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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. The images are available on Deviant Art: https://www.deviantart.com/triciab79
  2. The Shaman doesn't usually have to use the spell, as Second Sight is a form of perception gained by acquiring a fetch AFAIK. The effects still apply. In the mundane world, the person with Second Sight (spell or ability) will see the aura (POW emanations) of everything with POW. This includes disembodied spirits with a presence in the physical plane, whether by use of Visibility or possession or being summoned/released from a matrix or crystal. An occupied matrix or crystal ought to leak aura, too. A visible disembodied spirit can seep into solid matter, which may make perception of the aura difficult or impossible. Beyond the veil, right on the border there will be echoes or shadows of the spirits of objects on the mundane plane. I don't think that Soul Sight makes any difference to observers on the spirit plane, unless it is possible to cross over with nothing but a sense of "spirit touch" (which would be quite a nightmare).
  3. Bunnies and Burrows came out in 1976, using percentile dice.
  4. I think it is Elder Secrets which has a recipe for a batch of canned food that a supervisor regarded as "too brainy" for a slightly high content of gold in trace amounts.
  5. We're not yet at Cthulhu Wars dimensions... except possibly mass.
  6. Not a problem if you kill the binder (even if only temporarily). At the very least, the ghost needs to be re-summoned, a fate that can be avoided by getting bound into a different enchantment. Wielders who may claim not to be able to access functions. In order to add to the enchantment, IMO the enchanter needs to fulfill the wielder criterion. Tribes can (and willl) be disbanded, with the wyter potentially lost forever. The re-formed Dundealos might lose an enchantment or two if their former wyter is no longer available. Making an item bound to a cult member involved in maintaining a certain site sounds like the best bet to keep an enchantment active, although that can backfire like for the Varmandi who lost control over the Greenstone temple. A janissary won't be a tribal member recognized by the tribal wyter (IMO the criterion for "member of the tribe" rather than "descendant of the tribe"). It is easier to install a puppet king (like Blackmor or whatever the Colymar king eaten at the Dragonrise was called) in a "free and fair election" (and a crown test to convince the wyter) and then invite the prospective enchanter into the tribe.
  7. The first movie was published in 1979, Borderlands (with the long Broo write-up bringing up the life cycle and differentiating between Wild and Feral Broos) debuted in 1982. Broo sodomy was already mentioned in Nomad Gods, the first appearance of these nasties, well before the movie.
  8. Re: Dragonbreaker: getting awakened by bagpipe music at four in the morning sounds like a training method to me. Usually followed by a four hour warm-up exercise (running up that hill etc.) before the sword is even drawn.
  9. You forget the Free IINT requirement for total manipulation (which can be expanded by using inscriptions, but even so there is a hard limit). MP can be collected, INT is harder, even with insxribed Enhance INT.
  10. He has been in a state of demise since 1318, too.
  11. While his zombie-generating power seems to be something gained on a heroquest rather than a sorcery spell, what you are describing here is Delecti the Necromancer. His power takes a couple of hours for the new zombies to activate, though.
  12. Related question: once there is a limitation on an enchantment, who can add further restriction or allow another user group by adding a point of POW to the Enchantment?
  13. The bore-worms may be closer to Darkness than to Water, at least for the destructive part of their life cycle. IIRC they are really snails, not worms, which leaves me at a loss which daughter/descendent of Sokazub would be responsible.
  14. In RQG, each rune point is an expression of that character's "magical organ" that establish a link between that character's being/soul and the otherworld entity providing that spell (directly or from an associated cult). Spirit cults create such a link without binding your afterlife (well, one of it - your soul has five to seven parts, plenty to go around in the afterlives) to the spell-donating entity. Which is in a way similar to an Orlanth initiate (or higher) who gains the Charisma spell from Eurmal. While this may condemn him to an afterlife in proximity of Eurmal, it doesn't deliver his afterlife directly to the trickster. POW donated to a wyter (or an enchantment) doesn't come with any immediate benefit, but may be part of a quid-pro-quo with the wyter or its priest or the cult that receives the enchantment. Such POW is bereft of any identity of the donator, unlike the rune point(s).
  15. No idea about canonicity. As a secondary rune, it will probably listed as a condition (aka "we don't know where to put this"). Hunger is a secondary rune that is shared by a few cults usually grouped in the Chaos pantheon. It isn't really part of the Cosmos other than through its association with Chaos and describes a specific form of annihilation of Creation. Undeath is an unholy combination of the antagonistic Power pair of Life/Fertility and Death/Separation. It should be impossible (but then the same can be said for the Red Goddess, though not for the Moon rune she embodies).
  16. Digestion is one of the powers of Darkness. No need to involve Beast or Spirit, and even less so Plant. Plant is the Gloranthan principle of generating life from energy taken from the surrounding, not at all digestion. There are substantial similarities, at least at first glance. The deeper you go into detail, the more the explanations and rules will vary. I will try to address your concepts and ideas in concepts based on Earth, and to show how some of your uses of these are based on spurious applications. There are a bunch of Gloranthan atheists that see the effects of a priori behavior aka Runes as directing such processes without any need for anthropomorphisations of these powers beyond their role for organizing things. That doesn't make these entities non-existent. And then they used some of those insights to change the universe, and that change caused other changes that made a lot of their insights useless and no longer applicable under the changed rules. A popular God Learner method was to stretch hypotheses and support the falsifiable part by some form of Godtime propaganda, signposting and gaslighting and name all these other tactics. They planted those results in Godtime, blocking previously usable paths with that nonsense. Of course not. We have pedigrees of runic expressions, some self-contained (what the Xeotam catalogue calls Srvuali) sequences of devolution, some cross-breeding (Burtae), occasionally resulting in derived further Srvuali differentiation. There are various recipes by which deities or groups thereof created beings of the Man Rune, with the "made from clay, fire and other stuff" happening in a few cases (Pamalt and friends, Yelm and five high ranking followers, Vimorn (Middle Sea Empire, father of Vadel) on his own, Soli (of Thinobutu) on his own... The ingredients vary, not all are simple expressions of the core runes but quite specialized derivations thereof. You are confusing the limited application of the Gloranthan rune catalogue to one out of several rules systems with deep Gloranthan lore here. At the very most, this is anecdotal evidence. And minerals, and Water, and Air - see the treatise on troll diet in that Lhankor Mhy experiment in Troll Pak. Trolls are especially strong in Darkness (digestion) and have thus a wider range than other species. They don't consume fire or light. You don't eat the runes unless you are a gorp. You consume meat or plant matter that contains derivations of constituent runes. Any digestion won't consume runic atoms, but re-arrange the runic associations. Inhaled air has strong Mobility/Change associations, which then are separated in the body to some degree. That separated Change will enter the body to enable digestion, with depleted Air exhaled. Water-breathing has the same mechanics, and this is applicable to all the other elements as well (with Earth relatively poor in Change/Motion, and only some derivations of primal Earth able to make up for that with Life/Fertility itself). There are processes which may consume runic atoms, or remove all the runic traits - annihilation by Chaos (gorp can turn just about anything into more gorp), and possibly Tapping. Inner World bodies only. And animation in itself is an expression of various Power runes. Utterly wrong, misreading a metric made for game rule conventions for a selection of games that have a concept like Constitution 3D6 (shared by RQG and 13G). There is no CON in Gloranthan reality. CON is a metric for other effects used in those games, nothing more. Same with hit points (locational or otherwise), POW and MP. An Inner World Man Rune being. Ancestral Uzuz or Shanassae/Luxites in their respective original realms may lack some or most of the other elements, taking them up only as contaminations as they migrate into the Inner World. And orthodox mystics find ways to relieve themselves from the dictates of these runes. You seem to be confused by the use of "flora". If that term is used in relation to plants, it describes the community of autotrophic multicellular and rarely single cell eucaryotes with chloroplasts. Lichen and corals may contain such as symbionts and might be counted among the flora in a wider sense. The use of "flora" for intestinal zoonoses indicates little more than the hope for an absence of multicellular and most of the monocellular fauna. That term has been separated from anything in the plant definition space. There are no organisms succeeding at photosynthesis inside intestines. What you are doing is that you apply a semantic definition space to a concept that doesn't apply in this context. Stomach flora has nothing to do with cellulose-coated eucariotic life (which is as much as multicellular funghi have in common with multicellular plants to make sense for Mee Vorala). There are a few eucariotic single cell organisms in that "flora" like amoebas (which don't really contribute to the well-being of the host), but most of the constituent single cell organisms are non-eucariotic bacteria or protaeans, with a bunch of viruses in the biofilm added. There might be some yeasts there, but those are way better described by Darkness and Fertility than by Darkness and Plant. Living things are complex systems of runic derivations associated with Life, and separation of Life from these derivations (the application of Death) will create liveless runic derivations. Higher forms of Life tend to require Harmony but allow for localized Disorder. They apply Change and Motion but within mostly unchanging containment (Stasis). They rely on internal information (Truth) but will rewrite that to other appearances (Illusion). And they may contain localized, limited Death. (Such as teeth or mandibles, for instance.) Sapience is tied to the Man Rune, too, otherwise Uzuz would be vegetables. It might be tied to other runes, too, like e.g. Reasoning or Knowledge (Law and/or Truth). (Sentience is the capacity to feel or perceive stuff, a capacity that has been proven for practically the entire animal kingdom, and for specimen of other origins, too. In humans, much of this happens in the guts, the Darkness organ.) The Fire rune is associated with Sight, and most Man Rune entities require Sight to interface with the world around them and to experience it, which makes it so important for purposes like Sorcery spells that need visual targeting and an understanding of correspondences. Other senses like Darksense can replace that requirement. Procreation: Pretty much a non-sequitur here. While orgasm might be perceived as transcendental, and while there are tantric practices using orgasm as a meditative practice, transcendence is far from required for procreation. The mere act of ejaculation needn't be an orgasm but may still result in new Life forming. Infinity is nice to have, but far from required. The gift of spirit or the rounding of the souls to a fetus probably does not happen at conception, otherwise the assigned spirit has a chance to leave the world again unborn. There might be a tentative uplink, but I think most Gloranthans regard birth or perhaps labor as finalizing the union of the spirit and the souls into the new individual. The interaction of the atomic runes produces these outcomes. The concept of "physical systems" is something you impose on the Gloranthan Inner World. There are without doubt highly complex interactions of all manner of forces that can be described as derivative of runes. A lot less will be as reproducable as an experiment on complex systems in our world (where we all know that already something as simple as chemistry may become irreproducable due to minuscule alterations of peripheral parameters). Psychological effects like Sunspear, Thunderbolt, Teleportation, Shake Earth, or Flight? Like Summon Elemental? Like Lightwall, Darkwall, Heal 6 reattachment of limbs, like Fireblade or Firearrow? Interesting... Which the God Learners (or more specifically, the Zistorites) recognized as a greater spheres mechanism that would power divinity, rather than as a tool to explain ordinary life. The discipline of physics and chemistry are mainly observations that reduce complex interactions into separable simpler actions that may be tested in experiments. They can either predict very small, extremely narrowly defined circumstances or need to gloss over specifics for mere macroscopical observations (thermodynamics) of complex systems. While I may understand that the triggering voltage of a transistor allows the current from emitter to collector, I neither can give details on how these bands are formed using quantum mechanics, nor can I take a bunch of transistors and build a computer. Our macroscopic predictions are based on methods similar to machine learning. Weather prediction used to be as much of an art as it is to produce a legible and sensible text on Chat GPT without using the actual text you want as a prompt. Lores are the (impractical) output of philosophy, bodies of knowledge that may help to get insights or make predictions. Alchemy and sorcery both are applications of knowledge to create a range of expected results. They require among others the experience of the practitioner to arrive at the desired results. Except where it doesn't. The sun doesn't show up due south at noon, but more or less overhead, like it does only in the equatorial regions of our planet. Nobody would build windows looking southward to capture the most of the sun, sunward windows tend to look east or west. The closest to our planet for a phenomenon like the Eternal Battle would be the huge storm on Jupiter creating the characteristic spot we know from very good telescopes or fly-by missions. Something like the Skyfall or the stationary Red Moon doesn't exist on our planet. The best approximation we get to Magasta's Pool might be the Moskenes-Straumen in between tides, so many orders of magnitude smaller and weaker. The (no longer surviving) distinctive features of the Holy Country like the Obsidian Palace or Belintar's Rainbow Bridges are yet way beyond our technological means, and neither were the result of a spell, but of powerful mythical actions in the past. Glorantha may resemble Earth somewhat as a first impression. Closer examination will bring up significant differences. The same goes for Gloranthan societies. While they may have some elements in common with ancient societies (of which we have just guess-work and very few written sources), they will be pointedly different from our player experience living in modern (mostly western) societies. Your fallacy is to assume that runes work all the way like the "particle physics" of quantum mechanics which the majority of the Glorantha fans or players of RuneQuest may have heard about but which a very small minority of that group will truly understand. Personally, I have a fairly good working insight on certain aspects of quantum mechanics thanks to my university diploma in chemistry, but don't ask me to explain how the Higgs Boson which has a mass of several magnitudes of typical baryons (protons, neutrons) provides most of the mass to each of these. And I would never presume to use those methods to describe complex systems from the bottom up without using healthy doses of "black box" refusals of explanation. The outcomes look similar, but they need not be. The movement of the Syphon river is as different from Godtime Rivers previous to the Skyfall myth as are those of all other rivers. The latent ability to climb or rather crawl uphill into the lands may still be present in those "normal" rivers, and might be called forth by river boatmen on their upriver travels. Especially riverine Waertagi on the Janube, Oronin and Poralistor River system. Do lightning rods work in Glorantha? As far as I can tell, only if they have been mythically or sorcerously primed to attract Orlanth's (or Shargash's) missiles to guide them past the neighboring objects into the Earth. Is there any such a myth? The closest I can think of are the fossilized lightning bolts arranged around Arrowmound, giving it its name. Otherwise, the behavior of lightnings may be closer to Neil Gaiman's "Stardust". Can we bag winds? Gloranthans can. Our best efforts give us ventilators or jets that might be powered by wind power, but which work just as well with turbine electricity from steam created using oxidation of coal or heavy oil, or heat from nuclear fission. In Gloranthan terms, that different source of electricity would matter a lot... And to give at least a nod to this thread's subject, draconic energies somehow sidestep normal runic associations, creating a magical realm (the Proximate Holy Realm) in which the rules are changed away from Inner World expectations. A similar realm falls over the world some time during the Sacred Time season (though probably not the entire fortnight as other calendars have equally valid but shorter periods of transition between years before the spring equinox).
  17. At the start of the troll occupation?😉
  18. Her tribe covered all of Old Sartar, plus the lands now covered by the Upland Marsh. Ulaninstead was the capital, in Killard Vale east of Boldhome, but Clearwine was an Orgovaltes fortress, too. So yes to the River and the Creek, but also lands south of the Stream, and to the east all the way toward Prax.
  19. Check what happens before this - the Flintnail dwarfs merge the Jolanti who accompanied Thog with the slabs of Paragua's wall. At the time of Pavis' victory the walls still were the giant-planted enclosure,.with the Faceless statue providing the material to even out the wall somewhat.
  20. If one's idea of Glorantha is an allegory on modern society, by all means follow these memes of Ayn Rand capitalism vs. state-ordained real-existing socialism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism... In my personal opinion the better backdrop for myths like this would be 20th or 21st century Cosmic Horror in Cthulhu, or some Cyberpunk setting. What I aimed for with my initial statement in this thread is to inspect how the facts presented in the Glorantha booklet of the Starter Set translate into the daily lives of the citizens and the non-citizen residents. With the food stipend limited to resident households and their registered dependents, there still is a significant open market for the non-citizen residents without any formal dependence on citizens or temples. Non-citizen residents who belong to one of the confederate tribes may survive as guests of the tribal temples for a while, or receive some amount of charity from said temples. Non-citizen residents who are cultists of one of the independent or city rex-dependent temples of the confederate city may receive temporary guest right or charity from their fellow cultists. Residents who have outlived any claims for tribal or (respectful) cult hospitality will have to market their work for cash or food given to them by temporary employers. These include refugee squatters, and stranded foreigners, or travel companions taking a rest between travels (like e.g. player hero parties). Those folk will have to pay individually for their food on the market or at the granaries or guilds.
  21. The Hungry Plateau should not be the source of a nourishing tuber (however terrible its stench is to me). It was created when Gerendetho sheared off the top of that peak with his spear, creating the Jord Mountains range from the rubble, which suggests that the surface has little in the way of topsoil. Now the movie "Man of the Arans" shows how a wind-ridden rock surface without any significant amount of topsoil can be used to grow potatoes, but that required composting of kelp, a resource unavailable on the Hungry Plateau. The Blue Moon fallout isn't quite an altiplano with an elevation of between 3000 and 4000 feet. The Andean altiplano has that altitude in meters. The presence of bugs and trolls (and trollkin) makes its use as agricultural altiplano difficult. But then, the troll and insect problem went for the Shadow Plateau as well (at the same elevation), and the Kitori managed to have a thriving agriculture there prior to the destruction of the Obsidian Palace. Its proximity to the Glacier would make agriculture or in this case horticulture a short race against cold weather overcoming the unshakeable presence of Yelm. (There should be a spin-off thread about how Gloranthan climate has been stable throughout Time, with only the Sunstop and the Windstop creating severely off-kilter events.) The Duchy of the Blue Moon shown on older maps might have been a partially human horticultural society, but all descriptions of the Blue Moon Plateau (and a one-off improv HeroQuest game Greg narrated there at one of the Tentacles conventions) indicate a troll-only population there. Annilla is connected with rice in Melib. Fonrit and Zamokil have the plants of the local "grain" goddesses, and Fonrit adds goats as livestock. The Shadow Plateau prior to 1318 might have been the homeland for potatoes, now that I have compared the Blue Moon Plateau with it. It used to be rather lush, perhaps a bit too wet, but the human Kitori are just the right sort of horticulturalists to dig in the dark soil for their spuds. Perhaps Vanntar had potato fields rather than golden wheat or barley fields during the Kitori possession of the place. The only shadow on this theory is the presence of shadows - potatoes love sunlight.
  22. And that's the problem with the short cult format in the rules, whether Kyger Litor and Black Fang in RQ2 or the RQ3 Gods of Glorantha book (which had enough sidebar to make the restriction on Sleep explicit). The setting lore was never generated from the RuneQuest core rules books, at best it was complemented.
  23. Gonn Orta was freshly initiated (or some equivalent thereof, give or take a few centuries) when he went to trash the Nidan dwarf colony. He may have been one of the first elder giants sent down Magasta's Pool on a cradle who returned from the Underworld, possibly at Hellcrack. That voyage became possible only after the Implosion of the Spike and Sky River Titan showing the way for his lover Annilla.
  24. Maize is Mesoamerican and was a staple diet in the Mississippi and pueblo cultures, whereas the standard potato is Peruvian highland in origin. Irish and Prussian potato agriculture with plowed fields is a modern theme (but then the combination of maize and plow is as modern). The difference is that we lack a Lunar heroine to bring back the potato. Write one up, and we'll see. And yes, I am aware of the few occurrances of potatoes in the early lore. They probably grow in the area of Christian's Bay, or are served to the President of Caladraland by the Pharoah, or may have been introduced through the transuniversal nexus that produced Redbird.
  25. Androgeus was around probably since the first copy of the Man Rune was made. He is a fallen demigod, though. No idea whether there are Gloranthan Struldbruggs older than Godunya. The two individuals mentioned in King of Sartar for having an aging contest probably failed to survive the fall of the EWF or the subsequent Dragonkill, but they might set an upper limit for non-Brithini ancient humans in the Kerofinelan cultural environment. Akgarbash of Laurmal, a resident of Aggar IIRC, might be a Brithini zzabur, or a God Learner wizard posing as such. There might well be eastern sages evading aging (and effectively Time) in meditations that started before the Dawn. Among the aldryami, there may be trees and/or dryads predating the Dawn, but probably no elfs of this high age. (Except possibly turned into trees.) Uzuz are potentially unaging, so might not count, and dark trolls don't usually get that old. What kind is Cragspider' humanoid part?
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