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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. How exactly do you become not a lay member of Humakt if you can wield a sword?
  2. Just the one point of rune magic, or the twenty-something magic points put into the percentage?
  3. The Boggles are not Chaos. They are actually very effective in destroying Chaos. It is hard to say whether they discriminate between Chaos and normal Creation, although Uleria-primed ones might be so inclined. While Chaos is weirdly into forced reproduction (into an existence that is misery), there is a trend for individual impregnation (whether Arachne Solara with Kajaboor or Teelo Estara with Blaskarth).
  4. A question pertinent for Harsaltar and his sisters (the founders of the Household of Death). But then, the difference is whether their initiation is automatic or whether they need to undergo an initiation trial beyond the Telmori adulthood rites for their own cubs. What "rites" are there for cubs born to the Telmori wolves? At the very least, they are likely to receive a shaman's blessing at some point in their development, even if they don't choose a human-shaped partner. At a guess, Harsaltar's mother was a member of the bodyguard pack of Boldhome, and possibly a grandchild or great-grandchild of Ostling Four-Wolves. "Wolf-brothers" sounds slightly more threatening than "wolf silblings", doesn't it?
  5. And still the Telmori are avid users of javelins, despite these taking enough of a ransom for a single battle 😉 , and half a ransom for a hunt with that missile.
  6. With Sword Trance absent, this duel is hardly applicable to RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha rules. This spell should be banned from Humakti duels (alongside Sever Spirit) as it basically means a victory for the duelist able to pour the most magic points into the spell.
  7. Joerg


    In "Ten Women Well Loved" (Greg's 2000s Harmast novel crowd-sourced by Fabian Küchler pre-empting Patreon) Harmast's Berennethtelli tattoo magically morphs into something the Grandmothers recognize as the Kodigvari tribal tattoo, which leads to persecution and having to flee.
  8. There should be some sobering backlash as soon as the hallucination ends, either way.
  9. It is a known fact that there was a massacre against the Telmori in 1627. Argrath Saga (not the most reliable source) states that Argrath's men took werewolf skins and inherited their powers. For a military unit you need about 1000 people on foot, with that equipment. Catching all the Telmori is pretty much impossible for a military expedition. Jomes Wulf was considered very successful, and his action left 6500 Telmori behind. If followers of Argrath skinned about 1000 werewolves and took to wearing their pelts, and running around with dog or wolf companions afterwards, I wonder who they would have been before. One possibility would be Wolf Pirates - after all, their sea sorcerers knew a ritual to use wolf skins to house the ship's spirit on the bow-sprites of their ships. The "wolf" comes with their name... I don't really see any of the Orlanthi neighbors of the Telmori tribe adopt their skins or their beast companions (or Praxian or Balazaring dogs). Too many cat nazis there. Anyway, even if 1627 caused the demise of half the Telmori population, that means that there still are a few thousand wolf hsunchen hiding in the wilds of East Sartar, hunting or raiding the herds of their neighbors after their regular prey has been displaced. We don't know whether Argrath ordered that slaughter, but we know that he did not prevent it from happening. That doesn't mean that he would not hire Telmori afterwards for his wars, which saw high attrition.
  10. They supported Kallyr, and presumably fought (and died) by her side, maybe not at Dangerford but surely at the Battle of Queens.
  11. The question is whether you stay there at the end of the spell, and whether you can take anything with you.
  12. The Wolf Runners might be wolf-slayers wearing cursed werewolf hides rather than original Telmori - at least that's what King of Sartar seems to imply. No idea how much that is a "retcon" from the description in the board game.
  13. ZZ failed in that respect at that location. All he got was the fire, not the death of the pesky light.
  14. Hon-eel genocided the Pelorian Telmori by turning them into (normal) wolves full-time. I doubt that Argrath's genocide had the same success rate.
  15. Other than a reflection of the utuma, this puts Kajabor into the Yelm role, and Wakboth into the Orlanth role.
  16. The Telmori were not alone in their uprising - the Dinacoli needed killing, too, according to Minaryth Blue. IMO this is a reaction to the presence of Praxian thugs on Sartarite pastures. The Telmori would have no contractual taboo against raiding Praxian herds in Sartar - in fact, in the past such activity would have been seen as defending their agricultural neighbors. The Telmori are adjacent to the two main routes from Sartar into the Pol Joni Marches and would naturally react to big herds of Praxian beasts upsetting their typical prey and devouring all the fodder in the migration paths of their normal targets. This is a typical conflict between pastoralists and hunter-gatherers, where the natjve herd migrations of wild beasts get disrupted by pastoralism and consumption of the best fertile ground for agriculture. Much like the Praxians resist farming in the Zola Fel valley, the Telmori resist Praxian presence in their hunting grounds. Kallyr included the Telmori in her ascension confirmations, quite pointedly. Argrath avoids this. Why?
  17. According to the memories of Minaryth Blue there is also a conflict with the Dinacoli tribe. Given the topography of the Dinacoli lands - the Donalf flats - there might be some resettlement of Praxians going on here?
  18. I don't think that Prax had oaks - the Golden Age "savannah" was part of the Redwood Forest.
  19. Martin Helsdon has the kernel of an architectural guide for Esrolia and Dragon Pass on the Jonstown Compendium.
  20. Too much lumber for Sun County or Pavis County, and not really that good against frequent rain. Possibly northern Saird.
  21. Bipedal and unaging, yes, but coming in four (or five) stages of ever less neotenic maturity, and re-spawning again and again from the same dragon egg laid by an immature dragon. A standard in Japanese vanilla fantasy (although with less of this background): the dragonewt.
  22. On the other hand, the very term "Rune Spell" (or its earlier incarnation in RQ1 and 2, "Rune Power") suggests that the magic comes from the rune which was involved when the deity did some feat pertaining to their own domain. At least, that is how sorcerers would read the flow of magical energies, and how their spells affecting rune spells interact with that sort of magic. Cosmologically, all magic comes from the Ultimate which sends its energies down into the cosmos, focussed by the runes that are expressing the rules of the cosmos, diverted by deities that Middle World entities have established a magical link to, via transformation of magic-generating life force (POW) into Rune Point pools. It is this former personal POW which creates the conduit of the Ultimate's energies through the runes involved. Common Rune Spells aren't limited to any single rune as conduit. They are somehow a side effect of any sufficiently broadly oriented divine entity interacting with the Ultimate. There are exceptions, even among the major deities, like Chalana Arroy refusing to allow the harmful magic of Warding, and there are uncounted minor deities or spirit cult entities unable to provide many or any common magics besides their individual trick(s) (which might be in the repertoire of more significant deities). An Extension Rune Spell is something that alters a spell's manifestation inside Time. One might understand it as associated magic for deities bound to the Compromise granted by that otherwise intangible child of Arachne Solara, or perhaps as granted by the Mother of Time. Viewed that way, would it really be an Orlanth Expansion, or would it be a shared associate magic? YGWV, and this will be part of the group contract to put down. So which Greater Entity is the source of this common Rune Magic? Glorantha/Arachne Solara?
  23. I think this may be an alternative name for the Guardian Hills, the collective name for the hill ranges defining the border to Prax.
  24. There is Ormfang, an ice-covered draconic peak in the Rockwoods south of Balazar which may be a True Dragon Lair.
  25. The idea that maps are a representation of reality true to scale isn't exactly true, either. On our ellipsoid world, much of that is due to projection issues. You can have true angles (useful for navigation), true lengths of distances, or true areas, but need to compromise on the other qualities. In Glorantha, some places may be more real (more mythically loaded) than others, with more experiences or location per area. It may appear flat and linear, but that needn't be the case. A Mythago Wood experience where you can go around a feature in a day or two but you need weeks or more to pass through is entirely possible. Rare in land cultivated by humans, more typically happening in wilderness areas, but sometimes just having wilderness borders of some kind might fill in area for more cultivated land, too. Your Glorantha Maps Vary
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