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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. This does not answer the question fully but it might help. You must be in contact with the enchantment holding the spirit to be able to communicate with it in the case of a bound spirit. It has no perception of the mundane world otherwise. Without communication you can not command it. It can not see a target. You can release and Command it magically and it can now sense and interact with the mundane world but sans Command, well easy come easy go... You can release it and have one non magical Command it must obey and then it’s gone. The range of the Command spell will be the effective range linearly of control and the duration of the spell will be its range temporally. Now this does not answer the question for a bound spirit in an animal (what used to be called a familiar in RQ 2). There are rules in RQ 2 for this but...Ah, I will stop and look it up and then edit it in later. ETA The range of the telepathic link between binder and bound is 3 miles. If this range is exceeded, the bound spirit is freed. If the animal dies, the bound spirit is also freed. from RQ 2 page 41
  2. Well it does work, I had considered that as well.
  3. There is already a rule for this, It takes the whole melee round to bring the focus to mind and then you cast it as usual on the second MR if you lack a fetish/foci
  4. You may be incorrect here, Joerg. Of course my source is non-canonical so...anyway I have them joining the jonstown Confederation in the late 1500s, not the late 1400s... The old and probably incorrect but great Sartar Companion, page 7. Which is why they will become a vile and hated enemy in my campaign, them being opportunists and traitors and oh... the fact that they ride horses and worship you know who.
  5. Aw Phil, but.... but... but... Aw hell, ya big meanie!
  6. Well they kind of do... there is always the old variety of spoiler THERE WILL BE SPOILER MATERIAL BELOW>> Highlight to view>> Hi Simon! Did you see it? To utilize, simply turn the text white.
  7. Yes, but its 1625, most left with the Lunar Armies...
  8. As are the 6 magical bridges of the God King—Belintar. Beaver privates, anyone? This is well in the verboten iron age, I would think. Of course anachronisms r us. Jus ask Steve and Ray and Greg! You have pointed out and I have found in further research that implantation of a new age does not make obsolete or irrelevant any older tech (the ending of the neolithic did not mean the end of stone tools) Epochs overlap in odd and wonderful ways is my thought. To which you can also add my addendum that new tech may take 100s of years to be implemented broadly...if at all. Paddles pushing gusts of wind...sylphs? It isn’t, it is the Grognard equivalent of counting angels on the head of a pin. But it can be fun, briefly. Thanks Darius. My Mostali are still Steam Punk, by the by. I would have thought the canonical reasons would be Cool Not Medieval like...
  9. Do you have RQ 3 Nozbat. There is a bit of good info, (Joerg says great, if I recall correctly) in the GMs book.
  10. Hey Richard, 56%, is that all the adults? Or would that be 56% of the adults?
  11. Late ’13 iMac, with Mojave, so while not cutting edge reasonably modern. Paying 1500 canadian bucks for a chance to play this sounds silly, even for me. I see in the upper right hand corner it says six ages... is this a 6 ages or KoDP game you are referring to? Judging by the screen shots it looks like old skool KoDP.
  12. No, I don’t think so. But we did touch on not killing folk, or wounding then badly for that matter
  13. Thanks gents (I think). Not the easiest to navigate with a headache.
  14. Alas, herring bone will not happen. There skis would be kick glide... that is, one is used as a skateboard and is larger and one would be to push and would be smaller. I would think this would make also schussing down the slopes very thrilling and deadly. I believe side step or momentum or taking your skis off will be what gets you uphill. Down, reasonably easy, except... easy control and stopping... almost impossible.
  15. Odd, might be the horrendous headache I have but I do not see a way to upgrade. Going to the PDF on Chaosium.com will have me buy it again in my shopping cart and in my account I see no way to update what I have already bought. Your update the other day (sans bookmarks I assume) by link the other day was smashing. Should I try it again and will it give me the bookmarks update this time?
  16. Well not all, just one... Olive. You know, Olive the other trollkin, the one that used to laugh and call him names...
  17. Yes, good old Aldryami wood and snow seem to be a thing. Folk do take advantage of the slippery interactiveness of the two substances.
  18. It’s winter and there is snow on the ground impeding travel, I will aver that should be sufficient. Ergo, most of Sartar should ski, I will say the Torkani with their loves of darkness and movement will most definitely do so.
  19. Well, I went and added some. You should link to this page here as well, for a great graphic representation of where they are.
  20. Normally i would and have agreed with you soltakss, this time I would suggest having a pencil and paper near at hand for making notes on the three runes you think the individual NPC would reflect while you go over the scenario to prepare for your game. Without giving too much away, this is definitely one that revolves around passions so.. [spoilerI remember it to be a table favourite in an old campaign for the Cthulhu like darkness. [/spoiler] Hm so just highlight the white text twixt the spoilers, which do not seem to work.
  21. Nice catch! I think you are on to something here. Good call.
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