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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. It differentiated animal intelligence from sentient intelligence. This could be important for creating sorcerous familiars if using Create Familiar (Intelligence)—I believe this was the name. There were other areas where Fixed Int made a difference, in regards to magic and skills, but the decades have faded the knowledge for me, anyone?
  2. As the first person to come up with the correct answer, I am sure ya win something!
  3. A good, point, knowing a price does not mean a buyer will pay that price. Until sold the value is less relevant.
  4. I have heard that before, in reference to lottery tickets.
  5. Winter Adventures The JC has at least one: The Throat of Winter There is a free winter adventure here in BRP (can not remember name) The opening adventure of RQ3 The Vikings if you have access is ripping good! Too cold, great for adventure (John Carpenter's The thing in a Glorantha setting, anyone?)! Write one and share it with us on the JC! Thanks for the seasonal list above!
  6. ar ar, glad you decided to have a heart.
  7. Yes of course You try to do this stuff with the equivalent of a perpetual migraine... about the only time you will find me making two mistakes in a night... Man, picky folk looking for a weakness and swooping... Mea (Sam Jackson expletive gerund) culpa! ETA Think of the number of times you see this kind of mistake from me... have a heart!
  8. So where? The post I was replying to was: So twice a year, do you disagree? 🙂 ETA Aw yes, seasonal holy day, sorry I misread this to be High Holy Day. I must of been thinking of Initiates as well. Let’s face it, this is a difficult game and a misunderstanding can lead to confusion very easily. so Initiates up to two RP gains per year from worship, Swords, up to 6 due to worship.
  9. I have been corrected, Warding has been used as well as Catseye. There was one more that I can not recall. Mea Culpa!
  10. Sacred time worship should do fine as well.
  11. Er... ETA Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, was the founder and first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii. The state of Hawaii gave a statue of him to the National Statuary Hall Collection in Washington, D.C. as one of two statues it is entitled to install there. Got it!
  12. If they offend, remove them. Opposition rolls might help here. Use the rules as written for them or modify by having the better roll succeed in use of ties, that is the higher roll or some such (Mythras, another great d100 game, has something similar) instead of having ties as per RAW. See above... Using MPs seems wrong, but each to their own. Yeah, I like the idea that a tie means it is ‘up in the air’, again each to their own. Good first post Chao, welcome aboard.
  13. My friendly neighbourhood store informs me that they do not carry Chaosium, so no Call of Cthulhu says I. Oh we carry that, just not RQ... in a city of a million people and a large and old FRP tradition. So, Chaosium, if you have an ambassador for these kind of things, the store is Warp 1 in Edmonton Ab. I have already bought a ton of your stuff from your store now I would like to buy hardcopy from my FLGS. And play it there, as well. They are saying Universal Distribution does not carry RQ. @MOBor @Rick Meintsany ideas?... If you do not sell at a Warp store here, you do not sell in this city for all intents and purposes.
  14. Thank you g33k! Let me try an experiment here, change trans with women or black or...choose your name. How’s it sound now? I have been marching, singing, protesting with these groups all my life and will continue to do so until I die! Solidarity!
  15. In one way that is my understanding, in another way, all these who speak for/with the gods are Godtalkers though this is usually only rune levels and possibly only my interpretation.
  16. This thread is a civil one with good behaviour by all, but please remember, this is not an academic question about academic posts. There are real members of the LGBTQ2S+ communities who will be reading these posts and facing emotional distress on our unemotional posts. Let’s hope they are not reading these and contemplating the harm they represent to them (intended of not), or worse contemplating self harm. Real comments made with real consequences friends. Please remember that!
  17. I am guessing the sounds of the wounded coming from the front or the back... Ears do work in stereo for that reason, no? Again just a guess, is this right @Kloster?
  18. As a friend of folk who identify as LGBTQ2S+ I would love to see a forum for discussing the issue. Before being punted from Wind Words I was trying to do just that...
  19. Nope, my group grasp on to their Rune Spells like life itself . In 9 months of play not a single rune spell... Actually one, Bless Pregnancy.
  20. What do you call Blueface after he was attacked by his Sabertooth? Gord!
  21. I am having an interesting time with macros. Easy to create easy to use. Have clicked every radio button I could find (one) to show then to the payers and the are mystified. They can see the macro bar and interact with it but not the macros I have created. Using a mac and Chrome
  22. No, sir, dvdmacateer this is based off extensive research I did before deciding on finally on using Skype. Same here David,Skype has its limitations, but, it seems to not fail (very often). We had that problem in the game I tried to help you play test.
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