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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Hmmm, I am just saying I like the idea of others not that those ideas are mine, You will have to take up the debate with those who postulated those ideas or I will be putting words in their mouth. My idea was Cure Poison being an option and that does not seem to need defending .
  2. I am of the opinion that everything is Glorantha is magical. Skills, languages, rocks and streams, madnesses. If something has a rune, it has magic. Now, with somethings the magic is closer to the surface. Assuming this postulation is true David, what is it that makes things seem more mundane, less magical? Proximity to other planes, being encased in time? Thanks in advance.
  3. Well seeing as this was my idea initially (see the third post) I suppose I must agree. But I do love David's idea of poison being something like a spirit that a shaman can exercise. That rocks and moves us away from the idea we are on earth and that earthly remedies are worth something. And even if you do not agree with poison being a spirit, as Qizilbash Woman said a spirit of healing summoned by said shaman should just about do the trick. Well to be fair, sure the other solutions will work as you say Dragon, but really when in the lands of the gods and spirits and you wish results worthy of gods and spirits and can spare the power... use the magic of gods and spirits!
  4. Hackett’s book takes it from the other direction, Politicos, Media, Generals... With forays down to the grunt’s/journalist/civilian's. eye view. Neat to know someone took the ball and ran with it. Hackett’s book caused quite the stir in the 80s with his prediction of instant news coverage from very small broadcast capable cameras with satellite uplinks and other items, including the war being sparked in former Yugoslavia.
  5. Hmm, I remember Sir John Hackett’s book The Third World War: August 1985. Did not know there was a book based on the work.
  6. Question number one, do you need RQ stat blocks. If so, I reluctantly say the excellent Six Seasons is better (again this is if you need RQ rules) based on all the opinions I have heard. But the Red Cow Saga is written by a genius (yes I like his work a lot) by the name of Ian Cooper. It was written for HeroQuest so, it is very rules light and does not have RQ stat blocks. So, if you do not mind having to come up with your own stats I would say Red Cow, if this is a problem and you want to start as a teen using RQ with many examples of how to play this out go with the critically acclaimed Six Seasons.
  7. Ah, good ol’ life in hell. So much better than the simpson’s and futurama!
  8. Well, you are the mayor of Munchkin Town! Or at the very least the head of the The Lollipop Guild! Can’t say exactly what it was I was driving at exactly myself, Phil. That is, the crunch of the actual rules was appreciated, thanks Dragon (who says ya can’t trust a dragon?) and the spec of course is a good chunk of the magic in the BRP fora. So thanks everyone. And well, like a box of chocolates ya just never know what you will get when asking a question so I just post and wait to see what chocolaty goodness I will get.
  9. I like to think RQG rules are quite good, and very pretty. But very hard to find!
  10. Obvioulsy not, but I believe all of us were looking at the binding rules on 249 (about a full page of text) and at the various spells which mention going to page 249 (the rune spells section says nothing at all) rather than page 366 in using a binding enchantment. In our defence it was not good enough for some of the heaviest hitters in the game: Jajagappa, Joerg, Philhibbs, soltakss. I like to think I know the rules as well. We all missed it. Spreading info over a 100 page or more for one effect did not help. Pages of info, no mention of this... 48 words and all alone and it nails it perfectly...Zounds! Still, you beat some fine minds to the punch, consider yourself rewarded with a no-prize (just don’t get snarky about it kid)! 🙂
  11. The price of Javelins just went up due to whining!
  12. And I have always thought of it being northern Cali Rockies... Alps... kinda... so I guess that would be Northern Italy. Interesting.
  13. Sure Can’t tell if you mean I am wrong or agreeing, I am unsure. If you were disagreeing with my interpretation the following pages in RQ RiG page 249 will correspond to what I was saying, If I misunderstand feel free to set phasers on ingnore. I will check the spells to see if they disagree with those pages. I believe (at the risk of speaking for him) that he says they cannot most of the time. But really we should wait to hear him state his reasoning.
  14. Just ran a Sacred Time and that never even occurred to me. Mind you I have not finished Day 14 Godday Luck Week Full Half Moon Prophesy day yet. We ended the game at that point due to real life needs. Still food for thought and I will pass this on to my players for their thoughts...
  15. Thanks Phil, this is exactly what I was thinking of. Twixt Joerg’s in depth look at the BTS myths in his posts and this one which looks at the nuts and bolts (dare I say, munkinerry) of binding spirits I think we are finally on track to where I meant to be. I guess my usual jocularity in the first post occluded this thinking, but yes, I was hoping for an exploration into and answers about whether one could draw on MPs from other sources than the generic bound spirit which seems to fulfill the purposes of Power and Intellect spirits in RQ3 In fact moving away from generic (the gray lands of Blandistan Joerg mentions) in the bound spirits would be nice... No worries. This is a job for Gamemaster Man! This has long been my thinking, but would you be able to cite a rule stating this or are you applying common sense? Alright. mentioning Joerg above reminds me, I might have missed a few items from his brief post. Agreed Joerg, the only time one need cast a controlling spell is to get the wee beasty into an enchantment. As long as the entity is in a non-living binding, it can use any abilities a trapped entity without senses of its own can do for its binder. It can also be release and it will perform one task for its former binder and then is gone—unless, the binder casts a controlling spell which will let the controller give many orders, the last of which must be given before the spell’s end and should be to tell the entity to return to the binding. Ooo, icky! That’s evil! As said up post, and by you as well in your post, these seem to be the common bound sprits. Now the remaining, if one were to be able to utilize any of these other critters you mention for their MPs as well, I think we might be beginning to enter the realms of some cool Munchkinerrey... ...but I fear you are correct, and this have been my long standing policy. A quick last thought on Joerg’s post...agreed, unless the spirit has enough intelligence and/or will to desire a different interaction. Yes, agreed again, I think this dovetails with Phil's thinking from the above post. and there you go, that covers my qualms from above. I would imagine something like a spirit of law that an LM might use. Perhaps little spirits that can only contain a little piece of thought... like a Jonstown Compendium (the old version of the JC from RQ classic—just snippets of lore on one idea rather that a whole splat of ideas) Cool but the is what I would expect fro M. Petersen. Well, I am glad I went back over that post, Joerg, to mine it for thoughts!
  16. Wow, one more post having finished watching this, I am amazed at how nice Newt and Low are and how much they love the hobby. Good to see I am spending money on great products made by good folk. Looking forward to giving you some cash one day, Newt.
  17. I am not actually assuming anything. Rather than coming in as an expert in fact, I am using this topic in the spirit I created it, "what can one do?” Sorry for any misunderstanding. No, I am simply exploring the possibilities. So cool, you postulate that Power spirits are not gone but could exist if wished? I do not wish to have them to be honest, simple generic spirits seem to fill the bill quite nicely, but it is good to be reminded that the thinking in RQG is open minded.
  18. Thanks for the heads up this is interesting!
  19. No, I am getting used to the idea that RQ3 and RQG are very different beasts, I was simply looking for an understanding of some of those differences. I came across someone binding an elemental in an enchantment and a healing spirit in yet another to have them ready for use and all the other benefits one has with a bound entity, but on top of that... to also be able to use its MPs for fuelling spells. The last part got me, being the old RQ3 playing grognard that I am (can you do that, really?) which is the point of this topic. Two quotes make me think that it can be done, but do not specifically say that definitively.... So do those abilities which the wielder can use while the entity is bound include using its MPs? These would be to fuel spells as our no longer existent Power spirts used to do? Again, I refer to the last three entities mentioned (wraiths, healing spirits, elementals) but it can include many, many others. Cheers
  20. Ah good soltakss, I did not say one should use Power spirits in my original post... any fact I said one cannot use Power spirits as they are no longer a part of RQG. I would rather not talk about why Power spirits are not useful but about what entities are... so howsabout the items I asked about? Healing spirits, disease spirits, demons, elementals... you know, critters that have many uses above and beyond being POW batteries but if one can use their MPs as well I just might just say... BONUS!
  21. Think venom might fit in here? Page 38 the Bed Book of Magic (Page 325 RQ G core book)or would one need a Cure Venom? ETA Found an answer... Systemic Poison Systemic poisons are often found in animal stings (scorpions, spiders, manticores). They are absorbed in the body and their effects are not localized, but are spread throughout the body to varying degrees. The six types of systemic poison are: Scorpion Venom: The type of poison injected by manticores, scorpion men, and scorpions. Usually slow-acting. Poison Gas: The poison breathed by dream dragons, walktapi, and serpent guardians. Usually fast-acting. Wyvern Venom: Injected by a wyvern’s sting or a snake’s bite. Usually fast-acting. Spider Venom: From the bites of spiders, whether large or small. Usually slow-acting. Herbal Poison: Made from poisonous plants. Usually fast-acting. Mineral Poison: Made from non-organic materials. Slow- to fast-acting. Antidotes Almost all poisons have antidotes. All antidotes have a POT rating, just as poisons. RQG core book page 159
  22. I am not sure I understand, one gains expanded POW surely that has a point or am I missing your point... granted Intellect spirits are useless for storing spells... one would need Charismatic spirits in RQ G fo’shizzle, but added POW, that is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Still the main thrust of my question remains unanswered and is being given the BRP Central sidestep. The point of the question... What can one bind or leave free but still harvest MPs from? But back on point Right, when checking matrices that create enchantments, I see the ability to house spells, and the ability to store MPs from the creator or holder of the enchanted item and of course the ability to house spirits in many guises of corporation or discorporation into binding enchantments exists or that dual named Spirit Trapping/POW Storing Crystals also exist to hold the fort... er spirit. I guess, making a deal or commanding simple minded spirits (bunny spirits) makes sense. But of all the spirits that might be trapped or commanded are there limitations to the species (beyond common sense, good story sense or the power to deal with the consequences of a loose and angry spirit) that one can milk MPs from? Elementals... demons...bunny spirits..? or... do spirits exist as being required as part of the great compromise? They were there at the beginning of time and still exist within time?
  23. Back when dinosaurs ruled the earth (and played Rock n Roll on MTV) we had Intellect Spirits and Power Spirits in RQ. Both could be bound into enchantments and could be used by our murder-hoboes, er heroes. The Intellect Spirits could house spells freeing up much needed Free INT and the Power Spirits, well, the Power Spirits bless their lil souls could be harvested for their MPs. Fast forward to the 21st century when Keef, Mic and the boys are about the only dinosaurs still hanging in there with their electronic instruments and MTV is long gone but RQ is back! With dinosaurs of its own! Alas.Intellect and Power spirits did not make the transition. So where do murde....I mean heroes go for their free MPs? Obviously commanded and controlled unbound spirits, and bound spirits in crystals but what of healing spirits, disease spirits. demons, dare I say... elementals.? Whatcha think? Cheers
  24. Though I liked @Godlearners @PhilHibbsand @David Scotts responses, this is the cherry atop a very nice sundae! Beware shamans in my game!
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