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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. You could do the Dwarf armies of Slon! 😉 Ready to bring their vast army of dinosaur hsunchen and strange tech across the world!
  2. That was the beauty of Trollpak! A wonderfully different, diverse, distinct, and playable race. That work really took us so far beyond the "orcs are evil" concept - and provided a full range of characteristics. Even Zorak Zoran, a feared and generally hated god, stands beside Storm Bull in the fight against Chaos.
  3. Just an FYI for any following this thread - I have now filled the pre-gen Harmast spot in my current game. For others, I will PM my thoughts on a new RQG game. Ideally we'd have at least one more willing to commit for some period in PbP game, so post here if there is interest.
  4. Yes. And there's a couple mythic lines that could be explored. Green Age era. This is when the trees first emerged and spread across the world. There was Harmony and Life then, and no inherent disagreement between Darkness and Plants. You can readily picture the vast forest/jungle where the tree canopy covers the world. There is Light above the canopy, but below it is Dark - sheltering really for creatures of the dark. An Aldyrami particularly might hark back to this time, and perhaps speak of how the trees "gave birth to" the Surface Darkness. Perhaps Argan Argar was really a child of this time? (Yes, there may be other stories of him as the child of Xentha, goddess of night, but perhaps they just hide the "true" story.) Gods War/Lesser or Greater Darkness era. This is when the Earth and the forests go to sleep. Yet there are those who become Defenders of the Forest. Everyone talks about Yelmalio in this way, yet perhaps Argan Argar is there too? Perhaps his dark trails cross through whatever remains of the forests, where they still create shadow and mute sound, and he trades secrets, magics, or even weapons to the elves to allow them to survive (perhaps unknown to most trolls). Perhaps he bears news of the Secret Seeds awaiting within the earth? Or of the Dark Cloaks that can hide them from the Takers (the dwarfs)?
  5. I'm sure the answer is "yes". This is Simon's collection of information on how he's developed Heroquesting over the years. It would not include current in-process work planned for release from Chaosium.
  6. While not necessarily canonical now, the HW/HQ1 book Gathering Thunder had a scenario "Last Days of Skullpoint" based on unwitting incest. The participants were effectively cursed with Chaos as a result. Whether you wish it to be that bad would be up to the GM, but it's definitely NOT GOOD! A child from this would probably need to undergo ritual purification. I've used special events/rituals for "Year Marriages" between different bloodlines (e.g. Harvest Bride). The two take on "mythic" roles, and in that way "step out of" their clan roles. In my mind, this helps to keep the clan "woven together" so the bloodlines do not fragment into effectively rival clans (and really create kinstrife). But clearly the Ernalda priestesses and clan lawspeaker will be needed to help ensure these crossings don't result in unexpected incest down the line.
  7. Good thought there - though it didn't help the Waertagi dragonships (which presumably are sea dragons with eyes and look like seagoing creatures). But it does suggest that the prows might need a spirit bound to it (a ship's wyter) to appear "alive".
  8. At the moment, I've got 1-2 spots available in my current RQG Colymar campaign. This would be picking up characters mid-session (they are in Snakepipe Hollow at present). One is the pre-gen Harmast (though with some development from earlier sessions). The other is an NPC ex-Lunar soldier named Pagara who has abandoned her Lunar gods to embrace Life, but hasn't found a new deity to embrace yet. My current players are open to filling these positions, so if anyone who has expressed interest in PbP would like to join, just indicate that here (or in PM) - I will add in the first 2 to indicate interest in that. As noted upthread, I might be able to start up a new RQG campaign. I generally find I need 4 players willing to commit to make viable (which we may have), but no more than 6. @TheCrawdad, @g33k, @Marc, @Squaredeal Sten - you've all noted interest and willingness to commit. If you'd prefer to come into existing game, please note that - we're getting past vacations and should be back in action in a week. If you prefer a new game starting characters from beginning, I can PM you to discuss what I'm planning.
  9. I might pattern it along the lines of Dante's Purgatory and Paradise with Joy at the top. You follow along the lines of particular logic (probably incorporating logical steps to "climb" higher in understanding). Each step may require particular preparation, meditation, and practices so it is completed successfully. By achieving the next step, you can then follow the path to the subsequent one. These might require overcoming each of the Five Elements, then overcoming each of the Eight Powers, then Mastering your self (Form) and your spirit (Spirit) to achieve the Oneness of Joy.
  10. I know I read somewhere that Harrek's voyage completed some key step in the rise of the Boat Planet. I figured it was something with the circumnavigation, but perhaps it has to do with the stops made, or encounters met?
  11. That's largely in HW/HQ1. HQG only allows one augment (there can be GM-based bonuses/penalties, but at least in my game those are very rare), so very little math (particularly if you just use the Quick Augment method). I've been running HQG for 6 years now and the opposed roll method is very quick and easy (even in Extended Contests). HQG (at least for me) is very straightforward and allows me to stay focused on the story. What's the hero trying to achieve, what ability is being used, and any augments that help achieve it. I figure out how difficult it likely is. Player rolls, GM rolls - compare results and get the level of victory or defeat. And then was this a: Yes and...; or Yes; or Yes, but...; etc. result. I don't know if that helps, but it's very simple and any of my players can figure it out looking at the book.
  12. Therefore anyone involved in sea-based trade has a vested interest in keeping the Red Moon in the Sky!
  13. They may well have. Which means none of those were the loophole (or perhaps the key) that allowed the Closing to be bypassed (which is all the Open Seas ritual does until the Boat Planet rises and completes its full journey).
  14. You did! It's here: Information on the Battle of the Queens For whatever reason, the forum search wasn't bringing it up, but a Google search did.
  15. And he's likely able to do this because he's in the Holy Country (where all the elements, including sorcery, are present) and has the intercession of a god (his father) with the other gods (i.e. Guardians of the Closing) and is able to use a sorcerous spell to counter (or work around) Zzabur's spell.
  16. Of course that was before it was banished by Broyan. Who knows if it changes (it is chaotic after all) when Jar-eel returns with it for the Third Battle of Chaos.
  17. I might be persuaded to start another RQG play-by-post game - not quite sure how my time will be to support given real-life work and other commitments, but can see how that goes. I would be looking for folks willing to commit to at least a 3-6 month timeframe to reasonably finish a "session". There would be a few other caveats that I can cover by private message if interested.
  18. There are several possible lines of thought: He's the child of a god (the God-king) so can achieve things other mortals can't He's the child of Belintar, who swam out of/escaped the Closing (we still don't know wherefrom, and probably won't, but he undoubtedly brought the knowledge of that "loophole"), but Belintar in Prince of Sartar is depicted as blue-skinned so a Water connection is likely He's the child of the Earth as you suggested in the other thread (and this perhaps recreates the connection of Faralinthor and Esrola giving birth to Choralinthor) The Boat Planet existed before the Closing, but was lost at that point. It's return marks the Opening. The Open Seas ritual is the first step towards its return, and the first step in Dormal's journey. But Dormal sailed into the God Plane before the return of the Boat Planet, so already a deity. The Boat Planet can return when someone (i.e. Harrek and Argrath) completes the circumnavigation of the Seas in one continuous voyage. They complete their journey at the start of 1624, and the Boat Planet rises shortly thereafter.
  19. And not only neighboring, but in the lands around Durengard (the Gardufar plateau), the Esvularings and the Heortlings have increasingly intermingled through the reign of Belintar. Nobles worshiping Orlanth and Ernalda, aided by sorcerous wizards utilizing their magic to aid the nobles and their communities, and common folk invoking the varied gods that follow Orlanth and Ernalda.
  20. The easiest place to run play by post (aka PbP or PbF) is RPGGeek. I've been running an HQG game there since 2014, RQG since 2017. If you want to get a feel for what is looks like, you can check out my Broken Tower scenario run here: RQG The Broken Tower Pacing is VERY different from face-to-face or other online sessions. It's more akin to reading a page of a book a day then a full chapter. Combat particularly can stretch out. So, you're left with a lot of anticipation and desire to move forward, that sometimes is hard to keep in check (even for the GM!). At the same time, it offers a lot of opportunity for narrative embellishment both by the GM and the players, and there's more opportunity to think through options (for instance, the next melee round likely won't take place for another day, or two). It's important for the GM to particularly think about pacing, moving the story along, and including satisfying obstacles and climax to the story (not really different from any other RPG session, but it's important for the players to invest in and contribute to the story). Games vary on posting frequency - I used to be able to manage posting responses nearly every day. Currently its more like every 2-3 days. That's probably fairly typical. Dice roller is built-in - very easy to use and highly customizable (e.g. you can randomize with names who is getting attacked by the horde of scorpionmen). Loading images (e.g. maps) is straightforward, too. Main pitfall tends to be players joining and then deciding it's not for them. I usually expect some level of upfront attrition when bringing in new players. Even with established players there is periodic attrition - my HQG game has largely turned over twice, but still have enough continuity to keep in moving along.
  21. Given that bisons, rhinos, and high llamas are large animals used by raiding Praxian nomads, I suspect that they all can function as cavalry beasts.
  22. Yelm encounters Rebellus Terminus in his realm causing Disorder. Yelm interacts with the Storm God, ultimately sending him away, possibly locking him in Hell among the Strange Gods. Yelm has encountered and interacted with the Storm. There is no illumination. Yelm does not gain illumination until he is dead, and sent away from the world, locked in Hell. He is now one of the many, no longer the one. It is where he experiences Illumination. It is inimical, and also fundamental, and the stuff from which Creation comes. My general conclusion is that we have very different ideas to both Illumination and the nature of Chaos and further debate is unlikely to change either.
  23. I don't know that it's necessarily odd that Dormal comes from Nochet. Belintar was likely manipulating lineage over several generations. Also there's nothing contradictory between Dormal being noble and a LM sage - many Esrolian noble males join Issaries or LM, as those make good candidates to marry into other noble clans. We do know the group that aided Dormal from the Guide (p.142) "in 1580, Dormal the Sailor first performed his ritual and, in a ship expressly built for the voyage, Opened the oceans. A coterie of others had helped create this. These included the Esrolian noblewomen Valira, appointed by Belintar and bearing his special knowledge; Martinavo, a powerful sorcerer who had once worshiped Lhankor Mhy; Edro, an ambitious Esrolian merchant anxious to compete with the Trader Princes of Maniria; Mendalan, a bankrupt heir of an Esrolian ship building family; Fudaru, a mature newtling trying desperately to reach the New Fens to breed; and a castaway Deri half mad with loneliness." [The Deri were native to Jrustela IIRC.] None of these preclude Dormal from also being LM, though never stated one way or another.
  24. More like getting sucked down Magasta's Pool or falling into the Hell Crack. 😉 Also add in the Glorantha Sourcebook (search on Zzabur) and the Stafford Library Book Arcane Lore. That'll probably get you most of the relevant and available material, and give a good test of your SAN while you're at it.
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