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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. Glorantha Sourcebook p.185 has the map of the invasion in 1624-25. It advances through Oraya and along the Arcos towards Torang in Rinliddi. It's detailed on p.189 and concludes with "In 8/1 (1626), Dranz Goloi suffered his first reversal when the Lunar Army, led by Jar-eel, riding atop the Crimson Bat, routed him outside the walls of Blessed Torang, and revealed herself to be the incarnation of the Red Goddess in the Third Battle of Chaos. Dranz Goloi and the survivors of the nomad army withdrew to the Redlands to regroup and recruit."
  2. Yes, some bits are quite narrow. Tip of the tail in my mind. It spreads as you walk along. Or could just be how the earth resettled after a dragonrise, or perhaps after it buried itself again. But definitely the only RW landscape I've seen where I had the feeling that 'this could be a dragonrise'. Could be a good example for a dream dragon rise too.
  3. Given what they previously did to the Yelmalio cult (Esrolia p.43-44), I think the Yelmalions will be very careful of what they do and don't do in Nochet. "Orenda then fulfilled her promise to her lover, and wed him and made him King of Esrolia. His officers married priestesses, and his men married ladies. That night in their wedding beds these men were fed to Imarja. They were all murdered and set afire, or else burst into flame first and died that way." Of course, the reason they were there was that they proved useful mercenaries in the fight to drive out the EWF. Why invite the Yelmalions into Nochet again? They serve as a useful check against the hordes of Sartarite/Heortling refugees (~20k of overall 100k+) particularly in the Sarli district where there cluster. The Yelmalions can be used to challenge clan chiefs who get out of line, the mercenaries can be used in the wars with the western barbarians, etc. And there are other husband deities who can help keep the Yelmalions and their patriarchal instincts in check. And of course, the Ernalda priestesses are likely to know more stories of the days when Yelmalio was Ernalda's Husband-Protector which they can ritually invoke. Exactly. 🙂
  4. The uplifted side of the rift runs about 11km, the lower side is about 7km, and there are a range of parallel fractures as well including some water filled. Glorantha Sourcebook p. 40 notes the Brown Dragon left "a crack in the earth which stretched for 16 kilometers", so yes a bit shorter, but still reasonable for a true dragon. 🙂
  5. jajagappa


    When I read through your text initially, I was not picking up the fact that if you've used it, you've lost it. Reading back through, I think you're correct, and that we're on the same page. True. I was thinking more in the munchkin gaming line.
  6. No, Vith = Aether. But were his wives Earth Queens? Likely yes (or they are Dendara/Gorgorma, who may or may not be Earth deities). Was there a primordial Earth figure before Vith? Durapdur the Three Measures perhaps, or Majadan (Iste) the Father God together with Erdires (Yothenara) the Mother Goddess, or later among the High Gods there is Yothbedta the Gardener or Herevens the god of mountains and heights.
  7. Maybe or maybe not. That really focuses on myths of Esrolia, not of broader Earth deity relations. Best starting point is the Glorantha Sourcebook as it gives a broad view of the whole pantheon. Given that the land/earth is everywhere (unless you are running a merman campaign), you will almost always have earth goddesses (or remnants thereof in the case of the Wastes). The continuity of the major land masses suggest that certain goddesses (e.g. the land/grain goddesses) are both distinct entities yet part of something greater (e.g. Gata/Asrelia/Ernalda). The Earth goddesses also have their own mythic cycles of maid/mother/crone. Asrelia is both the crone, yet she was once maid and then mother, so in her mother aspect she is also mother of Ernalda the maid and equivalent of Ernalda the mother. (And the same can be said of Gata the primal earth, though she is much less accessible.) This is part of the way of myth. Glorantha Sourcebook p.88 is your basic Earth-centric genealogy and descent. The remnants of the earth culture in the Wastes (at the Paps) is probably the best example with its varied spirits of the Earth or memories of them (e.g. Genert, Tada, Ronance, the Serpent Mothers, etc.). Generally the varied Earth guardians were killed, turned into mountains, fell asleep, etc. Joerg noted the Molandro reference as Yelm's second foe (and there may well have been a Mol..... culture somewhere in Peloria including the traitorous air goddess Molanni). The Esrolia book notes Ernalda as part of the six sisters, two of whom are Del..... goddesses: Delaeo and Delaina. Likely they were part of some other old earth culture that was absorbed. Each region may well have its equivalents centered on some prominent earth feature (e.g. Gerendetho and the Hungry Plateau/Jord Mountains; or Kero Fin). There's not a lot else described that I recall, so it's really a matter of building the myths you want into whatever story you are telling.
  8. jajagappa


    No, I was saying don't put all your RP in one cult basket. If you've got 15 CHA, put 10 RP in your Orlanth basket and then join associated cult Issaries (or whoever) and put 5 RP in that basket. Both are then well insulated against CHA loss (and you can work common rune spells from either). My vote is for a variant of #4. If you need to use, you do as one-use. But it's gone at that point if you do. If you don't use and CHA returns then fully reusable once more. Basically your god is saying "I expect you to be my leader. You failed to maintain that, and yet you drew upon my powers anyway. Now you have to sacrifice to me again to prove your dedication."
  9. I have a feeling that the Esrolians act very much in this manner in regards to land and land rights/obligations. The Dividing Familyland myth in the Esrolia book is very suggestive of which ancient families gained "ownership" of the land (and one of the maps highlights the divisions around Nochet between the Evaeo, the Oranaeo, the Deleaos, and the Delainaeo clans). These and other Enfranchised Houses continuously try to assert their rights over others on "their" lands including paying tribute, offering sacrifices to selected deities, demanding labor or goods, or even allowing buildings to be constructed and occupied, etc.
  10. That seems reasonable to me.
  11. Potentially, though with the gaps and cracks and fissures, I was definitely and immediately thinking "a dragon rose here".
  12. I had the impression that it was substantially larger and maybe the brightness of our moon. It's not as large as Shargash (whose round shape is discernable in the Sky per the Guide) though. I suspect the horse tribes would find a blindingly bright yellow horse.
  13. jajagappa


    It's one of those undefined situations, and I could certainly go either way. But even without the Charisma spell, CHA can drop. Does the PC immediately lose the extra rune points they've spent good POW on? I'd be inclined to be lenient and go with the "now one-use" effect.
  14. Maybe it longs for its mate! And if they can find it, the bird can again lay magical eggs.
  15. jajagappa


    That's probably the way to phrase it: anything above your normal, unenhanced CHA would be treated as one-use rune points.
  16. Thinking a bit further on that line, the ultimate test of Chalana Arroy is whether she chooses Harmony to the world or Loyalty to someone/something within the world. I think this is the climactic point: News reaches her on the battlefield that Arroin (her son) or the White God Zenfel (her father?) or possibly her entire clan (the White Camp) is dying (of a wound inflicted by X - Umath if her father/clan). She can stay and achieve peace/harmony between the Red Wolves and the Green Bears, or she can depart to save Arroin (or Zenfel/White Camp). She cannot do both.
  17. I'm fairly convinced that she is a goddess from Altinela (aka the White Camp of Innocence/Wisdom). The White God (Zenfel, or Asharthcha in DH per GRoY) fell when Umath crash landed on the White Camp. If you look at the Guide p.10 the world picture there shows a White Goddess at the north point in an attitude of prayer. Note also Fortunate Succession p.93 on the DH alphabet: "Ch(a) is the most alien letter. It is the only one which does not have a deity associated with it. In fact, it is used almost exclusively within words, such as in Asarthcha." From GRoY: "Asharthcha White Overseer of the North, Ruler of the Compass, Keeper of Wisdom. He is also called the Long-bearded Measurer." Chalana Arroy's powers of healing have a blend of both innocence (healing all who approach) and wisdom (the knowledge of how/who to heal). She's a close cognate of Harana Ilor so may be the Harmony of the North (perhaps there is a genealogy descended from Harana Ilor for each of the compass directions?).
  18. Very few, and probably only found in the list of Original Rune Owner vs. Current Rune Owner, and in the cult writeups on deities of power (e.g. LM son of Acos, or Donandar son of god of music and goddess of dance, etc.).
  19. One thought: Sophie's Choice (i.e. based on the book/movie) - what does the Healer do when two equally important beings are simultaneously dying? Which does she heal and which does she sacrifice? Another thought: a third party. Spirits of Disease or scavengers (i.e. Hyena, Vulture, uz) show up to infect and grow with the dying, or to feast off the dying. Chalana Arroy has a vow not to harm another, but how will the healer respond?
  20. Enemies... 😉 Who killed it off, and why? What powers does it have, and who would have wanted those? Of course the Earth Witch won't be happy that a bear stole one of her treasures, and will seek to regain it (or demand recompense). Also, what powers does it bring to the clan/tribe? And what rival clan now wants that benefit?
  21. jajagappa


    I first recall Neep way back in Troll Pack if I remember correctly, but from the article it looks like he was even earlier in WF #6. I don't recall a kickstarter including him.
  22. Sounds like a lot of fun, and that it worked well! I like that he took the strange bird and flew out through the smoke hole - should have some interesting consequences.
  23. No, it does not mean they necessarily equate. If you look at the Darkness pantheon 'genealogy' from Glorantha Sourcebook, the Dehori are the branch descending from Dehore and Subere (and could certainly include Dehore himself). However, Dehore (and Subere) are children of the entities Father of Demons and Mother of Space, who are noted on p.76 as "Neither of these enjoyed much of a cult, but were more noted for having some very powerful children, three of whom are listed below: Dehore, Himile, and Subere." Mallia is just as likely to be a child of one of those entities. The Glorantha Sourcebook p.78 states "Mallia was a Death Goddess captured and enslaved by Chaos (or who freely joined, depending on the version being told)." or p.124 "Mallia grew from the Darkness, in the waste and destruction of the Gods War. She found nourishment and life amid the fallen foes, the wreckage and destruction, and the blood of everything that died in that age. She became a corruption of Death itself, tainted and degraded from the swift brightness which Humakt and Orlanth used..." Or, she might be a daughter of Subere, of whom it is noted on p.76 that "Subere is the Goddess of the Inner Dark, and also called wife of Dehore and Goddess of the Darkness of the Underworld. It is written that the Lords of the Seven Hells all worship her. She is also called the Mother of Death, for that Rune was made or found within her cavernous being before it was brought into the Surface World" Since it is not explicitly stated, I'd say that if you want Mallia to be a corruption of a Dehori, then that can work. Or if you want her to have more demonic origin or be a variation upon Death, then that works too.
  24. Looking through the WF index included in WF 15, these are the additional units noted: Keener Than, GS. WB&RM rules for the pal of Sir Ethilrist. Included in DP Hungry Jack, GS. WB&RM rules for my favorite chaos pumpkin. Jack is back! Included in DP The Hydra, GS. WB&RM rules. Included in DP Masters of Magic, GS. WB&RM powerful magic unit. Not included Walktapi, GS. WB&RM info plus 3 game counters. Not included Sisters of Mercy, GS. WB&RM rules addition with 3 counters. Not included A Medley of New Units, Burt Medley. WB&RM variants. Not included
  25. jajagappa


    Sounds like the next great baboon hero (unless it's a trollkin?).
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