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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Joerg and I were doing some research in this field so I totally agree! Fascinating stuff and do have a look at Lake Titicaca. Now if I may I add: The SS Minnow! No scratch that!
  2. I doubt, I have faith in my American friends. You will have millions to help you mark this day. If you go with the song you had better get some excellent bread to go with the (what else) roses!
  3. Took a sec to reorient myself, got it now. As long as the room is 3m wide at that point it should fly quite nicely.
  4. Thanks RB, we have one ready for editing and we are planning our next but when I can not find two days in a row without pain, It is hard to edit (well harder than that, I must learn how to edit as we lost our last editor, and it fell me to take over) when concentrating causes major pain. Covid 19 sucks!
  5. Nicely navigated crew! And I get a whack of good info to boot!
  6. Me too, and it brought out the troll in me. Now, I’m hungry!
  7. So I had to look it up and well.... impressive, as is the tale behind it! The pic looks like something from today.
  8. Battling law speakers, with competing claims for compensation! Why ever not!
  9. Missed that post, I suspect you posted at the same time I did. Glad I went back to check... Always happy to see your spitballing, I do not even have to agree with or use your ideas. I just enjoy reading them and then parsing them. Cheers
  10. Yes sir, as I was saying if you prefer a cleaner and nobler people, why not? I intend slavery and some of the horrors of our modern world to be relegated to the truly evil and disgusting cultures at my table, and why not. Life can be depressing, hell, history more so... usually. Why does your game have to bring you down? Now not to be preachy, if down and dirty is the flavour your table prefers go for it. Be noble or be real! Let your game vary!
  11. On terra, this was quite common and important hostages would be kept for lengthy periods... up to decades... waiting for the negotiations to conclude, People being people (quite gauche and immune to the effects of shame and bad taste when it comes to money, and additionally with the existence of gods of trade who promote bargaining) I would assume it would have to be the same in Gloranthan lands that have ransoms. I can understand why one would want to hold to higher ideals and views of people, especially in a FRP, so I would say if one wished it to be so, simply make it a binding taboo backed by religious decrees and societal relations and have your game be set in a better light than I suggest. Personally, I fear that money sullies noble thoughts or activities when it comes down to it in the end.
  12. Odd. I am in a battle rich module, and have yet to have a combat last 2 minutes.
  13. From a new online player of Mythras' perspective it looks quite good, Maps were fun to play on though sound was a little loud on occasion. The character sheets are great and mostly interactive (how much of this is due to GM input, I do not know nor how easy it would be to program). Nor do I know the cost to achieve the high quality VTT that Foundry offered. A caveat, I am using what I have always considered a reasonably good computer though a little old. There was a part that beggared my video capabilities and a fix was not easy or intuitive to achieve in Firefox, note it will not do Safari, did not try Chrome) so I gave up for the very last combat in a detailed temple with a large number of opponents. I went TotM (theatre of the mind) and just used the audio connection to the game (we used Discord to connect via voice) Hopes this helps
  14. Lulu put out the PODs for classic RQ splats, bestiaries and games that was on offer this last Yule...I am very happy with the quality of the four I bought to replace skeletons of the originals that I had to replace. They were pricy in Canada despite being printed here for the freight and took a bit of time to arrive they and I blame the pandemic for the speed. Fair enough. Everything else seems solid and as much as I am enjoying all my PDF Mythras! I look forward to my second hard copy DM book to join my beautiful Slipcase RQ 6! , Maybe Luther Arkwright! ETA they were all soft cover.
  15. May I say thanks guys and gals for being so cool. Very nice of y’all!
  16. Nice guys, grace goes a long way and it’s always nice to see it used!
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