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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. I tend to follow this approach. You can still get some very mixed stats, but have the ability to put them where you want them.
  2. Sorry, I'm not buying that. I think that's reading something via game rules that doesn't feel like it fits. Wisdom/knowledge does not equal illumination.
  3. This is a reason I keep my skill level and my category bonus separate. The skill level is still 5%. Your ability bonus just doesn't help. However, you might have magic to overcome that, or be inspired, and either would modify the chance of success. That is not the case for skill level of 00%.
  4. The Molari-sor are effectively a client of the Eel-ariash, and I'm sure the hand of the Eel-ariash is strong in Oraya. But it's not where the action is. You can look at the Governor-Generalship of Dragon Pass (or even King of Dragon Pass) as the political battleground between the Eel-ariash and the Assiday. Yes. The Hwarin-ony (if memory serves me correctly) are wiped out. The Errio-unit use that as their opportunity to rise (and they have connections across the Lunar Provinces, though not Tarsh). Btw, this is the lineage of the Errio-unit dynasty of Sylila I put together.
  5. I don't feel it is. And I don't think the presence of illumination in Jrustela provides any insight into the relationship of illumination with God Learnerism. In my mind, God Learners simply learned how to manipulate the powers of the gods/runes with western/sorcerous techniques.
  6. Except you have the Windstop and Great Winter in between.
  7. I posted in the other thread as well: I'd note that I purchased the main Call of Cthulhu 7th edition titles through Chaosium and as they've updated the pdf, I have regularly received notice of that via email, and you can subsequently go and download the revised pdf. I have had no issue with this (and they actually use drivethrurpg for readily providing the content). At some point there will likely be an errata thread for RQG as there is here for Call of Cthulhu: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/5988-errata-updates/
  8. I'd note that I purchased the main Call of Cthulhu 7th edition titles through Chaosium and as they've updated the pdf, I have regularly received notice of that via email. At some point there will likely be an errata thread for RQG as there is here for Call of Cthulhu:
  9. Based on GS p.31&33 "The new general was the greatest noble in Tarsh, Fazzur Wideread, chieftain of the Orindori clan who ruled Kordros Island. His father was Vostor Blacktooth, a loyal companion of King Phargentes and a member of the king’s household. Fazzur’s sister Harsta was the first wife of Moirades, making Fazzur the uncle of King Pharandros." and "With his old friend Sor-eel of the noble Eel-ariash family, Fazzur led the conquest of Prax" - there appears to be some very close connection here by the Eel-ariash with the Orindori. Also same source p.186 "..Eel-ariash. They control many temples, the Hon-eel cult, the satrapy of Oronin, and the province of Tarsh. They also have Jar-eel. A Three Fifths family." - and I'm sure they are raising and protecting young Phargentes, son of Moirades and Jar-eel. Overall, I'd say very high. Not the only influence, of course. Philigos and Phargentes were the children of Kana-Telsor from the Valar-Telsor family, as well as grandchildren of Hon-eel. But Philigos had little rule over Tarsh and mostly lived in exile in Sylila (before the Errio-unit became satraps).
  10. When alive, I think the King didn't like the idea of the Wilktar tribesmen going off en masse and leaving Hilltown vulnerable to the Vanchites. The Laramite tribe on the other hand tended to send their sons to Kareiston's Temple to serve as mercenaries there. So that leaves the Orlanthi clans in the mountains and eastern wilds. They tend to follow the old adage "No one can make me do anything", and that includes fighting for someone else.
  11. Well, I think there is an ambitious and unmarried Queen of Holay looking about for some help with some vision of her unborn daughter becoming Queen of the World... 🙂 Nope. Of course, whoever can succeed in the quest to gain the aid/allegiance of the dwarfs and reopen the Brass Gates might become very, very wealthy and powerful. Unfortunately, while it's easy to ritually maintain the allegiance once gained, it happens to be a most treacherous and difficult quest into the Gods War and the Greater Darkness. However, I'm sure someone will want to try once they can figure out how to do it (the dwarves might know, but they aren't talking).
  12. You might find the HeroQuest Voices for the Rathori of use in thinking about their spirits. http://www.glorantha.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/ISS3001-HQVoices-Rathori.pdf
  13. Yes. I think the Lunar wane maps in Glorantha Sourcebook give us a good sense of who is taking tribute from whom, and when. Sylila and Imther are dominant in the 3rd wane, Old Tarsh in the 4th wane, Hon-eel's Tarsh in the 5th wane, then in 1545 the Tarsh king becomes Lunar Provincial Overseer. Aggar finally subdued in 1564, so only 3 generations of tribute there. I think Hwarin gained more than just a trade of some goods for blue furstones. The Singing Road is both a magical road and a nice trade/tribute road. And the metal from the dwarves/King of Imther is very lucrative/valuable. Sylila remains strong in the period of Sheng Seleris, so have to think that trade/tribute in metal is part of that. Likely struggles between the Lunar leaders in Jillaro (Errio-unit) and those in Furthest/Mirin's Cross (Eel-ariash) are played out in Imther, and to a lesser extent in Vanch. Vanch clearly controls some of the territory of the Singing Road in the 4th Wane when Orios Longarms is strong. By the 5th wane, Imther has reclaimed much of the territory south of the road. Toll-keepers undoubtedly gathered tribute for interested parties. That Imther and Vanch fall under the Lunar Provincial Overseer in 1545 suggests that the Eel-ariash gained ascendancy, and have kept until recently. As of 1623, the King of Imther is dead and the trade with the dwarves is lost. Orlanthi tribes and clans have resurged there leaving only Hilltown with a minor Lunar puppet king. The Dragonrise shatters what is left of the LPA.
  14. Should be Hilltown. I wonder if the Sun Dome Temples pay their tribute to the kings of the respective provinces, or direct to the Lunar Provincial Admin? I could see various "exceptions" being made over time. I'm sure there is a long-term arrangement/tribute between the King of Imther and the Satrap of Sylila as well dating from the time of the Conquering Daughter. Probably superseded for the most part by arrangements with the LPA, but I could see this as an area of tension. There have only been two LPA so I suspect it's unlikely that there's been an expectation to present themselves regularly. I could see an initial event where the respective king submitted to the 1st LPA (aka King of Tarsh). When Appius took over, there may have been a call to join him in Mirin's Cross where some/all attended and renewed the tribute.
  15. One of the things I like with this picture is that it challenges some of our prior notions as to what these characters may look like. Alternately, it may be that this is simply one group of questers on the Lightbringer's Path. This also appears in the Glorantha Sourcebook, p.66. The caption there reads: This fresco is from the City of Wonders and depicts the deities of the Celestial Court and the Great Elementals. Top row: Glorantha; Second Row: Ouroboros; Third Row: The Celestial Court — Uleria, Orenoar, Harana Ilor, Acos, Larnste, Ratslaf, Tylenea, Kargan Tor.; Fourth Row: Yelm.; Fifth Row: Umath; Sixth Row: Gata, flanked by Genert and Pamalt, and the various land goddesses.; Seventh Row: Zaramaka, with Daliath, Sramake, and Framanthe.; Eighth Row: Dame Darkness, Nakala, encompassing the Father of Demons and the Mother of Space.
  16. I believe the intent is to keep your overall level the same. So you reduce the base level by 5%, but add to your overall skill to compensate.
  17. To me, same level means: crit/crit, special/special, or success/success. This seems a reasonable interpretation since it subsequently calls out: special/success and crit/special. And on p.143 it notes that the tie is: "where both participants achieve the same type of success but roll the same number". Crit/crit is then noted as a special case of a tie for both opposed rolls and spirit combat (though in the latter, both do damage to the other).
  18. Considering the size of both Vulture's Country and the Wastes, I'm sure there's plenty of local detail we haven't seen. p.122 notes "With the defeat of the Lunar Empire in 1624, the Sable Tribe lost their ascendency and many have fled past Vulture’s Country into the Wastes."
  19. The sandbox setting of the Colymar Tribe including Clearwine and Apple Lane, dozens of NPC's with full stats, GM screen, maps, calendar. Basically everything to get a campaign started. There is also supposed to be a subsequent GM book that covers heroquesting and other such topics.
  20. p.368: "If both combatants succeed, the winner is whichever combatant achieved the better result." I take this to mean there is a winner and a loser, unless they both rolled the same. No, based on the above, at the same level of success, there is a winner. "The winner succeeds and the loser fails. The winner does spirit combat damage to the loser." Only in the case of both achieving a critical success do both take damage.
  21. On the edges are the members of the Celestial Court who held the Power Runes. These are the Powers that influence the body/mind. Left side, working down: Fertility Rune: Uleria Stasis Rune: Acos Truth Rune: Orenoar Harmony Rune: Harana Ilor Right side, working down: Death Rune: Kargan Tor Movement Rune: Larnste Illusion Rune: Tylenea Disorder Rune: Ratslaff Through the center are the Elemental and Form Runes (in relation to Man), and associated figures. Spirit Rune: Horned Man - the spirit Fire/Sky Rune: Dayzatar - the power of the Mind/Sight/Eyes Moon Rune: Red Goddess - the power of Magic/Pineal Gland (IIRC) Storm Rune: Orlanth - the power of Breath and Strength/Lungs Water Rune: Lorion/Blue Dragon - the power of Blood and the Heart Darkness Rune: Kyger Litor - the power of Digestion and the Guts Earth Rune: Ernalda - the power of Reproduction Beast Rune: Hykim - possibly representing the body or animal instincts
  22. I don't think we will see that as I think it's been noted that the book has already gone to the printers in order to be available at GenCon. Suggest a new thread for questions, speculations, and thoughts on the illustrations.
  23. Obviously the Yanafal Tarnils version.
  24. Definitely! And plenty of opportunity for a GM to create events that fit with their campaign (even adding into what's provided in RQG).
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