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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. What I noted on G+: Yes, different from the Guide. Complete overviews of all Elemental pantheons (developed from the material in old WF's, but adding in the Lunars). Complete Redline History of Lunar Empire (some pieces in WF's or Heroes magazines), now with maps by Wane. A short geography based on the land goddesses. Some Dragon Pass history. Some overview of Elder Races. What @David Scott noted on G+: If you already own everything including the Guide, the reason to buy this simple - ART, MAPS, DIAGRAMS. There's some stuff you've seen before BUT there's a nice double new page map of Dragon Pass and Prax, the puppeteer troup pic, ten! reliefs from Sartar's palace full of detail, Argrath and his companions, loads of dynasty trees, 4 Kygor Litor Temple friezes, Full page Babeester Gor pic from the cover of HQG - no titles - looks cool, full page fresco from the city of Wonders, the burtae spending out from the spike, full page genealogies with images of all the Gods and spirits - Darkness, Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Moon. Godlearner maps of the underworld side view, oceans side view, Green age, Golden age, Storm age, Great Darkness, Full page picture of ernalda and her family, Yelm Entertains the Lords of the World, Yelm manifesting at the Battle of Night and Day, Yelmalio ambushed by Zorak Zoran at the Hill of Gold, uncloing spearhead, Orlanth and Aroka, A fresco from the Sacred Palace of Nochet depicting the courtship of Ernalda the Earth Mother by Orlanth the Storm God, The destruction of the Spike by the forces of Chaos, The Unholy Trio, Orlanth leading the Lightbringers (includes Ginna Jar), ARKAT the Destroyer, full page of the Red Goddess dances into the night sky, 7 Wane maps, battle of the Four Arrows of Light, Hwarin Dalthippa, Sheng Seleris, Jar-eel with her lover/ bodyguard Beat-Pot Aelwrin (full page), A frieze From the Temple of the Black Arkat at Arkat’s Hold showing the gods, Questers on the Heroplane, Prince Argrath, A Snake Pipe Dancer invoking the draconic powers of their wyter. Personally it's +Kalin Kadiev's genealogies and Michelle Lockamy's pictures that make this a winner for me (and thats' before I start on the text).
  2. Very much so. In the RQG design, it's the opposite of the Beast rune, which is wild and uncivilized.
  3. p.142 "Flagrant blossoms ensue" - possibly "Fragrant blossoms ensue"
  4. Cover and some interior art differ. Otherwise it's probably got the least variation between original and compendium versions.
  5. Regarding arms, think storm clouds. Arms appear or disappear as needed as the clouds build up. The picture before p.1 actually has 5 arms.
  6. It's actually an interior picture - cover is a battle atop the Crimson Bat. It's Arkat the Destroyer as @Jenx noted. I'd say Dorastor is the likely spot during the final battles against Gbaji.
  7. In my PbF HQG game (now over 3.5 years running), sessions are a bit more abstracted as having completed a specific climactic event. Nominally I'm into my 8th session now and have increased the resistance once (after the 6th session concluded). Per session, characters get 3 Hero Points. I encourage use - odds are that if you don't use at least some, you won't survive the session's conclusion. Of course, that means you don't have many/any left for experience. My approach for experience: if you still have Hero Points left, you can apply those to experience. if you used Hero Points in play, you get options for experience in either: something related to use of the Hero Points (usually based on how you narrated whatever ability or augment was applied), or something where you achieved a Complete victory, or something where you achieved a Critical and some level of victory. If the ability was a breakout, usually it's a +1 bonus. If it was based on a new use of a rune or keyword, that usually prompts a new breakout at +1. Occasionally they get a new ability at 13 - most commonly a new Relationship. As a result, the players are encouraged to use their Hero Points when needed and see what options they get for experience based on how they played/narrated the session.
  8. Yes, there are example quests, broken myths, lost myths, ideas about designing quests and quest stations. The Geography by Rune is an interesting and different view. Two myths about Humakt. The broken myth of Fangplace. The Horn of Snakepipe Hollow - a nice quest to try to beat back chaos. An Upland Marsh quest. And more.
  9. Probably because the genealogy is drawn from King of Sartar p.99 which lists all the Kings of Tarsh including the Twins Dynasty, the Illaro Dynasty, and Palashee (who is noted as an orphan of the Shaker's Temple). If you didn't include him, I'm sure someone would be asking "what happened to the 13th King"?
  10. As @Jenx noted there's a lot of material on Gloranthan mythology not in the Guide plus the complete history of the Lunar Empire. If you have old Wyrms Footnotes, then a good bit of this will be familiar, though updated and with new additions (e.g. the 6th, 7th, and 8th Wane notes on the Lunar Empire, the Lunar deities, the Sartar Magical Union). Lots of great art - the genealogies of the different pantheons offer some real interesting ideas about some of those figures.
  11. Correct. Palashee is not related to the Lunar Tarshite dynasty but was raised by the Shaker Temple.
  12. Yes, a good example of that is that Seed of Larnste applied to the Earth Cube of Gata creating the mountain mother Kero Fin. This yielded something new (though one could argue that she took the form of the Spike which already existed or the form of the Stasis Rune which also existed). She has not changed form since though. Does that mean she is simply imbued with the power of Change, or that it allowed her to Become something else which then became her Being? There's not necessarily a guarantee that a Change will become stable, either. It could become transient and Illusory, or Disordered and breakable, or perpetually changing.
  13. My 1980 softcover from the RQ boxed set has the dots.
  14. I'd expect there would be wizardry schools with a focus on Stasis. There's no reason a shaman couldn't work with the powers of Stasis, particularly if associated with varied Earth powers. As noted in the Sourcebook, "Restless and ambitious, Change introduced Conflict into the world. It is considered the sire of Air and is called the power of Becoming." I can certainly buy the idea that it can create something, but not sure that it 'causes' permanence. From the same source re: Stasis: "The various names for this Rune - such as Immobility, Unchanging, Solidity, Stone - illustrate the ideas behind it. The dwarves claim that this is the First Rune, for it provided the foundation from which everything else was created, or else provided the foundation of hard laws that were used to overcome the forces of Chaos. Content, satisfied, and stable, it is often called the power of Being." Plenty to indicate stability and permanence there.
  15. Page header beginning on p.11 reads "Elder Races". Should be "History of Dragon Pass". That continues through p.47.
  16. Or the power of Stasis, which is very much still in the world even if its the Rune Power least invoked.
  17. If you go by GRoY p.79 or FS p.51, you find her listed as SurEnslib, which may be of differing origin even if similar sound. However, looking back, I think Suren- came from ILH2, so that one is likely suspect.
  18. p.188 "at great personal sacrific" should say "at great personal sacrifice" p.189 this paragraph not indented "In 7/53 (1624), the Voor-ash appeared in strength".
  19. With sufficient magic points, you could work the RQ3 Enchantments to provide something close to it. Something like a spell matrix for a spirit magic spell with a replenishing magic point matrix, or just with a really long Duration.
  20. As others have noted, not standalone from a rules perspective. However, even if you're running other systems (e.g. HQG, RQG), there's lots of fun stuff to mine from it.
  21. Bear in mind that titles such as Agga- (Glory of), Dava- (Victory to), Suren- (Light of), Ven- (Dedicated to) would never be applied to Lodrili, only Yelmic and Lunar nobility. But that's also why they might be applied to more than just an individual - the house, etc. is equally noble. That pattern would probably not be repeated at the Lodrili level. There I think villages would reflect the Earth deities the Lodrili married, etc.
  22. The artwork really is spectacular! The depictions of the pantheons of deities are wonderful, but a lot of other cool pictures and maps.
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