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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. Yes. I was trying to come up with something like 'bonds', 'collars', or 'shackles' but 'links' works better.
  2. But this is still the era of Genert's Garden, not of the Wastes. So doesn't necessarily mean they have tribal beasts. If the Summer Wife is centered on Sartar/Esrolia, and the Winter Wife on Saird, then there may be any number of other associations.
  3. From Sandy Petersen in Forgotten Secrets: One of the secrets of Superheroes that has never been revealed is that Superheroes are each connected to a particular Rune. Harrek the Berserk is Death, Jar-eel the Razoress is Harmony, Elamle was Life, and Sheng Seleris is the Spirit Rune. This puts Sheng as superhero with complete mastery of the Spirit Rune. In my mind he would then have all shamanic skills and abilities and likely can control much/all of the Spirit World about him including opening pathways into and out of the Spirit Plane from the mundane plane.
  4. Except that the Three Bean Circus and their dedication to Peace is in almost complete opposition to typical Vingkotling behavior. I think they represent a different branching from Tada/Ernalda who rejected/opposed the marriage of sisters to the children of the Storm.
  5. I might be inclined to call such coins "Heads" (if pegged to the value of a slave).
  6. Just more options when you send the Sun Dome characters off to Pavis!
  7. I'd include the Making your Character section as well as very useful as it provides a good sense of what cultural keywords are around, what are common runes, etc.
  8. I've run the Garhound Contest/Melisande's Hand in HQG (although transplanted from Sun County to the Colymar tribe). Worked great, though I made a few alterations to the events in the games to suit my needs (and spread it over two days). I run all my games these days as PbF, so if you don't mind browsing through a long thread (with a few missing posts due to unfortunate circumstances), you can find it here: https://rpggeek.com/thread/1204787/ic-heroquest-glorantha-colymar-campaign-2-orlmarth For the local Yelmalions, the men will worship Yelmalio (Light and Truth) and the women Ernalda (Earth, Life, Harmony) with a few minor deities like Chalana Arroy or Zola Fel thrown into the mix. The Ernalda writeup is in HQG (or in Sartar:Kingdom of Heroes) while Yelmalio appears in Pavis: Gateway to Adventure. I'd recommend getting the latter if you don't have it already as it provides HQ versions of most cults you need for Sun County plus creating Yelmalion/Sun County characters. A brief extract: Cultural Keyword: Sun Domer. You are a member of the Sun Dome Temple. You are proud, pious, and suspicious of outsiders. You know how to fight with your weapons; the distinctive two-handed spear and shield of the Sun Dome cultists. You know how to fight in file or in line and serve in your local militia. Your folks are farmers and herders. Unusually for HeroQuest, this cultural keyword does not reflect social rank or relationship to society, that being derived from the Light Rune. Common Elemental Runes: Fire (Men), Earth (Women). Important Cults: Yelmalio (Light, Truth) (men only), Ernalda (Earth, Life, Harmony) (women only) Common Background Occupations: Crafter, Farmer, Healer, Herder, Mercenary, Merchant, Priest, Sage, and Thane. Regarding pre-gen character conversion, MOB kindly thought to include Distinctive Traits and Personal Connections. Treat those as your character narratives from which to pull together your HQ character and add-in relevant keywords for occupation, cult, and runes. E.g. Haloric Longfarm: Ambitious Mercenary Cultural keyword: Sun Domer. Occupation keyword: Mercenary. Noted traits for Haloric include: Arrogant (possible Flaw) - associated with his geas to always speak Truth, so Truth seems likely to be his highest rune Unconventional Views - sounds like either an independent ability or an interesting breakout Disliked and Distrusted by Superiors (definitely sounds like a Flaw) Devout Yelmalio cultist - Devout could be a breakout under the cultural keyword or a rune associated with Yelmalio or an independent ability His connections mostly seem to be to his militia unit, so Loyal to Comrades (or something similar) could be a breakout under Mercenary. Then look for other interesting features: Master of 2H Spear (gift) - I'd make distinct ability starting at 1W (or maybe higher) The geases should be noted. Probably not as flaws. Brass torc with Lightwall - probably a distinct ability What's left? Runes: Light and Truth are obvious, and as noted Truth likely to be paramount Rune. What's the 3rd? "Unconventional" suggests it could be Movement/Change (not stopped by tradition); or if divisive, maybe Disorder; or maybe Storm (if defying authority) or Water! Charms/Spells/Natural talents: the brass torc already noted. Nothing else overly stands out, but maybe he has Heal Wounds under his Light rune. Or if you like the Ambitious aspect, put Detect or Find Gold under either his Truth or Light rune (or maybe as a distinct Charm or talent). Other Breakouts: you've got four above. Other notable abilities from his list include: Dodge, Intimidate, Speak/Read/Write Pavic, Listen, Scan, Search. You could translate those into: Blinding Light Defense Intimidate Soldiers Eyes of a Hawk Hear the Sounds of the Night Read and Write Pavic (doesn't need to be overly descriptive) Then assign ratings and add in any additional points. He doesn't have any spirit allies or companions per se, so I'd likely allow him two bonus abilities. Once you've worked out the points/ratings, you've got a converted character!
  9. And some dragonewt ones including the noted dragonewt on a demi-bird. These were definitely part of my vision of the dragonewt race (sans color, of course).
  10. Thanks. It's just the tip of the iceberg out of the old piles of notes, of course. A good percent of the maps - even though they have such an old school, pen-and-paper look!
  11. Have an Earth priestess lead the party - an Ernaldan who can command the respect of the Tarsh Exiles.
  12. As soon as you realize Idrima can shake the earth with her stomp, yes. The Shaker's Temple at the base of Kero Fin is the logical place to go to find Maran Gor - yes, worth risking if an awakened Idrima is causing your clan problems. Depends on how tied Idrima is to the Broken Tower, but as presented she's probably not too inclined to depart. But, if she's growing in power, perhaps with more agents aiding her with sacrifices, she may be able to send forth sprul-pa, dream-wefts, or even co-opt other Earth figures to aid her advance. And if another altar can be raised to her, then maybe Idrima herself is able to travel through the Earth to that new altar to extend her reach. Yes, quite likely a difficult challenge. And in fact the Shakers might well 'adopt' her and bring new sacrifices to her if they learn of her. The Tarsh Exiles must allow some (i.e. merchants, Ernalda priestesses) through. But they are depicted as bandits and warriors and likely to prey on those who are weaker. Whether that's for sacrifice, or perhaps just ransom, is another matter.
  13. One more location: the Inn of Last Light in Hortugarth. You'll find in on the Hortugarth map along the western riverfront at the end of the wall near where it says "Isildon River". It is situated on a high bank along the river so there was both a lower common room right on the docks frequented by rivermen and an upper common room frequented by other tradesmen. It was another popular location in my campaign. Hawkeye and Vranakion, two of the first Imtherian PC's both lived there. Appchus was a common source of information and opportunities for the PC's - ostensibly a merchant, but also a Sylilan spy. A commonality in my campaigns is that most cities have an "Inn of Last Light" - always of course near the western edge of the city. Yes, there is one in Nochet as well. They have no connection with each other (unlike Geo's), no common layout, but they seem to regularly pop up. Even my recent foray into Jonstown in my HQG campaign found an Inn of Last Light there.
  14. And it also suggests that you've shifted into a simulationist mode rather than a narrative mode. That was one of the biggest hurdles I found going from a game like RQ to HQG.
  15. Never quite know what will turn up when digging through the piles of old notes, but here's my Temple of Hwarin Victorious! On the Hortugarth map, it is situated on North Street. From the size of the temple, it is clearly a Major Temple - likely larger than you'd really expect for a city in Imther. Probably would fit better in Mirin's Cross or Filichet. It reflects my concept of Hwarin Dalthippa at the time with sections for her warriors, her priests, and her workers (e.g. weavers, stonecutters). [And if you look closely you might see that I drew it on the back of an old computer printout - specifically a JCL listing for any old mainframe programmers out there.]
  16. It's a good question. But, if I was a Yelmalion and wanted to overcome and defeat the Elmali, I'd go on a quest and prove that it was Yelmalio and not Elmal that remained atop Kero Fin through the Great Darkness, that Elmal was simply the fire that was stripped away and went out beforehand.
  17. It's the flashiest power, but on a day-to-day level, those gifts add a lot. When the fires of Elmal die down and the hearth fire goes out and cold, the light of Yelmalio still shines. (Which may also mean that Yelmalio's powers are more constant and reliable throughout the year.)
  18. No. It is a FANTASY GAME. It is not an attempt at world-building from underlying scientific principles. Hasn't been since the beginning. As it says way back in RQ1 "Glorantha was created by its deities from the Primal Void of Chaos." You will not find the word 'science' in that book, but will find the word 'myth'. Despite lots of debate on how things might work going way back to the dawn of internet communication among many of us, there's still no need to work out any level of scientific principles. There are Runes, there are Gods, bronze comes from God's bones, magic exists and magical effects can be created. If you want or need to work out 'scientific' principles for your version of the game, go right ahead, but there's no inherent need to do so. As was stated in RQ, "However it is played, the primary purpose is to have fun." I don't need to figure out Gloranthan gravity to do so, or to tell a story in it.
  19. My original map of the city of Hortugarth. The city name is straightforward: Hortus' garth (i.e. his enclosure or yard). Not shown on the map, but further out from the walls is the ring of trees which Hortus planted to mark out the greater bounds of his city. It's an old location though. Marex Hill in the southwest corner is the site of Tor Vara which you'll find on the GtG Dawn Age map, one of the two ancient Balurgan settlements (the other, Tor Balur, is part of the ruins in the Plain of Stones). The original design had Hortugarth more populous than what ended up in the Guide (where it is a small city). My in-game explanation is simply that Imther incurred the anger of the Lunar Provincial Government and was consequently visited by the Crimson Bat. This map pre-dates that visit. It's on a convenient trade route from Imther to Holay though where Imtherian stone (marble) from the mountains, as well as cheese and wool and furs from the east, are loaded onto boats on the Isildon River and sent downriver to Mirin's Cross or beyond. Not unlike Jonstown, it's a center for the clans of the Laramite tribe and those clans (what I locally termed 'marls') maintained nice homes in the city. Too urbanized really for Imther, but it served as the home base for my original campaign, particularly the Conquering Daughter's temple (the Temple of Hwarin Victorious).
  20. Yes, Nysalor ostensibly a part of Yelm, though also referenced as Rashoran, who exists separately (at least on the Gods Wall IIRC). Harshax may well have completed the Tournament of Death and Luck (probably after Jar-eel defeated by Harrek or else the fall of the Red Moon) - he may then have taken up the mantle of the God-king, or parts/fragments of it. I think Estal Donge's position as sister of Pharandos is non-canonical. Yes, it is certainly one of the fragments - and it's loss is part of what keeps Belintar/God-king from returning. This seems unlikely. Phargentes is the offspring who becomes the Red Emperor, but falls to the released Sheng Seleris. As I don't think there are any plans to build out the Fourth Age, YGWV, but always an option.
  21. For a time, and in certain regions. But it's not clear that this is a universal event. I do feel that Harshax is linked to either Belintar or the Masters of Death and Luck.
  22. Maybe because of his experience on the Hill of Gold.
  23. Better magic (from more powerful myths).
  24. And I also have a fondness for in-game texts. Problematic letters often turned up in scenarios/sessions. This one wasn't specifically problematic, but given the amount of commentary, is probably from the collection of the King of Vanch at Bikhy. Letter to the Temple of the Suns Delivered by Harmal the Walker At the Behest of Urmarnex Nightcrest, Lord of the Temple of Khelmal To my brethren in the Temple of the Suns (1) in the city of Bikhy (2), I offer greetings and salutations. Know that it is my desire to see the rancor that has existed within the walls of the golden temple reach an end and that the blessings of the Founders (3) be extended to all of us in equal share just as the rays of the sun find their way equally to each and every one of us. Surely this is the time for us to recognize that Antirius, Khelmal, Yelmalio, and, yes, even Hurril (4), have traditions (5) that incorporate the path to the Hill of Gold. (6) Shall we not overcome our fears and place our hearts and minds in the hands of the almighty Sun Father, Yelm? (7) Let us join as sons of the sun and go into battle against the forces of darkness (8) together! Let us ascend the four steps (9) hand-in-hand and rejoice in the triumph of the son of the Sun in all his glory. Let us call upon the Davu (10) to shield us with its purity and bathe us with its truth. Yes, my brethren in the light and glory of the Sun, let us create a common good amongst us that radiates the truth of our words throughout the world. Let us meet together in the coming year when Yelm ascends his highest mount and bring our squabbles to an end for these squabbles are surely the path of darkness. ------ Notes: (1) The Temple of the Suns is a temple palace dedicated to those who make the pilgrimage to the most sacred Hill of Gold. Though originally built as a small shrine, the temple has grown over the years and incorporates several distinct shrines and halls whose worshippers follow the different gods of the Hill of Gold. Because of rivalries and feuds, the Temple of the Suns is divided into at least five sections and it is a rare pilgrim who enters a rival's section. The larger sections are: the Antirian Hall which houses the Scepter of Justice and is open to questers of Antirius; the Yelmalion Barracks which house the Orb of Authority and are open to initiates of Yelmalio; the Khelmali Shrine which houses the Ring of Hope and is open to Imtherians; the Hurrili Grove which houses the Staff of Light and is open to elves and elf-friends; and the Pallanakin Tower which houses the Crystal of the Living Flame and allows worship by those who follow any other sun god. None of these deities (nor any of their lesser associates) actually have a temple near the Hill of Gold. It is not uncommon for questers to the Hill of Gold to end up dead before they even reach the Hill, slain by their solar rivals for their magical powers. Such was the recent case of Tiranirelm the Just, heroquester of Antirius, who came into conflict with Yofrastus Sunhelm, of the Tarshite Sun Dome. Tiranirelm was slain when he challenged Yofrastus to the Test of Three Solutions and lost. Yofrastus took Tiranirelm's Scepter of Justice to use in his own quest. (2) Capital of Vanch. This is the closest city to the Hill of Gold. (3) But whose Founders? Those of the Temple of the Suns or those of Imther? (4) I believe a name or title of the sun god of the elves of Rist and the Elder Wilds. Nightcrest also ignores Pallanak (a solar figure who defeated the dark deity only to be encased in the grip of the conquering ice as shown in the major friezes of his tower) who is not known to be worshipped by any living people. (5) Each cult's traditions require starting some distance away from the Hill of Gold when performing the last phase of the pilgrimage. The traditional starting place is, of course, the Temple of the Suns in Bikhy. (6) Each of the cults has differing paths to and from the Hill of Gold. Antirius questers must survive the storms only to take grave woundings and have a companion who can carry them back to the Temple of the Suns. Yelmalio questers must strive to reach the pinnacle of the Hill of Gold. Khelmal questers must battle their foes to a standstill before they sacrifice their fire powers and strive to return to Imther. (7) Nightcrest uses the common Dara Happan spelling instead of the traditional Imtherian name of Yelem, presumably as a means to encourage unity. (8) There are always plenty of foes for such questers to meet for the Vanchites maintain a temple called the Temple of the Father near the Hill which is sacred to the dark figures who must oppose the sun questers. The Antirian questers call this figure the Cruel God, the Yelmalions Zorak Zoran, while the Imtherians call him Orak the Hell Wind. (9) The Hill of Gold is in fact an isolated and rocky hill whose lower portions are covered in scrubby trees and thorny vines and whose top is bald. Ruins of an ancient temple (or Footstool as some would have it) can also be found at several points on the hill. It is these ruins that have led some to portray the Hill of Gold as a great ziggurat of four tiers with the top surmounted by a glittering and golden orb. (10) An angelic spirit who also has a shrine within the Temple of the Sun though no one has visited it in ages.
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