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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. One long detail look at the (in)famous prince before she is history.
  2. We we ALL know what that means: "Left Leg" 😉
  3. With Scotts clarifications (thanks Scott!) Dullblade becomes a much more useful spell for me. Get Dullblade 4 and have the weapon of the enemy weakened by 4 points and his attack skill by 20%... and he can´t resist it. Great!
  4. RAW: POW vs. POW: A spellcaster attempting to directly influence the mind or body of their target must use the resistance table to overcome the POW of the target with their own POW. Dullblade, like Bladesharp does not only alter the damage the weapon can do (that would be just a spell on the weapon, with no POW vs. POW nessessary), but it alterns also the chance to hit by 5% per point, which IMHO affects the skill of the character weilding the weapon, and therfore needs a POW vs. POW roll. Maybe i am wrong... put altering skills counts for me as "attempting to directly influence the mind or body of their target".
  5. To me it means just that you have not to use the POW of the weilder, but of the spirit. I read it as: If the weapon has a spirit in it, the SPIRIT´S magic points must be overcome for the spell to work. (... otherwise it´s the weilders points...)
  6. IMHO the difference is what the default is: The default for five of the seven Lightbringers seems to be worshipping them as individual deities. The other two Lightbringers are worshipped only in the worship of the Lightbringers as a group. It seems to me that Lay Membership worship is directed at the Lightbringers as a group, and but individuals can only initiate to separate cults, not the "Lightbringers-Cult". The default for Seven Mother worship seems to be initiation to the group as a whole. Individual initiation to six of these is possible, if you are is a devoted worshipper of a specific aspect of the Seven Mothers, but is less common.
  7. That was exactly what i was thinking the second i read the original comment.
  8. A mother who sees her toddler playing with a knife could cast dullblade. Doesn´t damage the weapon.
  9. I will but two sets (in englisch), and at least three sets in german (it was already announced, that the next product in line after the slipcase trio of books will be the Stater Set).
  10. If i am allowed to summarise: What do fans get what they don´t have if they already own the RQG slipcase? "Book 1: Rules" (64 pages, includes nothing that isn´t already covered in RQG) "Book 2: Glorantha" (64 pages, of which 25 are repeated/summarised info from RQG --> 39 pages are NEW content!) "Book 3: SoloQuest" (60 pages, ALL NEW!) "Book 4: Adventures" (three adventures in 84 pages, all NEW!) Total of 272 pages in 4 booklets. 89 pages reprinted info, 183 NEW STUFF! + 14 PreGens (7 old friends, and 7 NEW!) + empty chacter sheets in the new format! + Maps! + Strike Rank Tracker! + Short list about Runes + ... I only see reasons to buy this box, no matter if i want to start playing RQG with this box, or if you are a RQ veteran. SOOO much new stuff! And have i mentioned NEW ARTWORK?
  11. "Six Seasons in Sartar" is a GOLD seller (501+), how can it be that "The Company of the Dragon" hasn´t made it to Electrum in 4 weeks? I thought that AT LEAST 50% of all buyers of "Six Seasons in Sartar" would instabuy "The Company of the Dragon" in the first week. If you liked Six Seasons, you will love Company. The book (which i call "The RuneQuest Glorantha Prequel Book", because it covers the years 1920 to 1625, and the official RQG starting point is 1625) is brilliant! Go, get it, it´s only one click away: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/350649/THE-COMPANY-OF-THE-DRAGON?affiliate_id=1800438
  12. I STILL wouldn´t translate the title of the game. It´s "Warhammer" not "Kriegshammer". It´s "Traveller" not "Reisender". It´s "Dungeons & Dragons" not "Kerker & Drachen". etc.
  13. Bought it. Just out of curiosity what my polish neighbours do. 🙂
  14. Very simple: RuneQuest is translated as RuneQuest and not Runenqueste. So i wouldn´t translate the name of the game et all... just end a subtitle: "Lord of the Middle Sea - Rollenspiel in den postapokalyptischen Inselstaaten" or something like that...
  15. I will do whatever i can to give the german edition a good start, and keep promoting. RQ (and BRP in general... except CoC) is not very well known in germany... with the new RQ edition now is the time to change that!
  16. Me thinks that the "Das Schwarze Auge" art crew had this western picture as their reference image also. International nobody will notice the coincidence of the DSA box cover and the RQ Starter Set book cover. In germany the coinicidence might have a POSITIVE (nostalgia) effect for the product. We will have to wait and see (Uhrwerk Verlag already mentioned that the Starter Set will be the next RQ products after their three initial releases: core book, GM Pack and Bestiary).
  17. The cover of book one looked familiar. Now i figured out why ("Die Helden des Schwarzen Auges", Rulebook of "Das Schwarze Auge 2nd Edition" 1988):
  18. My first thought when i heared about the Chaosium boardgame (back in the eary 1990s): A wargame about who of Rome, Greece, Egypt, Spain, etc. get to control the sea? Middle Sea is the word for word translation of "Mittelmeer", the german name for the Mediterranean Sea, and my english was much worse by then.
  19. Interpret itr that way: ONE Elder Sign: good TWO Elder Signs: cancel themselves out... you are in trouble
  20. If you don´t like a rule in your D100 game (or in your case: your players are to afraid to use it) have a look how other D100 games are handle this. BRP, OpenQuest and CoC doesn´t have augments, but RQ6/Mythras has. You can augment one skill by another skill with 1/5th of the value of the skill you augment with. If you have a skill of 60%, you can augment another by 12%. No roll required, not penalties for failure, but a much lower bonus than what an augment in RQG could give. Maybe you can suggest this to your players. I would stick with the RQG rules set, and augment with skills/rules above 65%... except when i am desperate.
  21. In Germany: Stormbringer was published from 1989 to 1992 with 5 supplements. RuneQuest 3 was published 1991 to 1995 with 5 supplements. RuneQuest 6 was published in 2015 and continues to be supported in its MYTHRAS transformation, but is published by a gaming club in VERY low print runs. BRP never made it into german. In germany BRP is only a footnote so far (except for Call of Cthulhu, first published in 1986 in german, which is HUGE in germany). We, the BRP/D100 fans, hope that this will change with RQG being published in german later this year.
  22. The best thing i would like the boxed set to be is: Two different editions. One box, like the CoC Starter Set (softcover booklets, pamphlets, sheets, and dice). One or two hardcover books, collecting all the booklets texts, plus some additional sheets and maps in a slipcase (like in the GM Screen Pack*). No dice needed, because this would be for people that are already into RQG. But i understand, that from a business prospective it would be to expensive, and therefore i am happy to buy the boxed set. 🙂 * I would have liked to have the GM Screen Pack Adenture Book in Hardcover, too. I am not complaining about what i got, i state what would have made me even more happy!
  23. I, as the chairman of the Chaos Society (aka RuneQuest-Gesellschaft e.V.) don´t support this idea! "The Widow´s Tale" is IMHO such a great story, such a good Glorantha representation that it deserves better than merely being republished by a fan organisation. Maybe, one day, The Widow´s Tale" will be available in a larger print run, and with the Pendragon dragon logo and the publisher name "Chaosium" on it´s spine. That is what i would like to see for this story.
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