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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. And listed among the Gods of Chaos in the Guide p.703.
  2. From the Guide p.424 we know that Guilmarn will conquer and unite Nolos and Pasos. Those might be considered one or two of the Three Kingdoms. It does note that attention is then turned towards Ralios and Fronela, but only notes invasion of Ralios where he runs into the Arkats. The only reference in regards to Fronela otherwise seems to be the Takenegi Stele where the Red Emperor reaches Sog/Akem.
  3. I wasn't expecting them to be so noticeable, but it does support that the Colymar Wilds are indeed wild. Apparently the dwarves have put the mountains under some invisibility spell! (Or perhaps the cartographer got stomped on by a giant?) I like the inclusion of the Distribution Maps, though. Much better sense of where you can find different groups then just labelling the region. Unexpected, but interesting! Must have regular Morocanth caravans along the Pavis Road - maybe decadent Lunars have a taste for herd-man? Somewhat less artwork than anticipated - think an early note suggested that all entries might have art, which is not the case. But I do like the art that is included. Elves and dwarfs are quite good. The jolanti makes me think of some classic robot movies (particularly if you remove the head). I like the uz with the beetle head helmet.
  4. p.13 "Bullstitches" should be "Bullsitches" p.104 The pictured scorpionman has 8 legs, but the hit locations chart on p.105 only lists 6 legs. Perhaps add note that both 6 and 8 legged varieties occur. p.186 "Thunder Broather" should be "Thunder Brother"
  5. That is how I've always played at. I think this is the important point: creates a magical missile at the instant the original is launched or fired The implication is that the spell is cast upon the missile, and since the magical missile appears at the instance of launching, it can only ever follow the trajectory of the original.
  6. But that's the Seshnelan king with Seshna Lakita, not the King of Loskalm, who gains the Serpent Crown. Glyph 16 indicates the Serpent Crowned king dispersing the Arkats (i.e. invading Ralios), before being killed by Ardinyar Kocholangsson, King of Ralios (also noted on p.742) who brought the Storm Dragon.
  7. However, the Takenegi Stele does mention the King of the West who has suppressed the Arrolian Properties and is defeated by the Red Emperor in ~1641. That the King of the West had "rebelled against the gods" can be taken in varied ways, but could represent the King of Loskalm adopting the ways and practices of the Kingdom of War.
  8. Every so often I go exploring in the vast tome that is the Guide to Glorantha. Today's exploration was in pursuit of beastfolk references, but it led me to p.511 in the midst of the Jrustela archipelago. Narkast: An island inhabited by giant Beast Men with the heads of animals such as birds, bulls, goats, monkeys, and so on. They are ruled by a king, an outsider spared by the monsters called the Sendak, who rules for life, or at least until his “subjects” grow bored and devour him. I had not realized that the Wild Things had found there way into Glorantha! But Where the Wild Things Are was one of my favorite childhood books, and I enjoyed the discovery. Probably won't ever make it there in a campaign though - Jrustela is well down on my list.
  9. Most are called rivers around us, e.g. the Parker River, the Ipswich River, the Little River in Haverhill. However, just south in Boxford, MA, you can find Fish Brook and Mosquito Brook and in Topsfield there are Boston Brook and Nichols Brook. What I haven't seen in New England is Creek or Fork, which are definitely in the Midwest and South.
  10. Ship from a US port, through the Panama Canal, then on to Lima.
  11. I haven't hit it yet, but would probably allow some nominal amount of Spirit Magic. Once the Bestiary is out (scheduled for tomorrow), we should see info on typical spirits and if they include Spirit Magic, I'd just follow that guidance.
  12. I'd rule it impacts at least Lore (Knowledge) skills and INT rolls.
  13. I haven't worried about the time in-game. When one of the characters in my game recently cast Detect Enemies, I told them who/where enemies within the range were detected. Did they have to spend a few seconds turning their head to see all? Probably, but irrelevant to game flow. If you need a time for an instant spell, decide what you think is reasonable. Probably be one melee round for me.
  14. That is simply incorrect. After 30+ years there was a strong desire by the designers to get players/characters into the Hero Wars. There is nothing in the Guide that is negated by this. It gives you a worldwide view as of 1621. There are several sources (including the Guide) which give you guidance to 1625 and help you understand the current state in core homelands as of that date. It allows you some flexibility as a GM to shape what happens in your campaign between 1621-5. And there's nothing that keeps you from running your RQG game in 1621 (or any date earlier or in-between). Most of those are not set in 1621. Most fall in the period 1615-1620. The Cradle is the only noted 1621 scenario. And I think that is the right decision, and allows a lot more than just the classic Evil Empire vs. Rebellion theme.
  15. No, I don't see anything additional there. It simply adds the maximum damage bonus from the special, and then gets the usual ignore armor for the critical.
  16. Detect spells have always been instant. The objects detected light up magically, you see them, and the glow fades off. A carryover from RQ2. In that edition p.36 "Spells affecting the character’s body do not require a focus." while "spells affecting other people and objects do require a focus for quick casting." In RQG, all spells require a focus to be immediately cast.
  17. RQG p.203 for impales: "If the impale is also a critical hit, then the maximum possible impaling damage (14 points in the case of the short spear) is done to the victim, to which is added any damage bonus and any extra damage from spells." RQG p.204 for slashing: "If the slash is also a critical hit, then the maximum possible damage (18 points in the case of the broadsword) is done to the victim in that hit location."
  18. Also look through David Millians Kralorela material in the online Rule One magazine starting with Issue 3. Not explicitly canonical, but I think you would find useful. http://ruleonemagazine.com/Archive.php There's the Kralori Sky in issue 4, the Archexarchs in Issue 5, lots of Kralori ghosts in issue 8, BoShan province in issue 13, and cults of Chern Durel in issue 15 http://ruleonemagazine.com/Iss15/CultsofChernDurel.php
  19. Death implies going to the Underworld. No evidence that he ever did so. That he shed his mundane aspects, yes, but that does not equal Death. Glorantha Sourcebook p. 97 notes: "Dayzatar invented and discovered rituals and a way of life that would maintain his purity and aloof strength. He shunned contact with lesser beings except to teach them, and his armies of celestial luxites turned their hearts as hard as steel with his disciplines. This way, the sky realm was stoutly protected against the ravages of the Gods War and is said to have suffered the least for it, and to have gained the least by their tactics than any of the other survivors.... During the period of his isolation and discipline, Dayzatar managed to shed most of his own mundane aspects to purify himself." I didn't remember, but definitely a reference in SKoH p.360 to your point: "Sacrifice Day asks for the protection of Voriof the Shepherd from the forces of winter. Animals selected the previous day are named for the gods. As the god-talkers slaughter each animal for the winter, they sacrifice it to Voriof. As each animal dies, so to do the gods. Ernalda and Orlanth are the last two sacrificed; with their deaths, winter truly begins. Finally, only Voriof remains to lead the few remaining beasts to protection from the forces of darkness." I think that would be a difficult one to prove either way - perhaps it is one of the Nysaloran debates!
  20. I definitely agree with the approach of following the PC lead here. And the real risks are likely threefold: 1) Gordangar the Chieftain dies; 2) some of the PC's die and/or their souls are trapped in the Underworld (i.e. they don't succeed in Sleeping Back to Life and are effectively in a coma in the mundane world); and 3) the spirit of the wyter (represented by the Woodpecker Staff, symbol of the clan and the chieftain of the clan) is trapped in the Underworld. The result of at least 1 and 3 are: a rival NPC is chosen Chieftain; the clan's magic is severely weakened by loss of the wyter (and likely a new wyter must be gained, or the old one rescued); and the woodpeckers are unable to protect the clan from the Venebain demons.
  21. GtG p.202 is pretty much it: "The Kingdom of War rages onward, destroying and pillaging to collect the world’s largest treasure hoard. Mercenaries, heavy cavalry from Jonatela, and warriors from Tastolar and Rathorela volunteer to aid the Kingdom of War. Hordes of broos and other krjalki also erupt from evil places like Dilis to assist the Warlords. The Kingdom of Jonatela is the third major power in Fronela, and its king may hold the key to successful conquest. Will they help or hinder the Kingdom of War?" On the copy of the Hero Wars map I got from Greg years ago for the period 1621-1630, there's a circle marking the Kingdom of War and an arrow advancing towards Loskalm. Pretty much the whole area of Junora, Akem, Pomons, and Jorri are labelled as "The War against War." On the plus side, if you're running a campaign there, you can pretty much choose how you want things to unfold in this period of time.
  22. The old descriptive saying was "Staunch as Heler." His great attribute was loyalty and reliability. He brought his weapons, but I think was only characterized as an average fighter. As you note, that may be a Sartarite view, but the ancient Helerings were conquered/defeated/subsumed into the Orlanthi culture.
  23. I loved the old split between Yelmalio and Elmal - gave me the chance to create Khelmal, who was central to my Imther campaign, and Heliakal, who fell at the Hill of Gold, but survived to become part of Glorantha canon!
  24. Only until they converted to Christianity. 😉 Cavalry might be a different story though.
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