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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Okay, I am getting extremely tired of coming to Do spells have a visual component (when they don't obviously have one)? only to find we are not talking about spells, we are talking about Blah, Blah Blah, charisma, Blah, Blah Blah charisma. Could we possibly let this thread go back to its original poster and his original topic "Spells" and perhaps create a new thread about "charisma"... so those of us who never want to read another word on this topic as long as they game can avoid the thread For the sake of all the gods. please!
  2. One of my fave experiences was in GreenBrass (actually in the mountains beyond Green Brass, I will have to tell ya about it some day.
  3. Hmm. so do you think we took too long? Chargen for us back in the day was a session. used to do a little initiation into adulthood and a modified character background using campaigns past from the RQ companion. The party interacted with the town before leaving on the quest and the quest itself was a day pr so. Never did rush the party. Two or three sessions usually.
  4. Agreed learn the rules, before breaking them. cheers
  5. Captain, logically I have to inform you that a slight drift has been detected ahead. Look you pointy eared freak, if I was worried about a slight drift why I never would have boldly gone... <edited for pointlessness> So how long did it take you to finish GreenBrass? Enquiring minds and all. For both actually, how long did you crazy kids play in the sandbox?
  6. Yeah that about says where I would like to be in the final analysis, and I like how you adapt the theory of evolution from our blue marble to magic on the green lozenge to weed out those spells that are no longer applicable to the worlds needs and remembering the meta in order to also suit the tastes of your game, and desires of the players. Quite logical appreciation of internal consistency. I will add, of course, the internal consistency in Glorantha is not always immediately apparent. As with anything created with a touch of depth some will be revealed onion skin style—a bit at a time and until revealed will seem paradoxical. Worth noting as well, as per reality, sometimes the logic will never reveal itself and stuff seems out of sync, a little wrong or just plain odd. Our world has this, Glorantha, broken and off-kilter Glorantha (assume a real existing Glorantha for just a second) has it for sure and Meta Glorantha, that which has been created by humans over decades; ones that make mistakes or change their mind or simply forget some of the 100s of billions of words devoted to Glorantha, will have it in spades. So internal consistency first, the players like it and then a little shuffle to left to surprise then as well. They will also like this. As a bonus, this is consistent with how great tales resolve, and coincidentally sounds exactly like an old and predominate theory on writing pop songs. The mix of the familiar with the unexpected in the right ratio, and what that ratio is, is what separates the wheat from the chaff and will sell your song. I like the current management views that the differences in interpretations is where the creativity and originality can creep in. This has been mentioned by various members of the Chaosium Brass as being a feature and not a bug, (and it sounds a hell of a lot more sincere then similar statements from MicroSoft et al) at one time or another—not to universal accliam, unfortunately—so I hope this philosophy still steers the ship. "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." ― Leonard Cohen
  7. IRL I can't say I have finished many adventures in a day, the fastest ones I have run have been The Village of Greenbrass from the RQ 3 GM's book. which took 2 or 3 gaming days of 4-7 hours (its been years) and The Broken Tower is supposed to be playable for new comers to RQ in 5 hours but my game at the FLGS on free gaming day back in '17 got to the final combat in 5 and a bit hours As the combat could have taken up to an hour (newcomer and all those spells, one player looked at me helplessly not sure what to do with all that power (thirty or so spells was it, can't recall glad they did away with that rule, quickly) necessitating a less then clean finish and a ruling on how the battle might have gone based on the set up. People had to leave so... in real life intervened. In my games I love a story, and thread drift does not bother me (who knew) so the thought of lengthening a game rather than shortening them is usually my goal or at least a result I usually get. For example Melisande’s Hand was run by one of my players giving me a chance to play and I think we milked that one for about 4 or 5 weeks of real time playing once a week. The game was so engrossing I recall 8 hours being our shortest day. So a minimum of 32 or 40 hours of Pavis County goodness and a fine way to introduce the adventures to Duke Raus (not to mention get one of the adventurers in trouble with... (never you mind!); thank you MOB! Cheers
  8. I have always understood Eurmal in the great global trickster/court jester, the infant who avers that the emperor does not lack clothes. He is butt nekkid! But (d'ja see how I did that, d'ja?) in the past couple of months in these myriad forums I am beginning to think I have a handle on them. Not enough to allow them as player adventurers but I think twixt here and the KoDP game i might know enough to begin to allow them (reluctantly, watchfully, and lets's face it, probably through outright deceitfulness and liberal applications of Lie spells on the Eurmali part) into clan circles one day (nervous grin, followed by an unusual tick) Cheers
  9. Heler makes a lot more sense, I can see fogs and mists being part of his purview as well. Hmm, an inspired spell and an inspired choice of cults. Yer son sounds like the kind of gamer I like, Cheers PS Hmm, a Heler, Eurmali cross... scary!
  10. That is so cool in that great Glorantha way! Do you think that this would be a spell justifiably in the Eurmali "book/lexicon"? It seems like it would be, but I am not an expert and you know how finicky myth can be on the lozenge? Cheers
  11. In my Glorantha Trolls are evil and usually ask, "Youse got a problem with that bub"? They do come from hell after all, not a sunny place filled with unicorns... uhh, wait a minute..?
  12. Holy cow! anybody else hearing a wee bit of frank zappa's influence?
  13. Can't argue with that, come up with the perfect odd/gross/funny or over-the-top Chuck Jones cartoon style chaos feature and have at them. They'll be back for more. You know, in my 11 years of gaming and GMing, I have only used broo once and do not recall having encountered them Seems a shame, but there is so much out there that I did not realize that until now. As long as there are healers near at hand, or shamans, ordinary or weaker broo should not be a problem for newcomers to RQ and are or can be as oddly Gloranthan as anything I can think of for starting characters. Don't do random (the possibilities are too gruesome, literally, to contemplate) but tailor the broo to your player's taste in gaming. Assuming a greater challenge is needed for your players scaling up is easy Assuming the broo have not changed since RQ 2 and 3 the feral broo was a lone figure or a small group (perhaps litter mates) that had little magic if any and poor access to weapons and armour. But they could be so much more. Let them be in a cult (spells). Let them have real armour or weapons . Have then fight with tactics and sagacity. Make them god talkers... ohh, increase their diseases or make them horrific. Give them allies or hell even a 2nd age kingdom near the Rockwoods for sh## and giggles. Anyone care to go out for a broo?
  14. Okay new territory, alas it is a thread drift but still bendable to topic. If this (using magic which is visible) is a moral issue, how can that bad? RQ does not have alignments that you choose and slavishly follow. Should you run into a moral ambiguity, well, GREAT. this is meat and potatoes to the hero, How does he respond, in kind with another moral ambiguity, righteously and to others confusion/apathy/respect. Hell choose your own morality play here. The story can almost write itself. And need I point out what a great plot angle moral ambiguity provides once again. cheers
  15. He's on to us Elsie, Don't worry Ferdinand, I will cast a lie spell after you have cast charisma. No one will believe him over us. Quick back on all fours a human is coming.
  16. Most important to a cult that revers truth. and a little note here. As a very long term player and owner and student of much once canonical material I can think of a few ways a priest of the god of truth could lie! Most important of which is, that the gods are not omnipotent!
  17. Well in fairness, I should answer your queries but I am not sure we are covering new material here. (so l am a little reluctant). Hate to chew the same cud twice. Original topic Yes. people can see the charisma effect and note them and maybe even think them a fool if they do not use it. and it should not matter anymore than how people can also see the work the amazing wardrobe, makeup and speechwriters and teleprompter folk do to enhance our politicians (I'm in the business in a way) you have no idea how much money is spent to make our politicians look like common folk, and please, I am not talking an insignificant amount but enough to stagger a small nations's annual budget here for a large 1st world election. ( a little cheating perhaps that we can all see and wave our hands at, nothing to see here, and did you see that power tie Mr X was wearing... Brilliant speech, eh?). And with the right spin, long after they get caught too, unfortunatly (and no I will not give examples, I said I would tread carefully and not start a war:). There is actually a great tale in one on the old zines (I believe) that tells a tale of intrigue, espionage and near warfare in a LM temple in, was it Notchet? Wish I could remember the title and where it can be found. RQ companion maybe? Anyone? Cheers PS I suppose if I must continue I will, but we really need to move on to new material for this debate to matter imo and not become a Monty Python "argument" sketch. .Cheers
  18. Well I suppose I and only half a planet away... when do we play? I am working my way around to round up people around here and having a lot of interest but not new players... yet. So, good luck! Hey, is there no gaming at the universities of FLGS (if they exist) in China?
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