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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. And think of the money you will save on barbells!
  2. Sorry svensson, that title goes to my neighbour city's fine Chivalry and Sorcery; crafted for your enjoyment in Alberta! Hey, did you ever play the Harn RPG?
  3. Anyone remember Irilian? This is the one that got away. Would have love to play this bad boy! A city module delivered over 5 or 6 issues or WD for A DnD.
  4. Jeff, I have to jump to Eff’s defence here. She is a wonderful lady with a hell of an imagination. It would be a shame to not let it blaze a little.
  5. I believe that is our wonderful jajagappa!
  6. Man that Wiki is outa control. It has to be one of thew best online features of RQG!
  7. So, will you be bringing that bastard sword along as a strange artifact?
  8. Tell you the truth I am doing the exact opposite, I am running straight up RQ G characters (small party, and I tell the players to not min/max, it would only result in OP parties) in RQ3 and 2 modules with very little need to modify. Passions, Runes, for flavour, but I don’t need to roll augments for NPCs and can hand wave if needed. A few alterations and it works just fine. I would imagine that the RQ 3 characters going in the opposite direction will be a little underpowered as well as needing passions and runes and Rune Points.
  9. Oh here comes that spoiler guy again Bill, what’s he want now... Hey Ian, anything there need spoilers?
  10. And me, I rarely criticize Chaosium, but I did just buy the BGB, hard copy and PDF. It has finally been delivered and it looks lovely, but....
  11. As would I, similarity in magic. Maybe as Jajagappa has suggested, so, perhaps a limited number of tatties on the hands. One would work of me... So, a bladesharp focus on a sword, A protection or a dull blade spell on a shield and maybe JAV’s idea of Heal and Befuddle on hands and wrist! and it looks like SSoV likes common sense and does not won’t to worry abut it too much. Common sense rules here. I don’t know. This is something that has bothered me for about 40 years. Maybe I am overthinking it. Thanks SSoV for allowing a little thread drift. And thanks for joining in! Yep, no need for a focus (with a few exceptions) if you wish to take you time...
  12. Thanks jajagappa, but again, hazy, I would love some actual rules? Surely I am not the only one.
  13. Agreed, but that is still hazy, what is the mechanism to achieve all that? If that is all that one had to do, why are there still SR penalties. Why are not all foci tattoos located near the hands, you know, for ease of use. Why limit it to spell you often use like befuddle and heal? Hazy...
  14. Perhaps not, did you recall adding 5 SRs for spell prep. I believe a multimissile or a speeddart focus can be carved into the bow alleviating the need for the 5 SR prep/change hand time, but the rules are a little hazy on that. It also says shields and swords can can have foci and that time will be saved as a result. Still a bit hazy, if I recall correctly.
  15. Change Aldryami for Human and Vegetarian for Omnivore... Is Black Elves is a misnomer... I believe that they are not Aldryami.
  16. Interesting how both of these incredible foggy days in Cairo happened in January. That would be the equivalent of Dark Season.
  17. Based on what Jeff and many others have said about merchants (of late and long ago), throw in real world/silk road intrigue, and I must conclude that I see merchants as business folk/ambassadors/mobile embassies/eyes & ears (spies) and ne’er-do-wells of the first order! The market places should be alive with intrigue! Just don’t forget those wardings! Now we all know trolls are moral, good natured buffoons, who would never sink to engage in such shenanigans, so I must conclude the AA are innocent as lambs, all! 😉
  18. Yes sounds about right svensson that bad, huh, Harry. But yep, I concur. Hmm, I think you underestimate the pre-literary folk and oral tradition, but minor, no big deal. I should mention though; songs and poems our the meat and taters of a preliterate society, think such gems as Horatio at the Bridge (I seem to recall learning a few pages of that bad boy) or any Dylan song (used to sing and play all the many stanzas of many of his bad boys) show how one could have a treasure trove of lore on the tip of ones tongue! Agreed, they are certainly a "by the rote" type of learners. To begin with... real life will teach a few more lessons soon after initiation (if that long delayed) quite harshly! Hey, your military, school or street learnin’? Thanks Jeff The torkani. their queen worships a human version of KL (?) Leave us not forget the Fabled Trollballers: The Sazdorf Whackers and Tacklers (SWAT). Famous for miles around!
  19. Akhelas is in the middle of doing so with To Hunt a God, Parts One and Two, with a free update to those who have paid for Part One. Well, there is a tradition... 🙂 It looks very interesting, I am beginning to drool! Tight schedule, eh? There are many loose canons, around here, eh, @Crel? From what I have seen, you should be proud, Ian!
  20. I never did understand why they took that handy word out of SRs.... I like DEX SR Mods, etc...
  21. Well, do keep in mind that the superiority the Lunars crew about might be a result of a very superior propaganda team! Ah right, forgot about them.
  22. Yes, they have done incredible work and based on this conversation I will use my backdoor to them and let them know about this thread. Thanks for pointing that out!
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