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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. jajagappa


    That's probably the way to phrase it: anything above your normal, unenhanced CHA would be treated as one-use rune points.
  2. Thinking a bit further on that line, the ultimate test of Chalana Arroy is whether she chooses Harmony to the world or Loyalty to someone/something within the world. I think this is the climactic point: News reaches her on the battlefield that Arroin (her son) or the White God Zenfel (her father?) or possibly her entire clan (the White Camp) is dying (of a wound inflicted by X - Umath if her father/clan). She can stay and achieve peace/harmony between the Red Wolves and the Green Bears, or she can depart to save Arroin (or Zenfel/White Camp). She cannot do both.
  3. I'm fairly convinced that she is a goddess from Altinela (aka the White Camp of Innocence/Wisdom). The White God (Zenfel, or Asharthcha in DH per GRoY) fell when Umath crash landed on the White Camp. If you look at the Guide p.10 the world picture there shows a White Goddess at the north point in an attitude of prayer. Note also Fortunate Succession p.93 on the DH alphabet: "Ch(a) is the most alien letter. It is the only one which does not have a deity associated with it. In fact, it is used almost exclusively within words, such as in Asarthcha." From GRoY: "Asharthcha White Overseer of the North, Ruler of the Compass, Keeper of Wisdom. He is also called the Long-bearded Measurer." Chalana Arroy's powers of healing have a blend of both innocence (healing all who approach) and wisdom (the knowledge of how/who to heal). She's a close cognate of Harana Ilor so may be the Harmony of the North (perhaps there is a genealogy descended from Harana Ilor for each of the compass directions?).
  4. Very few, and probably only found in the list of Original Rune Owner vs. Current Rune Owner, and in the cult writeups on deities of power (e.g. LM son of Acos, or Donandar son of god of music and goddess of dance, etc.).
  5. One thought: Sophie's Choice (i.e. based on the book/movie) - what does the Healer do when two equally important beings are simultaneously dying? Which does she heal and which does she sacrifice? Another thought: a third party. Spirits of Disease or scavengers (i.e. Hyena, Vulture, uz) show up to infect and grow with the dying, or to feast off the dying. Chalana Arroy has a vow not to harm another, but how will the healer respond?
  6. Enemies... 😉 Who killed it off, and why? What powers does it have, and who would have wanted those? Of course the Earth Witch won't be happy that a bear stole one of her treasures, and will seek to regain it (or demand recompense). Also, what powers does it bring to the clan/tribe? And what rival clan now wants that benefit?
  7. jajagappa


    I first recall Neep way back in Troll Pack if I remember correctly, but from the article it looks like he was even earlier in WF #6. I don't recall a kickstarter including him.
  8. Sounds like a lot of fun, and that it worked well! I like that he took the strange bird and flew out through the smoke hole - should have some interesting consequences.
  9. No, it does not mean they necessarily equate. If you look at the Darkness pantheon 'genealogy' from Glorantha Sourcebook, the Dehori are the branch descending from Dehore and Subere (and could certainly include Dehore himself). However, Dehore (and Subere) are children of the entities Father of Demons and Mother of Space, who are noted on p.76 as "Neither of these enjoyed much of a cult, but were more noted for having some very powerful children, three of whom are listed below: Dehore, Himile, and Subere." Mallia is just as likely to be a child of one of those entities. The Glorantha Sourcebook p.78 states "Mallia was a Death Goddess captured and enslaved by Chaos (or who freely joined, depending on the version being told)." or p.124 "Mallia grew from the Darkness, in the waste and destruction of the Gods War. She found nourishment and life amid the fallen foes, the wreckage and destruction, and the blood of everything that died in that age. She became a corruption of Death itself, tainted and degraded from the swift brightness which Humakt and Orlanth used..." Or, she might be a daughter of Subere, of whom it is noted on p.76 that "Subere is the Goddess of the Inner Dark, and also called wife of Dehore and Goddess of the Darkness of the Underworld. It is written that the Lords of the Seven Hells all worship her. She is also called the Mother of Death, for that Rune was made or found within her cavernous being before it was brought into the Surface World" Since it is not explicitly stated, I'd say that if you want Mallia to be a corruption of a Dehori, then that can work. Or if you want her to have more demonic origin or be a variation upon Death, then that works too.
  10. Looking through the WF index included in WF 15, these are the additional units noted: Keener Than, GS. WB&RM rules for the pal of Sir Ethilrist. Included in DP Hungry Jack, GS. WB&RM rules for my favorite chaos pumpkin. Jack is back! Included in DP The Hydra, GS. WB&RM rules. Included in DP Masters of Magic, GS. WB&RM powerful magic unit. Not included Walktapi, GS. WB&RM info plus 3 game counters. Not included Sisters of Mercy, GS. WB&RM rules addition with 3 counters. Not included A Medley of New Units, Burt Medley. WB&RM variants. Not included
  11. jajagappa


    Sounds like the next great baboon hero (unless it's a trollkin?).
  12. Goes to a Movement aspect - he's helping goods circulate through the world and there is still an exchange with whoever acquires them. Presumably there was also an exchange between whoever provided them to the Issaries merchant. The exchange does not necessarily need to be in something tangible - it could be a magical benefit such as a blessing or spell, or protection from harm, etc.
  13. @Runeblogger is correct, it is Iceland. It's the rift between the European and N. American plates. Fascinating how square and blocky some of the stones in the 'wall' were along the European side.
  14. Might be the site where the Brown Dragon rose, or more likely an older site in the Red Dragon Vale or Ormsland.
  15. The experience roll is +1d6 or take an automatic +3%. There is no minus. (p.415) Training has the 1d6-1 or take an automatic +2%. (p.416) I never minded that there was a chance you wouldn't learn from training. Research has the most downside at 1d6-2 or an automatic +1% (p.417). Again, I never minded this, but if I wanted to avoid a -1% option, would probably house rule to 1d4-1 as it just shouldn't be as advantageous as experience.
  16. We know the Emerald Sword clan doesn't stay within the laws of Orlanth! Their raids killed our folk, and when we demanded wergild they refused. They caused the Ferry Feud, and the Dark Friends' Feud, massacred our folk at Tormakt's Farm, and caused the Silk-breeches Feud. They still owe us for all that! And our Issaries merchant will make sure they pay their due and the Scales of Justice are balanced.
  17. He's got to be very careful. If the Issaries merchant starts to steal, or retain the spoils for himself, he/she is likely to be the victim of Issaries spirit of reprisal: Raw Greed.
  18. jajagappa


    So you've just spent 6 Rune Points to double your CHA for a year. Now you are down 6 rune points until they can be replenished - probably a seasonal holy day as that will give you 2d6 points back (typically 7) with a successful Worship. You can no longer hold all the extra Spirit Magic you've acquired. I think it follows along the lines of p.254 "An adventurer can voluntarily give up knowing a spirit magic spell to make room for different new spells." If you've lost the CHA to hold the Spirit Magic, then you must give up knowing X number of spirit magic spells. I don't believe you can overwrite the spell. You could dismiss it, then cast again, but that will initiate some hiatus. Your rune points are limited by CHA. If you increase naturally, that goes up, so should with an Extended Charisma spell too. If your CHA goes down then I'd say the rune points aren't lost until cast, but cannot be regained/restored. If you subsequently go up again, then you must spend POW to get additional rune points. You can get around this by having rune points with another cult (which are managed separately). Similar considerations on binding spirits (limited by CHA/3). As it notes on p.250 "After losing points of CHA, an adventurer must be very careful when dealing with their spirits. Trying to keep more spirits than the adventurer’s CHA characteristic allows gets the adventurer in trouble the first time they try to use one for anything. The spirit rebels unless the adventurer manages to roll CHA×5 or less on a D100."
  19. See the Guide p. 621 which shows the Sacred Mountains there. "In the God Time, the Storm Gods were very active in Umathela. Doraddi myths claim the cattle-herding horde of Desero invaded Pamaltela from here. The blue-skins of Fonrit believe Baraku, the Killer of Artmal, lives atop Umath’s Throne, while the storm-worshipers of Umathela know that Orlanth rules from that mountain peak and that his son Desero was born atop Mount Vedra. Near these mountains Air magic is particularly strong, something the Fonritians learned to their misfortune during the Season Wars."
  20. The Issaries rune represents the principle of "Equal Exchange" (and is somewhat associated with the Harmony rune). That is opposed to the idea of "Unequal Exchange", i.e. theft. That's not to say an Issaries merchant won't bargain and haggle for the "best" or "most equal" exchange, in her view, but it's not theft or robbery.
  21. It was a HeroQuest game, so didn't have to worry about that! For RQG, I'd probably create a multi-point special rune spell that can swallow one or more living beings up to SIZ 18 and lasts for some short temporal period. The difference being that the swallowed beings are neither killed nor destroyed, but retained in the Trickster's gut for say 1 hour after which they are, usually, vomited back up.
  22. Yes, that would work for random date too. However, I don't have a calendar which numbers each and every day so personally I find it easier to look and work with 3 smaller tables.
  23. Use the D&D Dice roller and enter in a custom value of D300 or D294. http://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm
  24. In my HQG game, the PC's used a Trickster's Swallow to escape a Lunar prison camp. Initially I figured the PC's would just wait in the gut until they were vomited back up safely outside the Lunar encampment, but they discovered a secret door above the Trickster's stomach which led onto the Hero Plane (into a location simply called the Boneyard). Most of them eventually found their way to the famous Crossroads of 100 Roads and then the path through the Fog of Ignorance to Lhankor Mhy's Ivory Tower (from whose book stacks they exited into the Jonstown Library).
  25. Very useful - I'm constantly scrolling to find the pages in RQG which is a real pain. Thanks! My three comments: moving the Attack/Parry results & Attack/Dodge results immediately after the Ability Success table since its common to have to regularly check the success level, then the attack results. the damage modifiers & results would be a useful addition (e.g. result of an impale, smash, …; and what happens when a hit location goes to 0, gets 2X damage, …) spell casting bonuses for sacrifices, location, date would be helpful
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