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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. ´The difference between Brithini and Mostali is that Brithini claim to be natural descendants (Srvuali) of the Man Rune, whereas Mostali were Made Creatures created (if not even constructed) by Mostal the Maker. The Brithini are one of the splinter groups of the original people of Danmalastan, the backwater exiles mostly of the Enrovalini but buffered with refugees from the Tadeniti and Kadeniti and possibly some Kachasti. The subsequent purges of "dissdents" from Brithos might have been ethnic cleansing banishing this refugee population. The Mostali remained mostly on the Spike and/or in Mt. Thakarn (Magnetic Mountain), with only some lesser work forces spread around the rest of the surface world. The Somelz reconstruction (centered on Slon) may have been the biggest such project,
  2. From the alchemists' guild which usually is an extension of the Knowledge Temple. If you desire, there may be missions for gathering exotic material posted at that guild, either accompanying a guild official or restricted to parties with a registered alchemist to do the harvesting.
  3. Don't be silly, next thing will be anthropomorphic ducks or sapient tapirs! 😉
  4. Ancestral tapping? Note that Zzaburi are supposed to be tall (if somewhat skeletous). The culprits may have been Vadeli, who ruled most of the Malkioni world after the Double Belligerent Assault.
  5. The old Rune Masters characters were badly mini-maxed with their spirit zoos - in their steeds and other companion animals, plus plenty in crystals. The steeds aren't eligible in RQG except as allied spirits from Eiritha or Waha. The total amount of spirit magic now is limited to the Charisma attribute, but that can be overcome by moving some spells known by spirits other than the allied spirit to enchantments (which weren't part of the RQ2 rules). Of the characteristics, INT and SIZ should be in the 8-20 range, any values up to 10 might benefit from a slight upward adjustment. CHA is essential for rune lords and needs to be adjusted, in case of doubt by the use of ostentatious trimmings. Other than that, use such characters as you see fit, allow for some overpowered skills if you feel they are what your characters are supposed to face.
  6. From the description of the Brithini in Arolanit (in the Guide as well as the earlier Genertela Box, and from Malkioni history - the Vadeli uprising against the Kachisti in western Genertela) we know that there is a Malkioni sorcery spell (or a combination of spells) for resurrection, but we haven't ever seen the spell in game terms. And to be honest, I would be fine keeping it this way, with only specialists from the big organisations having access to it.
  7. They aren't anathema to Humakti, although the Humakti will aid non-voluntary ghosts to pass onward. Nymphs are rather powerful spirit beings that have a physical form most of the time. There are lesser spirits with similar much-physical presence in my Glorantha, like the household tomte (a Scandinavian kobold described in RQ3 Vikings) or spirit(or divine) beasts able to turn into a puff of wind or to merge with the ground. My Glorantha also has plant spirits that may be discorporate. The Praxian spirit vegetation digested by the herd children of Eiritha is similar (IIRC Scotty told us about that in our second Nomad Gods episode on The Godlearners).
  8. Such as myths, the role in the world, cult structures? The elements that were missing in the three cults presented in RQ2 or in those in RQ3 Gods of Glorantha but are present in Cults of Prax?
  9. To clarify: There is nothing in the rules suggesting that a Binding Enchantment disappears at the death of the maker. What dissipates is the spell that sent the spirit into the Binding, whether an enchantment or a dead crystal. What I suggest is that this spell would be cast by the spirit, all the rest provided by mortals. Rules exploit achieved. Weird. They generate MP with their POW while in the physical world but don't have life force? The spirit world is alive and vibrant (in most places), and spirits inhabiting places etc. have life force, too. Nymphs are able to give birth to a vast range of beings.
  10. Oh, he may have lost it, left behind somewhere up the Rockwoods, unless he rose out of his bed in some shape (I would have guessed serpentine rather than humanoid) to face the invaders alongside allies of Genert such as Yamsur. In other words: Genert's palace is not where I would have looked for the head of the main river of Genert's Garden.
  11. We know that Isidilian of Dwarf Mine keeps at least two sort of animal husbandry - blind cave oxen, and the human slaves forming the Cannon Cult (and serving as drivers for the Alchemical Transformer). Exploring these humans beneath Dragon Pass might be interesting. But that aside, we know that Dwarf Mine either harvests fodder from the surface, or it grows or cooks up cave oxen fodder and human food beneath the ground. The humans do the gardening, I suppose, but any surface harvest would have had to be done by dwarf servitors (nilmergs, jolanti) as humans were forbidden to walk the surface of the Pass during the Inhuman Occupation. With the exception of the Puppeteer Troupe.
  12. There was more than only Arkat left after that encounter - there were (supposedly) 49 pieces of Nysalor/Gbaji which then got hidden away. According to a rumor the Lunars managed to collect a bit about fifty and were positive their reconstituted Nysalor contained no traces of Gbaji.
  13. Get a spirit to cast the Binding. The binding spirit is essentially immortal.
  14. Does that imply that any fully initiated Kitori Shadowlord is a Kaelith?
  15. Same to my native speaker eye/ear: Vielfarbiges Kleid in modern High German.
  16. I am a bit baffled by this - the heads of the rivers up to Sky River Titan leaping down the Skyfall were the forefront of the tentacles creeping inland. Seolinthur had its origin in Sshorg(a) and branched off to the north, to meet Genert's Palace. Earthfall was the prequel to Wakboth's chaos horde crossing the Bridge of Slime to the Spike, before that mountain imploded in the Breaking of the World, creating the void in the center of the world where Magasta collected the waters of the world in his whirlpool. That means that Seolinthur never reversed his course, that his head was always the part of him the furthest from the source in the Sshorg. Except possibly as his reaction against the invaders.
  17. Ask the River Horse? Since it can jump from oasis to oasis, it might be able to use a dead river's headwater, too. But you would have to protect your ride against whatever you jump into (which might be gorp).
  18. The images are available on Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/triciab79
  19. The Shaman doesn't usually have to use the spell, as Second Sight is a form of perception gained by acquiring a fetch AFAIK. The effects still apply. In the mundane world, the person with Second Sight (spell or ability) will see the aura (POW emanations) of everything with POW. This includes disembodied spirits with a presence in the physical plane, whether by use of Visibility or possession or being summoned/released from a matrix or crystal. An occupied matrix or crystal ought to leak aura, too. A visible disembodied spirit can seep into solid matter, which may make perception of the aura difficult or impossible. Beyond the veil, right on the border there will be echoes or shadows of the spirits of objects on the mundane plane. I don't think that Soul Sight makes any difference to observers on the spirit plane, unless it is possible to cross over with nothing but a sense of "spirit touch" (which would be quite a nightmare).
  20. Bunnies and Burrows came out in 1976, using percentile dice.
  21. I think it is Elder Secrets which has a recipe for a batch of canned food that a supervisor regarded as "too brainy" for a slightly high content of gold in trace amounts.
  22. We're not yet at Cthulhu Wars dimensions... except possibly mass.
  23. Not a problem if you kill the binder (even if only temporarily). At the very least, the ghost needs to be re-summoned, a fate that can be avoided by getting bound into a different enchantment. Wielders who may claim not to be able to access functions. In order to add to the enchantment, IMO the enchanter needs to fulfill the wielder criterion. Tribes can (and willl) be disbanded, with the wyter potentially lost forever. The re-formed Dundealos might lose an enchantment or two if their former wyter is no longer available. Making an item bound to a cult member involved in maintaining a certain site sounds like the best bet to keep an enchantment active, although that can backfire like for the Varmandi who lost control over the Greenstone temple. A janissary won't be a tribal member recognized by the tribal wyter (IMO the criterion for "member of the tribe" rather than "descendant of the tribe"). It is easier to install a puppet king (like Blackmor or whatever the Colymar king eaten at the Dragonrise was called) in a "free and fair election" (and a crown test to convince the wyter) and then invite the prospective enchanter into the tribe.
  24. The first movie was published in 1979, Borderlands (with the long Broo write-up bringing up the life cycle and differentiating between Wild and Feral Broos) debuted in 1982. Broo sodomy was already mentioned in Nomad Gods, the first appearance of these nasties, well before the movie.
  25. Re: Dragonbreaker: getting awakened by bagpipe music at four in the morning sounds like a training method to me. Usually followed by a four hour warm-up exercise (running up that hill etc.) before the sword is even drawn.
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