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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. As Peter noted, we conclusively know the name of one. We definitely know who two others were, but not their names. We likely know who the last was (and what she looked like via Prince of Sartar). Otherwise, the information may be buried in one of Greg's archives but has never been published. As Joerg notes, it probably doesn't matter once you become Belintar.
  2. May have changed - Jeff's original outline had 1613. However, the other likely candidate is Valinyr's cousin, Valira, Dormal's mother. No one did. Hendira rules without one, which is one of the reasons she fails. Jolerta, Samastina's grandmother, is only in that role for House Delaeos, not all of Esrolia. Normally all Enfranchised Houses have their Reverend Grandmother to lead them.
  3. Based on the old story The Smell of a Rat in the RQ Companion, I think it's been generally assumed to take the whole year. However, Ernalda magic can allow you to speed up or slow down the pregnancy so that you can target a birth at a propitious date in the calendar. IMO, the answers are: Yes, there can be mythic/time consequences of getting pregnant. Yes, you can get pregnant during sacred time - could be very propitious, but likely more risks/dangers (e.g. giving birth during the 'Great Darkness' or in the 'Underworld'). Yes, of course you can get pregnant on a HeroQuest! A good example in the Eleven Lights, p.119 if you seduce one of the Guardians to enter the Underworld. "If a PC successfully seduces Kaldar or Sinjota, there should be consequences. A woman who seduces Kaldar will give birth the next year to a child destined to play a major role in the Hero Wars. A man who seduces Sinjota will sire a demonic entity who may end up aiding its father, or perhaps pursuing him, depending on the Game Master’s wishes." Yes, would have consequences - see above. Yes, there's lots of Gloranthan astrology. Apply as you wish!
  4. Well, he'd certainly like them too! Whether he meets/satisfies their requirements is another question (and certainly useful ones to send his lackeys, aka PC's, off to fulfill).
  5. This was very likely to have been Valinyr, Queen of Esrolia 1564-1585 and subsequently Reverend Grandmother 1585-1613, given the picture of Belintar's form in Prince of Sartar before Harrek and Jar-eel's arrivals.
  6. Here are several examples from my Saird material: White Rock Temple (Sun Dome) This is one of the Sun Dome Temples of the Yelmalio cult and it sits at a key site along the Daughter’s Road. Many consider this to be the greatest of the existing Yelmalio temples, and it certainly dominates the land south of the Jader and east of the Oslir, particularly along the Daughter’s Road which the Templars help guard. Nearby is the famed White Rock and below it, the great Salt Quarry where the Sun of the Son defeated and burned away a fearsome water god that advanced against the Empire of the Sun. The temple bustles with activity, preparing for the trials their Count Yugathus and the Sun Lord Herkanthos see coming in the days and years ahead. The Queen of White Rock is chosen by the Count from three candidates selected by the Queen of Holay from within the Bell Temple. The candidates bear the Three Sacred Fruits to the ceremony. Whichever is chosen by the Count, her fruit is blessed within the surrounding lands until her passing. True Sky Sun Dome (aka Sky City) GtG p322 This Yelmalio Sun Dome temple in the hills between Little Cafol and Thubana defends Sylila from the Orlanthi barbarians. The cult supplies the satrap with disciplined pikemen. The Count of this Sun Dome cannot be married, and must sever his bonds with his wife if he is married upon his ascension. The Counts must maintain a ritual purity ever after, aided by a Priest of Enverinus who represents the lost power of Fire. Zalan’s Sun Dome GtG p337 The farmlands between the Zalador Hills and the Oslir River are defended against trolls, bandits, and raiders by this Sun Dome Temple. It fiercely defends its independence, until the right price comes along, at which point the inhabitants of military age become dedicated mercenaries. When an old Count dies, a new Count is chosen from the unmarried leaders and departs for Filichet at the end of his first Seaseason. There, the Queen of Filichet selects a Queen for the new Count and the two are married within the Bell Temple on the first day of Fireseason. The path taken upon their return to Zalan’s Dome is marked by beautiful sunflowers which rise in their wake.
  7. Perhaps friendship with the Sun Dragon? Most of the Sun Domes in Saird claim various distinctions about being the "First" temple to do this or that for Yelmalio. Kareiston's Temple in Imther is built upon an ancient site founded in the First Age when Emperor Mahzanelm conquered the region. I think most of them carry on traditions based on local myths about the Little Sun when Yelmalio was known by other names (e.g. Lightfore, Heliakal, etc.), including aspects such as choosing the leader, the temple regalia, the wyter's magic, etc.
  8. Yes, many serve within it, but I think @metcalph describes correctly. Many of the Sun Domes in the Lunar Provinces owe tributary obligations to the Lunar Empire which they fulfill through mercenary units. These obligations probably date to the Lunar reconquest of the provinces post-Sheng. As there is no cross-temple hierarchy, the obligations certainly vary by temple.
  9. Of course, King Kangharl would not have done this as the Black Spear clan opposed him, and likely Tarndisi did as well. Queen Leika likely will do so. Coming from the Arfritha vale, this is a reasonable route to Apple Lane and on to Runegate. From the Nymie vale, you'd take the trails past Asborn's stead, or along the Starfire Ridges.
  10. The main events are described in RQG in the Background section for character generation. 1621-2: The Great Winter, concluding with the Battle of Auroch Hills and Samastina's coup in Nochet. 1623: Siege of Nochet 1624: The Boat Planet rises; siege of Nochet ends when Argrath, Harrek and the Wolf Pirates arrive leading up to the Battle of Pennel. 1625: Pavis Liberated; the Dragonrise destroys most of the Lunar forces and the New Lunar Temple in Sartar; Kallyr declares herself Prince of Sartar.
  11. Yes, most of Yelm's court did so, and I would include Molamin.
  12. Why is this a surprise? Yelm after all defeated Orlanth in a contest of dancing! And always has associations with music (e.g Hyraos Truetune).
  13. Given Molamin's traditional association with Yelm, I think that's unlikely.
  14. The Mongoose book Blood of Orlanth. So, decidedly non-canonical, but always a possibility in any individual campaign.
  15. But not all sorcerers are necessarily Malkioni. The God Learners for instance (and Delecti was a God Learner). And if they happily use sorcery to manipulate the powers of the gods, then I'm sure they happily manipulate the powers of spirits as well, even if they don't see any need for shamanic practices.
  16. Probably the same reason the Colymar refused to allow Sartar to make a city in their lands - that it would violate the Colymar agreements/oaths with Tarndisi.
  17. I plan to use the highest roll wins on a tie as well unless there is some dramatic reason to treat as a tie/stalemate.
  18. There are travel paths from Clearwine through Orlmarth land and the gap between the Starfire Ridges and the Colymar Wild to reach the road from Runegate to Jonstown. See Sartar Companion, Return to Apple Lane, p.170 "Getting to Apple Lane". If you go through Quackford, you have to go through Lismelder lands as Grievous notes which means you likely have to pay some gift to pass, but certainly happens, and probably common for those of the Arnoring clan.
  19. I live in Groveland, MA just on the edge of the Lovecraft Country map. It's roughly a 10 minute drive at 30-35 mph (~4 miles) to either West Newbury or Georgetown - a similar distance from Arkham to Kingsport. Walking distance would be 75-90 minutes - it's somewhat hilly. But I would not expect anyone to need to stay overnight between two places at that distance. A drive from home through Georgetown and Ipswich to Crane Beach (which is basically where Innsmouth is situated) is 40 minutes at similar speed (~18 miles), and even that distance I would not expect a need to stay overnight. Walking that would be around 6 hours.
  20. I can add from my RQG game: they also help protect against chaotic creatures that explode upon death.
  21. Good catch. Important note that nandan is a gender, not just a deity, as that implies that the stricture that males cannot join the cult is still applicable.
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