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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Mello? Yes sir, agreed! Acccording to MOB, the Yelmalians would have a problem, (well, they have a problem, that much is obvious to me) with baboons (despite all efforts by our hero, Mello to win them over including a full brazilian <OUCH> and dying himself the same colour as Yelm). But otherwise, Orlanth, Check, Lhankor Mhy, check, Issaries check... I am beginning to see a pattern here. CA check... DF check...
  2. Aye to this Both are great! makes me think... so much of global spanning change has come as a result of movement on the steppes from the proto-scythians down to Xiongnu, the Huns and the Mongols, just to pull up four highlights to my point. When the steppes awoke the earth rumbled, dust clouds rose and vultures gathered—empires quaked. Let me add Çatalhöyük - First Experiment in Urban Living this is art 2 orf 24 hosted by Steven L. Tuck and of course the rest tof the series. Any of the series The Decisive Battles of World History with Gregory Aldrete Ph.D. will warm the cockles of any grognard. the Celtic Art series with Jennifer Paxton These are just a very few from the series. Oh the band, love ‘em. The Hu! The song Wolf Totem!
  3. I shant lie, s’true. but really, all RQ G new roll ups are OP not just baboons, Humakti, etc.etc... running a game right now and am blown away (and not liking it at all) by how powerful the characters are!
  4. Be sure to do a bit of research on the greatest baboon of them all... Mello Yello
  5. What kink of mischief is Rastamakt planning behind those cat green eyes?
  6. Looks pretty good there Coffeemaster, I like Kalafrik’s ostentatious helmet that he is so proud of... and Sarolina looks like a badass!
  7. Well I recommend ya do it... Non-human, check. Easy to understand motivations, check. But still different enough, and yet again check... I am loving @dumuzid's idea of using the Prax Family History, great! Alas, I must wait for the Pavis Family history to recreate my fave baboon; Monk, Chip Monk. You lost it I will find. You want it I will get it, No job to small. I don’t walk dogs... here’s my clay tablet. Office at The Temple.* *(hey c'mon it was the ‘80s...cheesy hairy lipped detectives were everywhere, give me a break
  8. Oy, what a Mõtley Crüe And not a duck in sight, bless you! And that is Phil just being Phil there are few with as good a grasp on the game and as a gentle a hand at applying them! Correct! Yes indeed! Amen!
  9. You poor, poor, individual... and unless you stop now, bound to be poorer...
  10. So, Inns provide little on the way of hospitably and what they do provide is a codified way of emulating the hospitable greetings of the stead, and clan hamlets. The best one can find in a city beyond the empty ceremonies is to travel to friends, tribal embassies in confederacies or religious centres, (let's not forget Geos is a Sartarite Cult) when in a larger urban centre. I suppose this all makes sense. I really dig the idea of the caravanserai. Looking forward to doing a bit of reading on this. I love the reminder that hospitably is a cheaper alternative to heavier armed force (nice linking the wyter in on that lordabdul). Love how it tradition becomes codified when the situation that fostered the need changes.. Like in our world with the shaking of hands coming (in tales anyway) from the need to be sure the other did not have a weapon is his hand. Sweet, great answers. Now who is up on their troll hospitality. Just ran a second game this morn where the party encountered good old fashioned Uz neighbourliness... Ever pragmatic, the Trolls avoid the misunderstandings that can arise with having a stranger who might not know better in their household by eliminating misunderstanding before it can begin. While having the newly welcomed individual stand where they can take in the coming spectacle. The gracious host will take three circuits of the lodgings pointing out things in the first circuit that they will kill to protect and then things they will fight to protect and then finally things they want you not to touch...by saying this is mine, oh and this is mine, and well this... needless to say you get the idea! Now those things it does not point out may well still be his or hers but one may use them, without imminent threat. While this may not seem quite welcoming one should bask in the glow of knowing that tonight should not be the night one is eaten by a troll. Makes one long for the time we can return to welcoming folks with our hospitality eh?
  11. We are quite off topic here so we will have to be careful or the person who created this topic might get mad about the thread derailment... oh wait a minute.. So, did a bit of searching to see how badly old age was affecting my mind. Well, old age played a role but not in affecting my mind. They changed the name and designation decades ago when Hommlet became much bigger than it had started when it was merely B1 and called the Keep on the Borderland Now that we have lost all the D&D haters with our lack of hospitality....
  12. Just the confederacies and the capitol as far as I know
  13. Most published regular RQ inns have been of this ilk it seems, The rich and fancy of course differ.
  14. Are you referring to the numeric descriptor for TSR's intro module Keep on the Borderlands, I am not sure, it has been decades. Sounds right though.
  15. The bat's not so bad, but honestly avoid the guano. It has caused critical missteps in the past, That sh!# is slippery, oh and a late welcome.
  16. Well I certainly am behind in my reading...holy poo! Hey, what's this about bearded weirdos? I resemble that remark! Very much!
  17. Not perfect, thank you for the concern and while it is not unwarranted... we are slowly muddling our way to an early 2021 release of a largely recorded episode (spoilers, it should be great, depends on how badly our new editor Fs it up). We will of course have to record a news and rumours (our stuff is past best before date. But we will get to it). Thank you for your patience! On the positive side, having a break from way too much work means I have had time to run a game, start a module, learn a lot of Reaper, edited a fantastic MotM and... rumour has it module...shh, don’t tell Austin I said that... and began posting here again with regularity for the first time since the podcast began. I am enjoying my leisure. The torturers will return one day and I will once again be chained to my keyboard and mic, but until then... FREEDOM!!!
  18. hopefulyl you are not paying the freight yourself, good sir—or perhaps you meant more expansive path...?
  19. Writing a module for the first time in close to, oh.... 15 years! Oh my, Thank you fine folk at Chaosium for putting this game back on the shelves before I died! I was admittedly nervous! This will not be my last, I assure you, I forgot how much I love doing this!
  20. Damn Darius, this is necromancy on the order of Delicti. Well done!
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