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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. And he said he would never do a super hero comic:) Oh Ali, you’re embarrassing yerself and getting drool all over my screen.. let me add to the problem with three random pics
  2. Hey all ya GMs running Six Seasons in Sartar: I have desperately tried to join a game of Six Seasons in Sartar now since it first came out. Without luck! Hell, I even had one GM (who will remain nameless... put out 2 or was it 3 calls for players for this game and been turned down each time I tried to get a spot. The rumour that I made a pincushion out of an effigy of said individual is untrue, honest!. So why do I petition for this spot. I want to read this acclaimed module, run it and cherish it forever but until I play it... well you know! Now, I have had a little experience in playing this newfangled game called Rune Quest and I have been told I have a bit of a sense of humour. I usually do not do my business on the carpet but ya know... when ya got to go, ya got to go... I try not to whine (for longer than an hour at a time) about calls I don’t like, and even on occasion try to be helpful and not a pain in the posterior (bribes of skill checks, magic weapons or chocolate have been known to help). So, if your vale has room for a Barbarian I can usually be found at the Temple on Salt Street in New Pavis (sometimes called by the uncouth... okay everyone... Gimpys) or at this very odd way station called BRP Central (PM me). Word of warning—When visiting BRP Central do not feed the denizens or ask open ended questions... You have been warned. Cheers
  3. Ah, thanks for clearing that up. Hmm, not only did I miss that, so did Joerg who just asked me if you were mistaken. Well in good company if I have to be mistaken. Thanks pookie.
  4. Yes for an analog I have always loved weight measured in “things”!
  5. A great review with only one thing to criticize, seeing as I am now working on editing the 2nd MotM since that one I will have to say the Quacken is not the last MotM. Not even the Quacken could kill these excellent monthly treats! Eh, @Crel?
  6. A bit late to the party (so what else is new?). So once again, Neil (can I call you Neil, after all these years I feel I know you) Neil has written the best comic to ever be written! He should've, he has experience. That is to say, most of the comics (some would say all, I will not... that would be hyperbole) he has written are the best comics ever written! How does he do that, that's impossible. One must to better than the others, surely. Not so, Who else would make Death a teenage goth girl? Who else could reimagine Punch and Judy, those never changing icons of British childhood? Who else could take the greatest heroes of Marvel and remove them from the 21st century and place them in Elizabeth's 17th century world? Great Stuff! And when you buy this, tell them a barbarian sent ya! I would love to hear about someone using this as a Super World game, hell, I volunteer to play in it. Anyone, c’mon, anyone? I’m waiting...
  7. If you ever wish to discuss winter survival with one who has live with winter as a friend not an enemy give me a PM, Love your work and would be glad to share my hard earned knowledge of over 6 decades with you.
  8. This in very true, and how do I know? I was raised in a city that routinely hit minus 40 and would stay there for days. I now live in a city that rarely drops to - 30 (this week it hit that twice and hovered around minus 22 day time and minus 28 night... these are all measured in celsius). I will add that one of the secrets is layers and they have to be loose to trap air (insulation).
  9. When Jar-eel asked Belintar if he wanted to neck, the die was cast.
  10. Michael sir, if you are recommending this I am off in search of it right now! Thank you. From Wikipedia ETA Psst, hey @MOBwe better be careful or the moderators of this place will give off heck for being off topic.
  11. As jajagappa says they are two different machines. I was asking if they shared a pedigree. The one in the library is the Eonistaran’s Catalog Wheel. The details are in the Sartar Companion while the one you refer to in the initial post is the Alien Combination Machine with more info to be found in S: KoH. Sorry for muddying the water with my speculation.
  12. Good call, though I will point out that this is a singular society, one that has no other known equivalent in many ways. Sweet, definitely and solidly bronze age!
  13. Don’t know if there is evidence of bronze age paved roads, is this a thing of the Iron Age Romans? Or the magically made Royal Sartar Roads? Even the quite long well engineered Pavis Road which carried the Lunar Army to victory in 1610 is a dirt path...
  14. Does this machine have any relationship or pedigree to the machine found in the Jonstown Library? I know they perform different tasks but, computers perform many different tasks despite the fact that 97% of the users of computers only use the communications potential. So, if the two machines can be used/programmed for other tasks... Eonistaran’s Catalog Wheel The great Catalog Wheel of Eonistaran is a wooden device like a broad water wheel. Each of the Wheel’s seven boards holds multiple scrolls containing a partial listing of the scrolls and codices within the Library’scollection. At least five different organizational systems coexist within these great scrolls; some are numbered, some are based on the first line, another based on a cryptic code, and so on. If a scholar cannot findwhat he is looking for in one scroll, he simply turns the wheel and looks in another scroll. Most scholars agree that the 120 volumes comprising Garangian Bronze-Gut’s Compendium of Persons Eminent in Every Branch of Learning with a List of their Writings is more comprehensive (but far less practical) than Desosinderus the Librarian’s more concise Scheme of the Great Bookshelves.
  15. Sounds like a great idea and I hope you get your wish. In the meantime, a trip to rpggeek might satisfy your yen. And I agree, great company and crew, eh?
  16. So, you are saying I should have ducked my responsibility?
  17. HAPPY YEAR OF THE OX The Ox is the second of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Ox was about to be the first to arrive, but Rat tricked Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they arrived, Rat jumped down and landed ahead of Ox. Thus, Ox became the second animal. Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise. In Chinese culture, the Ox is a valued animal. Because of its role in agriculture, positive characteristics, such as being hardworking and honest, are attributed to it. Paired with the Celestial Stems (天干 / Tiān gān), there is a 60-year calendrical cycle. Although chǒu is associated with earth, the years also cycle through the five elements of nature (五行 / wǔ xíng).
  18. Spelled it that way and the friggin’ (%$#@$T^)* spell checking demon said I was wrong and corrected it to what you see... * don’t bother to translate! ETA so mistranslation is a part of traveling and having to navigate the possible insults one can innocently utter and the skill or luck required to sidestep the perilous minefields found. We are on topic (if ya kinda squint) but we should be careful. This is potentially an excellent topic and we are too near the beginning of it to derail the engine.
  19. Man oh man, I started reading this and I am thinking c’est tout en Francais, mais je comprende juste un couple des les mots and je comprende pas tout le sens...that is I understand a few of the words but not the meaning. Google translate steered me straight and told me it was Catalonian... wow. So close to french. So, am i off topic? Hell no! This is what travelling does to one, perpetually throws one off balance twixt the familiar and the alien. I do not know if that was your intention sir but it worked that way for me! Thanks Nel for starting this thread. Cheers
  20. to aid in this discussion I thought to go to the source... From RQ RiG page 286 Hm well let ’s start with no wyter no community. I guess you must ask is a guild a functioning community. I suppose it does not have to be to exist, but being a guild member on the blue marble, well no community in a guild/union sucks and weakens it but I have seen them. Do they function, matter of opinion... I say no and again as already said not well at the least. An associated passion, well I am not sure what this means so I will leave this to others to start. Edited later Now that last sentence brings us full circle. The lack of a wyter is the lack of a community. This leaves the question; is a guild a community?
  21. I got a like from Eff, I got a like from Eff! Pbtbtbtbt to all you who did not!
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