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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Not quite - they remained loyal to the OOO in the Battle of Night and Day, and they followed Arkat when he attacked the Bright Empire together with the OOO. Things soured between the Heortlings and the Kingdom of Night after they lost the tribute from Dara Happa but the Shadowlords still insisted to re-distribute that extra income to the trolls of Dagori Inkarth and Shadow Plateau according to Arkat's Command. This led to the Tax Slaughter of 1580, after which only the Esrolians and the Hendriki continued to honor the demands of the Shadowlords (providing for the Shadow Plateau, as had their ancestors, and not for Dagori Inkarth). The Kingdom of Orlanthland and its successor, the EWF, stopped acknowledging the Only Old One's authority over them, but allowed those tribes who chose to remain under his shadow to continue worshipping the traditional gods without suppressing that.
  2. Where did the star/planet-killing Jugger come from?
  3. It was more on the line "you have this type of food which contains stuff other people are lacking, but your food lacks stuff other of the people we protect can provide." And protection may sound like a cheap promise or an extortion scheme, but only until you actually receive that protection. https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/WorldofGlorantha/2008/5779.html
  4. Planetary metallurgy is bound to hit a couple of bumps once you look beyond the Theyalan associations. Tolat for instance is known by the Praxians as Bronze Treasure, due to the color of the planet. The Red Sword of Tolat may very well have started out as a splinter of one of Umath's bones, which makes it an excellent weapon to assist if not perform the murder of the Emperor. Rather than looking at the modern, pretty much broken sky, I would go back to the Copper Ledgers which show the array of the eight planetary sons of Yelm. But then, those bodies were in all likelihood mostly flame and hardly fuel, mostly srvuali orbs of lesser Fire. Maybe Yelm is 24 karat gold, and the Planetary Suns are 18 karat gold? Does that make them less srvuali, more Burtae? There is a moment when Zator exits the Sky Dome through Stormgate/The Pit, and the stars emerge to become visible from below the Golden Dome. IMO that's the release of Silver into the visible sky, from above. Malkioni metallurgy associates silver with Uleria, who was a member of the Celestial Court, so high on the Spike that it may have rested above the Sun Dome. I find it likely that all Power Deities shared that silver connection. Uleria as a planet (or moon, as she is female) is a Dara Happan concept, not shared by the Theyalans. On the other hand, we have the White Goddess preceding Golden Brightface. We might speculate about another form of silver, or we might associate her and the previous, pure sky with tin instead. All red planets or moons in the sky have an Underworld association. Artia should show up in the Copper Tablets, at least in tablet 10 which shows the disintegration of Yelm, alongside Tolat/Shargash and Verithurusa (and of course the Rebel). Red Verithurusa, red Shargash and the orange fragments of the Rebel all may carry a measure of Earth into the sky. So would the non-Yelmic Ghelotralas aka Lodril-as-a-planet. Only the alloy would be different. And so would Serenha. the sister, daughter or afterbirth (nurturer) of Umath. One thing I really wonder about is the differentiation of the sky metals. Lead, Quicksilver, Copper, Tin all are pretty straightforward, but now we get Brass, Silver and Gold. Brass is Tin injected into Copper. Gold is somehow depleted sky, with Bronze/Brass emerging. Silver is somehow purified Sky, descended from above. Then there is Dendara, up in the sky, or the Air. Serenha. And the Mostali add Rock as the precursor mineral, on equal footing with the metals. There is Stone, Truestone, and Adamant. From (the corpse of) Stone they extract Iron, the metal of Separation and Death. And then they recognize Diamond as emergent from weak but self-replicating Clay, a departure from Rock into Soft Earth.
  5. There is no requirement to be initiated into any cult at all. A person responsible to lead a household or a stead does have to be an adult, though, initiated into adulthood by rites recognized by the community, and they must be initiated into the community connected to the lease. What is required is lay membership, at the time of the grant of the lease in good standing, and some form of tithing to the cult(s) regardless of actual initiation. There are at least two different concepts of stead, too - one is that of the economic unit of agricultural production on a hide, the other is the grouping of households that make up a hamlet or local cluster of farms.
  6. Gata was a goth chick, with the biggest navel piercing ever.
  7. Having seen and even handled the eight original maps that cover Dragon Pass, Kethaela, Dagori Inkarth and Prax, yes, everybody would want those. Ideally as digital layers so you can put on the thematic layers without trying to pull three layers of sheets just into place. IIRC Jeff mentioned that the label file had about 2.2k entries... with settlements of 500 souls upward shown on the map, as well as special places.
  8. Joerg

    Draconic Eurmal?

    Creation of Glorantha was... If a Eurmali does it, it will backfire on the user differently than on a draconic mystic. In a more amusing way, one can hope (although you have to agree, the Dragonkill was just a crack-up).
  9. A child so infused with the power of the Goddess could feel like adopted, too. Or do you think that Jar-eel bears much similarity to the mother who gave birth to her? Poor thing probably was left a husk when the girl left her womb.
  10. Palangio gained his Iron Vrok after diving down to Erenplose and visiting Mt. Selon in the region, and he brought the Ryzel dragonewts with him to cement his rule as governor for the Bright Empire. You might say that there was some Yelmalio Daysenerus influence in the region, for at least 50 years. From the descriptions of Umathela and early Jrustela, it does look like the first Olodo transplants to Jrustela may have predated Palangio's arrival in the region, but later batches to Jrustela may have been people disgruntled by the presence of the Bright Empire. The Lascerdans died out only towards the end of the Dawn Age, some time inside the Gbaji Wars / Bright Empire, and it doesn't look like the first Theyalans were dropped there much earlier than 500 ST. While Yelmalio is a common cult for elves wandering outside of their home forests, I think the main interface between the Vralos and Enkloso councils and their human subjects would have been High King Elf.
  11. In the case of Bless Pregnancy, I would charge 20 L per rune point per season, as the caster doesn't get to regain the rune points until birth. No idea how common CHA 20 priestesses with 20 rune points would be. At a guess - only player characters.
  12. Another interesting site about the metallurgy of swords is https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/iss/index.html, although the main focus of this lies on steel swords. Still, stuff about the material properties of blades may be useful for non-steel swords, too. Sword evolution is covered here: https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/iss/kap_b/backbone/rb_1_1.html
  13. Thanks for telling us, but at least from my end, I can see no problems. But then I am only administrator for content. Does the problem still exist, and has anybody else had that experience?
  14. "It is widely believed" is not consecutive prove, but count me in with the believers. The better evidence for the identity of the baddy under the Block are the Pieces of the Devil which lurk in the Devil's Marsh. Cacodemons are descended from Wakboth, that left hand doesn't look much like Kajabor either. Also, it was a personal grudge between the Bull and Wakboth, for Ragnaglar.
  15. There is a branch of vegetarianism that won't consume integral parts of plants, like roots, but will harvest fruit, potatoes, or some leaves if that doesn't kill the plant. Unborn plants apparently are fair game.
  16. This brought up the image of Trickster gang fights in Boldhome. Cream pie drive-by attacks would be the the bare minimum of aggrievance I see. Illusonary things in the streets, stuff and people swallowed, ....
  17. Unlikely only if the dead regenerate magic points. People dying in combat or on adventure are fairly likely to have depleted their MP somewhat. There are a couple of magical releases happening at the moment of death - including the release of all bound spirits. Allied spirits from the cults may linger for the seven days it takes to make a return impossible, or may re-appear when the individual returns from Hell. Another interesting question: when questing into a sufficiently deep Underworld, do any bound spirits not accompanying the quester get released from entering Hell? What about entering Alkoth, or the Necropolis in Esrolia?
  18. With a sufficiently empowered Chalana Arroy priestess present, there shouldn't be the need to make a choice between mother and child at any time. Especially as, prior to birth, both would be a single target for the healing. Another thing I just realized - according to the rules, a resurrectee would be unconscious when returned to their body until they regenerate their first MP, as their spirit would have had to be fought down to zero MP in order to return to the body. Would that rules-effect be inside the in-world parameters of this procedure, or would you expect a resurrectee to return in a dramatic recall to their last living experience?
  19. And now tell me all about Eurmal and Yelmalio...
  20. Maybe a version could be made available as a fund raiser for Louise?
  21. Chalana is one of the children of power deities getting it on with one another. The Gods War has her as a Solar deity, and as a celestial court brat, with quite a bit justification, plus she seems to have been a regular at Yelm's court for the "Heals the Scars" myth. These deities aren't Srvuali (pure descendants of the primal element) or multiplication of the original power runes like the Tilntae, but they are something like Burtae, of mixed runic background. It looks like such combinations (other than experimenting with form runes like man, beast and plant) were only started with the birth or at least conception of Umath. So, from the development sequence of the greater deities of Glorantha, it makes sense to list these deities with mixed runic ancestry with the first one, Storm.
  22. But neither Argar Argan, Zolan Zubar nor X. Umbar are troll archetypes worshiped as deities - they are some other form of Darkness entities. We have the man rune of darkness deities in KL and her seven sacred ancestors, plus a few occupational further generations, as we have the beast rune of darkness deities (the Gorakikis, Aranea, Bagog...) They denote types of dark (exposed to fire) rather than types of personhood, IMO. Umbar may be distant exposure without lasting hurt, Argar may be some mastery over lesser exposure, and Zoran may be badly fried but not dead yet. "How do you want your steak?" "Argar, please." (Too bad that few Darkness worshipers have barbeques.)
  23. This was not too long after the Flood, at latest when Manalarvus took over as emperor in Anaxial's empire in the Storm Age, when Valind's glacier repeated the Flooding, only with frozen water. While Six Ages points towards Manalarvus era, I don't see why earlier Hyalorings couldn't have married into the Vingkotlings coming from Genert's Garden shortly after Vingkot married Tada's daughters. According to King of Sartar's myths, the other sisters were still unmarried (i.e. had no tribes named after them or their husbands) when Redaylde took Beren as her husband. Anyway, the Berennethtelli in Saird were destroyed by Lokamayadon, along with most of their resident Beren/Elmal history, wel before the revelation of Yelmalio Daysenerus at the Battle of Night and Day (and the start of the Sun Dome Temples). Only their splinter groups like Exilestead on the wrong side of the Storm Mountains would have continued that tradition. Would Elmal have been carried over to other populations that received Theyalan missionaries? Sort of. The missionaries usually sought to find shared mythemes between their Kerofinelan background and the local names for the deities of the people they approached. In the longer run, those lost their names and became known as Orlanth, and Yelm - even Ralian Ehilm. And Lightfore was Lightfore rather than Kargzant or Reladivus or so. But then I still adhere to the observation that Yelmalio with his parallel expression through priests and lords is two cults combined into one - a mobile source of light in the Darkness, and now the night sky (Lightfore) for the lords, and the stationary bright thing high above from the Storm Age for the priests, rising as the Sun at the Dawn.
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