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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. Some of these are likely to be initiated into Engizi as well and participate in rites through both Engizi and Orlanth.
  2. First, you can start the game with more. You get a bonus in a different element from your Homeland (RQG p.45) You distribute some of your additional 50 points to those runes (RQG p.51) Second, you can train or research a Rune at a temple. (RQG p.416 & 417). You get +1d6-1 or +2% for the former; +1d6-2 or 1% for the latter. Third, you get some magical boost. A sorcerous Combine spell of Man with that Element. An unusual Rune spell. Fourth, you get possessed by an elemental spirit. Fifth, you get a Rune during a HeroQuest. Maybe it's Drinking from the Earth Witch's Cauldron. Maybe its Joining with Sky River Titan's Flow. Maybe it's Climbing the Celestial Stairs. Etc. Undoubtedly other options possible like Trickster magic, exposure to Elemental Power Spots...
  3. Don't forget 1611 and the Righteous Wind Rebellion including Harvar Ironfist's takeover of Aldachur and driving the small tribes into the wilderness/troll lands.
  4. Yes, Maran can also be Voria but whether she ends as Asrelia or Ty Kora Tek is another question (or most likely she ends up as both). Don't forget PelOria. Yes, she is. It's noted in the Eringulf and the Vanak Spear quest. In HQG p. 195 "He met Maran Gor before he met Asrelia, and though the pig-dogs that guard her doorway removed his six allies; they captured one of them, bound it with iron rope, and returned with it."
  5. Plus it's part of the magic of the Royal Roads that they go to the cities that unify North (Jonstown), East (Swenston), South (WIlmskirk), and West (Duck Point). Of course, the West tribes didn't fulfill their destiny to be ruled by the Duck Ring, but there you go. City, road, and confederation all fit together so roads cannot fall short of the cities.
  6. Ah, yes, if that was the intent, meaning no use of multiple augments at the same time, then agree Not the way I've read it (or would generally allow). If my PC's invoke Hate(Greydog) in a combat, that augment/inspiration applies until the combat/event is done. No mixing in other augments. As noted on RQG p.229 "Only one attempt at inspiration can be made in a situation—such as the duration of a combat, battle, assembly meeting, magical ritual, etc. An adventurer does not get to make an inspiration roll every time they swing a sword!" In my game, the event by which you applied the augment/inspiration has to end. If you applied it to a combat, then it's when the combat ends (e.g. all foes down or surrendered). I'd support a Meditate roll or a roll on a passion/rune opposing what is active as well (perhaps the latter by an opposing player using Orate or the like though). I would not allow both. Same note as above. RQG p.229 "Only one attempt at inspiration can be made in a situation—such as the duration of a combat, battle, assembly meeting, magical ritual, etc."
  7. I included a couple of these older events in my Tusk Rider background post. Specifically: Year 1591 Participating Homelands: Stinking Forest, Esrolia, Lunar Tarsh, Sartar Kingdom of Sartar invaded by Lunar Empire with its Tarshite and Tusk Rider allies. Belintar the God-King secretly supports the Kingdom against the Lunar invasion, and the invasion is defeated by Prince Terasarin. Note: for Esrolia, Lunar Tarsh, and Sartar characters optionally add the 1591 event. Year 1591 Events Modifiers Tusk Rider: -5 to D20 roll. Esrolia, Sartar, Lunar Tarsh: +5 to D20 roll. D20 Event 1–5 Raided other lands. Roll on Tusk Rider Raid table. 6-10 Sartar Invasion (below). 11-12 Died of other causes, see Random Causes of Death table (page 35). 13–20 A normal year. Sartar Invasion Modifiers Tusk Rider: -2 to D20 roll. D20 Result 1–4 Plundered the Far Place. Gain 1D6×100 L. 5–13 Survived. 14–18 Killed in battle. If Tusk Rider, gain Hate (Sartarite clan); otherwise gain Honor Passion. 19–20 Died with great glory in battle. Gain Honor Passion and Devotion (deity), and +1D3% Reputation. If Sartarite, gain Hate (Lunar Empire). Year 1609 Participating Homelands: Stinking Forest, Dagori Inkarth, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Sartar Persistent raiding by the tusk riders rallied their foes, and many lands (Sartar, Tarsh, Trolls) sent their best hunters and warriors to hunt down the raiders. Success was, as usual, questionable. Note: for human characters from Dragon Pass optionally add the 1609 event. Year 1609 Events Modifiers Esrolia, Grazelands, Prax: –3 to D20 roll. Dagori Inkarth, Lunar Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Sartar: +2 to D20 roll. Stinking Forest: +10 to D20 roll. D20 Event 1–9 A normal year. 10–11 Died of other causes, see Random Causes of Death table (page 35). 12–15 A normal year. 16–20 Fought in the Boar Hunt (below). The Boar Hunt Modifiers Tusk Rider: –5 to D20 roll. Hunters, Nobles, Priests, Warriors: +5 to D20 roll. D20 Event 1 Died with great glory slaying a famed tribal war leader or clan chieftain while defending the Stinking Forest. Gain Hate (tribe or clan) or Loyalty (Ivory Plinth) and +1D5% Reputation. 2–5 Died fighting invaders in the Stinking Forest. Gain Hate (selected Homeland). 6–10 Survived 11–12 Died of other causes, see Random Causes of Death table (page 35). 13–15 Witnessed the bloody sacrifices and rituals at the Ivory Plinth. If Tusk Rider, gain Devotion (Bloody Tusk) or Loyalty (Ivory Plinth). If other, gain Fear (Tusk Riders) or Fear (Bloody Tusk). 16–17 Sacrificed in bloody ritual at the Ivory Plinth. Your grandparent or parent’s soul was bound to their hand as a slave spirit and cannot be contacted until the soul is freed. Gain Hate (Tusk Riders). 18–19 Killed in skirmish. Gain Hate (Tusk Riders). 20 Died with great glory dispatching the Tusk Riders. Gain Honor Passion and +1D3% Reputation.
  8. Beat me to it! I really like the idea of Local Color events whether for Cinsina, Culbrea, etc. 1606 Fall of the Maboder should likely be in there as the survivors become Cinsina thralls, but might make for some interesting PC's. This occurs in 1591. SKoH p.272. Or they could be witnesses to the event and gain Fear (Humakti/Humakt) or Loyalty (Household of Death). As the tragedy is a series of back-and-forth feuds and reprisals leading to Saronil's death and even activities by Dorasor, it might be easier to write up as a period piece (e.g. 1546-1551). That way you don't necessarily have to be so specific in each event and can incorporate more of the Hate(Sartarite) vs. Hate(Esrolian) or even Hate(specific clan) items in the die rolls.
  9. I think you could reasonably include all 4 above. Orlmarl of the Culbrea is a Chariot Driver and follower of Mastakos so they definitely exist. The Entertainers are the local skalds - likely at least one in any chieftain's hall (and maybe one in training). Nobles are those of whichever bloodlines typically produce chieftains and thanes. Scribes will be those folk sent to the LM temple in Jonstown to learn to be Lawspeakers and have then returned to the clan/tribe. There are several ways that Humakti can be included: maybe severed from clan, but have joined Queen Ivartha; or ritually severed from their bloodline and now dedicated to the clan chief; and probably some other alternatives.
  10. Or shift Character Generation back. PC's born in ~1597. Can leave grandparents history as is. Start parent's history with 1602 events and run up to 1613 with Starbrow's Rebellion. PC's initiated in ~1612. Start the PC's with Starbrow's Rebellion. Use Year 1623 table for Years 1615-6 but replace "17–20 Fought in the Siege of Nochet (below)." with your choice of: 1) Nearly killed in battle between Lunars and rebels. Add +5% to Battle. Give yourself a distinctive scar. 2) Nearly killed or temporarily driven insane by Lunar magic. Gain Hate (Lunar Empire) and add +5% to Spirit Combat. 3) Nearly killed by rebel bandits. Gain Battle +5% and Hate (Rebels) 60%. 4) Nearly killed by Telmori raiders. Gain Hate (Telmori).
  11. Since the Bestiary is out in pdf, that seems unlikely. I'd guess hold-ups with art and layout are more likely.
  12. The rules specifically state that. And I certainly enforce that. Why not? One of my players used his Hate(Greydog) to great effect in combat. You're missing something if you can't apply passions in combat.
  13. My players have used and liked it - but they also expect that it will take time to ensure they get a beneficial value.
  14. A blend of Assyrian, Persian, and ancient Greek work well for Lunars. Hittites, others from Asia Minor, Etruscans, some Britons/Gallic figures would all do for Orlanthi. And you can find those in 28mm scale. Since those are modeled on RW military units, it's harder to find good female characters though.
  15. I don't know if an inherent part, but I'm sure you've got to do something to prove yourself a bull and therefore worthy of being a child of the Storm Bull.
  16. p.70: It's not obvious that the Group Simple Results should use the scoring from the Extended Contest Resolution Points table. And overall I find that the Group Simple Contest is the hardest of the different contests to read through and understand.
  17. Per this thread: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/8191-climactic-scene-victory-level/ the Climactic Action table/results for the group.
  18. Whereas the Rising Action table includes information to calculate both individual and group results, the Climactic Action table does not - it only has the individual results. Think this is a good addition for your Bring Out the Dead thread.
  19. Like association with the Great Old Ones. 😉 As I recall, the first shipment of Cthulhu Wars to the US had a nice delay going through customs.
  20. That's why I split between my response between Rune magic and spirit magic/sorcery as they are different. Rune Magic works like Melee Attacks - only one spell per round (unless you Multispell). Spirit Magic/Sorcery works like the latter - as much as you can squeeze in given the need to prepare the 2nd spell, unless engaged in melee. And further limited by any need for concentration. If your concentration is broken (i.e. an attack before spell completion), then the spell fails.
  21. Correct, except in the case of p.224-5 with Two Weapon Use. And you have to have enough SR's available to do so. Correct, and based on a combo of weapon rate and available SR's. Runes magic, definitely yes (with the exception of using Multispell). Spirit magic and sorcery, I believe, work like Missile Attacks, and is where the table on p.193 comes into play (and further notes on p.194). If you have enough SR's, including the +5 to prepare another spell (and have the focus for it if spirit magic and have the necessary hand free), you could do so.
  22. I certainly hope so, as I still haven't received mine. 😞
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