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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Same sample cults in 1st edition, although the Orlanth cult is just half a page there because it doesn't yet have any cult structure.
  2. I agree with this. Another unusual aspect of Glorantha is that people tend to pick out a god as "their guy" - at the very least, there are no codified rules effects of sacrificing to Magasta for a safe sea journey if you're not an active worshiper, while it seems downright routine to make or owe lesser sacrifices in Ancient Greece - “Crito, we owe a rooster to Asclepius. Please, don't forget to pay the debt”, as Socrates is supposed to have said, or the Icelandic A Sprengisandi folk song where the singer, feeling pursued by elves and trolls, promises a horse sacrifice if he makes it back. The Gloranthan style of worship might come closer to mystery cults of Antiquity, though? Mithras killed a sacred bull, so by doing that yourself you emulate Mithras. In the Attis cult, we get self-mutilation as emulation. You initiate into the mysteries, and they're designed to help shape your psychology and lead to mystical insights. They're about you, not merely about keeping the gods happy. I strongly recommend Bret Devereaux's four-parter on polytheism and how it's not even remotely like in RPGs, beginning here: https://acoup.blog/2019/10/25/collections-practical-polytheism-part-i-knowledge/
  3. "I reject your reality and substitute my own" must be something of the God-Learner motto.
  4. Both dwarves and trolls could probably put up some pretty impressive armies in their stronghold areas. Their problem is that they can't afford losses.
  5. Quick call might be half the HP and armor of the head? Targetable by Called Shot (and it makes sense for the GM to be generous with changes to Statement of Intent here)
  6. The idea that Argrath takes credit for everything is fun, though. 🙂
  7. Ancient Treasures of Dorastor sounds like promising a game module? 🙂
  8. If we extrapolate from the ”impi” term (it’s from the Zulus), they would have a fairly short spear, with a hide shield. A formal phalanx doesn’t seem very useful on a wide open plain against cavalry, so they might have at least tactics for mobility and charging (much like the Zulus).
  9. The game breaks pretty hard if people min-max advancement. Given the kind of game it is, the best way to handle this is probably asking the players "so please don't do that". OP solution is fair if you still want to restrain things, but there remains room for abuses of the system even after this.
  10. The Unbreakable Sword is broken, and shards can be found in Dorastor. Collecting the pieces and reforging them seems like a worthy HeroWars activity.
  11. The types of magic are supposed to get mixed up in the Underworld, so trolls in particular might well be using a mash-up of the types, IMO. The system punishes mixing Sorcery and Spirit Magic to an extent, but if you can work with that, that's fine by me. I find it questionable whether it's worth if the effort to try to push both, but if you want to, all the more power to you.
  12. Lots in the Mongoose publications, although these aren't canon (in many cases probably not even existing in the Third Age).
  13. Which is the exact length of a Gloranthan year discounting Sacred Time, so it works out nicely.
  14. Makes it one Gloranthan year long, which makes the length in weeks about correct.
  15. In my opinion, this stuff has only one good solution - don't think about it too hard, and handwave away any questions that arise. It just does not make sense, and the more you try to make sense of it, the worse it gets. It boggles my mind why Greg Stafford wanted to introduce this complication, but here we are. Maybe the Lunars could HeroQuest a Moon Season into existence some day, that would help matters. A day is a day. A year is a year. But then— hey, what did I say about thinking about it too hard? (You probably need to nail down the length of a pregnancy, which is done in a functional way in Six Seasons in Sartar.)
  16. I was trying to make a joke about the difficulties of finding an invisible blade that's laying about.
  17. It might depend - every mortal who has risen to become a demigod has surely passed through the hero stage, but I could also picture demigods that are merely very small gods and always have been, and those probably aren't heroes.
  18. The "multiple bodies (in serial or in parallel)" certainly does apply to Belintar and Ralzakark as well. As well as Arkat Reborn, I guess.
  19. One of the things I can't quite wrap my head around is the difference between a Superhero and a Demigod. They seem to be within the same order of magnitude at least, but there's little to no overlap, so it seems to be two very different states. What makes Ralzakark, Takenegi or TOOO a demigod and not a superhero, for instance?
  20. Extremely oddball excerpt from Lords of Terror, presumably not canonical even then (it's a rambling) and yet less now:
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