announcement is imminent on Kickstarter. The complete fulfilment is expected in 2023. Like Dynamic D100, Red Moon Rising will be a stand-alone game which contains a subset of the Revolution D100 rules. This game will be in English only. Once both these games are out via the distribution channels, we will launch the International edition of Revolution D100 with a crowdfunding campaign. The English, Italian and French editions will appear together. We are aiming at a mixed strategy with regard to supplements, with both full games with integrated rules and setting and splatbooks that require the core rulebook. The purpose of the core rulebook remains that of letting you create your own game world. However, we will try to publish β€œgenre packs” and ready-to-play settings and campaigns. Apart from Red Moon Rising, the Shade Land and Rise of the Yokai Koku are examples of these and might be expanded in the future. Our intention is to release genre packs at a rate of one per two years, or even one per year if we can. Ideally, each genre pack should have its own crowdfunding campaign. So we might have the core book in 2023, then high fantasy in 2024, then science fiction in 2025, and so on. One or more example settings should be in each genre pack.
  13. The thread about Eternal Con now has news in it. Everything was delayed, but things are still in the pipeline.
  14. The scheduled time is Sunday 5th of June 2022, 10:00 AM Central European Time. The stars will be right!
  15. After a 11-year hiatus, this year I will be at Castle Stahleck on the Rhine, for Eternal Con. I have planned a short seminar during which we will talk about the joys and frustrations of being a small publisher between inthe second decade of the 21st century, for those who do not know Alephtar Games, and about our plans for the future, for those who know us. All attendants are invited. There will be lots of exciting news. And if you are a subscriber of our long-delayed kickstarter, don't worry: there will be good news for you. Eternal Con is on June 3-6 at Bacharach, Germany. All Durulz and Deep Ones are welcome.
  16. I think Loz has a point here. Failed attacks are rewarded too liberally in this system. Also, Pippin the Swift who dodges Brutus the Ogre while wearing no armour becomes mincemeat even with half damage. The big problem in BRP has always been how to reward the brave swashbuckler who dares combat while wearing just a t-shirt. Here his reward is a quick death at best πŸ™‚ In any case, it is only after you have written down a complete and detailed list of effects that you can know whether the system as a whole is balanced.
  17. I confirm that this sounds good, but it can be further simplified. Also, it is essentially an alternative version of the special effect system found in Legend, Mythras and Revolution. I explain the thing in detail: 1. Instead of forcing a digit flip and introducing the concept of Intensity, you can simply say that: All successes ending in 0 are criticals All successes ending in 1 or 2 are specials All failures ending in 0 are fumbles Talking about success levels rather than victory points would make the concept clearer. 2. I suggest you look at the free versions of Mythras (Imperative) or Revolution D100 (SRD), they contain many more special effects. Also be careful as Ignore Armour and Maximise damage should cost more than one point. In this way you obtain the effects of a special or critical with a simple success if unparried. PM me (in Italian) for more info.
  18. Nerun, this is a very interesting initiative. But a charter/logo that encompasses all "open" D100 systems makes sense only if it is approved/used by all publishers and/or maintainers of said system. I am not necessarily against the initiative, but we should involve more publishers if we want to make it significant. Also, that logo becomes illegible once you shrink it. The simplicity of peterb's logo is better.
  19. There are no further published adventures for Stupor Mundi. I am unsure about republishing them because there have already been multiple editions. On the other hand Crusaders of the Amber Coast could see a reprint within the Medievalia D100 line. Please stay tuned, we may have some news soon.
  20. Except that it is not true. The copyright statement in all MRQ products states that the text is copyright Mongoose publishing, and the trademark is owned by Issaries. In no place whatsoever of any books of the original MRQ product line does a copyright note saying "(C) Issaries Inc." appear. Copyright is a very simple thing. You write the thing, you publish it with your copyright note, it belongs to the guy or legal entity mentioned in the note. And the note says Mongoose Publishing Ltd. It is certainly a better idea to use the Legend SRD (the rules are better), but usage of the original Mongoose SRD is legit.
  21. The multiple parry rule is already present in BRP. In fact, it was ported to RuneQuest from BRP or Stormbringer, as RQ2 or 3 did not have that rule.
  22. Legend, OpenQuest and Revolution D100 are published under a on-repudiable OGL that has survived, so far, the test of time. You can base your work on these variants and tweak them as you like. The only drawback is that your game will not be labeled as "coming from that orifinal idea by Ftafford, Perrin et al.", although everyone will know it is coming from there.
  23. For a low crunch alternative, I think the best option is Magic World. It tries to remain simple, and is derived from a game based in a grim setting. You could use Rd100 for such a game, if you manage to fine tune the crunch factor, but I would rather recommend that you start with the Shade Land supplement. It is a high magic world, full of dark and secretive cults, and even has a variant Corruption system called Change. Not so different from the WHFRP concept.
  24. I have already had to answer this question for Dynamic D100 this month. Perhaps it deserves a specific box in the next iteration of the rules. Punches and natural weapons are not meant for "punching someone to death". The rules do not allow you to use fists to obtain the same results you could achieve with a morning star or broadsword. Tavern style brawls are better resolved with Basic Combat. However, there will be times when you must go unarmed and/or unarmored against an armed opponent. This may be useful in three ways: Use fists and kicks to slow your opponent down. 1 or 2 points of damage will not incapacitate you, but subtract from your SR, preventing a counterattack later in the round. Use a Grapple effect on a successful Brawl to catch your opponent, or to grab his weapon and disarm him, or even better to steal his weapon and reverse the situation. Use Stun to drop your opponent's SR to zero and then using Subdue on the next attack. This will end the fight with your victory, no matter the disparity in equipment.
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