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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. None the less you are certainly correct, and a little clarity would be nice. We need a new core book and a bit of an eye to good explanations and easy to grok rules.
  2. Someone call? Hey I will have you know in my Glorantha there are at least two saunas in the average Sartar (read barbaric if you will) stead.
  3. Emphasis mine Should only take 11 SRs plus DEX SRM (a bit over a melee round) and 12 MPs (this could be interpreted as lots I suppose).
  4. Not yet, Chaosium usually puts out a PDF months before the hardcopy and the PDF was released at Yule time.
  5. I had never thought to say this to you, but DIE! Okay eat a horribly old ’smore and get kind o’ sick. Me envious, nah.... Definatly kidding, and very jealous!
  6. Having lived in Jasper (read: goddess's country) for half my adult life and only having a few pics (how, what, why... man why) I like the transience of the experience of life. Even then I suppose I know why some want the pics...
  7. Oh good (thanks the gods)! Then one day (in the future) )consider me for a position in an RQG PbF, but I will not apply for such unless I am sure I have the time your cnsiderable talents deserve. I really thought you were a great GM and had some good stuff on the go there. Cheers and thanks!
  8. With thoughts like this I agreed to join PbF game of HQ. Poor @jajagappahad me trying to recreate an HQ character that I had whipped out in 2 hours and in considerable depth in RQ. After a month of trying to considerable frustration (probably on both parts) and heartache I did a terrible thing and dropped from his game without anywhere near enough apologies or explanations (sorry sir and sorry to my fellow players that I let down). It was a bad time and I had way too much on my plate and I ended up losing a whole lot of projects at the same time, but anyway, my point... not a simple solution or in my case as satisfying as I thought it was going to be. My grandiose designs to do something very like this myself went up in disappointment.
  9. Oh so nicely said but so true! I had to wait about 2 and half decades to get an RQ I could call my own back. At my age that is cutting it close.
  10. Isn’t that one of the worst things about the internet. You sir are truly a gent, but it is hard not to misread and make mistakes. Of course you prove my point of being a gent by correcting yourself so graciously which is probably all one can do.
  11. Yes indeed, a trip to chaosium.com and a check in the RuneQuest Glorantha area will put within a hairsbreadth of obtaining a slipcase for your three items. And to make your day easier just click on this and scroll down. https://www.chaosium.com/runequest/
  12. Thank you Ladygolem, I usually pipe up well before this point, but I decided to await someone else putting this in perspective.
  13. Um, I am a bit short for coffee today, can I get any of that fiver back... 😞
  14. Not sure about that but a lot easier to parse, FungusColombicus.
  15. did someone watch Captain America with a little patriotic pride in the last Avenger's Movie? Salute! And while we are there, let’s give a cheer for real sized women, as well, in that case. Sceptical but realistic RPG player. “That skinny thing is the Grain Goddess, things have been that bad, eh?" My grain goddesses should show a little honest “substance" thankyouverymuch!
  16. Thanks good Sir_Godspeed, but I rely on jajagappabook and the RBnet myself! Less politics and spin, more wow! 🙂
  17. Shit if I win now, no one will believe it!
  18. Thanks for sharing RB, those are great!I I suppose it could/must be said that Lodril is a bit “cheeky”! I guess it comes with the disorder rune!
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