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Everything posted by AndreJarosch

  1. Der Uhrwerk Verlag startet das Crowdfunding für die deutsche Edition von "RuneQuest: Rollenspiel in Glorantha" diesen Freitag den 18. September um 12:00 Uhr! Beteiligt euch FRÜH und HOCH (wählt GLEICH das Dankeschön, welches ihr haben wollt, und nicht erst einen "Platzhalter" für Kleingeld, um später eure Unterstützung anzupassen). Die StrechGoals hängen von einem guten Start ab. Und ich bin mir sicher ihr wollt ALLE StretchGoals erreicht sehen. :-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uhrwerk Verlag will start the crowdfunding of the german editon of "RuneQuest: Rollenspiel in Glorantha" on Friday September 18th at 12:00 (local time). Maybe there are collectors out there that will back the german edition, even if they can´t read german. :-) https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf195/runequest-rollenspiel-in-glorantha.html
  2. "Schrein der Varräter-Götter" too. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/328208/Schrein-der-VerraterGotter--Mythras-Kurzregeln
  3. While it may not help you now, but it is rumoured that the default setting of the upcoming swedish edition of RQG will be Fronela. Apparently the reknown authors Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersén plan to write a Fronelan setting book, according to this article (let your browser translate it into english): https://eloso.se/gunilla-jonsson-och-michael-petersen-skriver-unikt-runequest-material-for-eloso/?fbclid=IwAR244qhuIWcPd31ZNFH4k5QQXBfeCZmyMVMaTSF8BBeDo1Y7E5CZAvh_q4E
  4. EVERYBODY has a chance of 25% when picking up a gun and shoot to hit something. No other experience required.
  5. Storm Tribe credits page doen´t give clear credits as to who the author of the Babs Cult was...
  6. Yes, that is Nick, you, and me (and lot´s of old fans), but i am thinking of people that are newly recovering Glorantha for themselves, and don´t have years and years of experience in running RQ and/or HQ.
  7. All other HQ Glorantha books (and IMHO Fonrit) should be published as RQG books. Because it is no problem for a HQG game master to pick up a RQG book, and run it as it is... ignoring the stats, but it requires a lot of time and efford to make up the lacking stats in a HQG book for RQG. But IMHO Dragonrise should be published as a HQG book, because it takes place before the default starting year of RQG... and it would wrap up the HQG line very nicely.
  8. Oh, i did know that, but had forgotten it... silly me.
  9. Any chance to incorporate the additional texts from the Gloranthan Classics line in these supplements (most notable "RuneMasters" and "Griffin Mountain")?
  10. A longer aerticle was written by Greg in 2004: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/greg-sez/postcards-from-glorantha/
  11. The "Sartar Homeland Sourcebook" was mentioned numberous times by Jeff but is missing in the the list of upcoming products.
  12. I would like to see all future glorantha publications as RQ books*, because you can easily ignore the RQ stats and make up numbers to use RQ supplements for HQ, but it isn´t as easy the other way around. One exception: IMHO the "Dragon Rise book" that filles the gap of events of 1625 should be published as a HQ book.
  13. Think of it like a RPG based upon a TV show: The episodes of the TV show are canon, the adventures you play in that setting are not.
  14. Added Sandheart Vol. 3 and Dregs of Clearwine to the JC map.
  15. The german edition of Mythras is printed in germany, and there have been no quality issues i have seen or heared about so far.
  16. "The Rostakori Clan" added to the JC-Map
  17. Updated the JC-Map in the original post (waited for "Secrets of Dorastor" to be available to make this update). The maps are RQ maps... but i included "Valley of Plenty", even if it was written for HQ rather than RQ.
  18. Which should be mentioned in the adventure text as optional...
  19. "Pandelume or True Dreams or The RuneQuest Movie" was not by Greg Stafford, but by Christopher Gore (of FAME fame) Greg sponsored Conventions with a copy of this script now and then. It is a movie script in 58 scenes. IMHO it isn´t very gloranthan, runequestish or good.
  20. The "second part" I Skugga Hrafnisins is also very good.
  21. It´s a very good ctholoid movie too!
  22. The indian movie "Bahubali" represents for me best what Glorantha and RuneQuest COULD look and feel like.
  23. Updated JC-Map to include "Vinga´s Ford"
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