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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Read Eye by my fave sci fi dude, Frank Herbert, it is a great collection of low combat thinking sci fi by one of my fave authors. Good for sociological sci fi puzzles. Always loved the Word for World is Forest by Ursula K LeGuin for some on planet-side sci-fi guerrilla warfare Viet Nam style—with aliens. Aliens anyone, any of them... what the f#! number are they at now...) easy on the head and eyes hard on the heart! Great lines... Not a book but easy.to grasp the fun and you can play CoC in space! Any Niven Known Space book the short stories are great..., but especially Ring World. Can I play a Kzin? Please?
  2. I can hardly disagree with this, but I note that I haven't contributed to this thread yet... There have been other threads on mining and smelting, though, where I did write a few short sentences, and possibly more long ones. I was going to say... so obviously Sir_Godspeed is not ruled by the Great Compromise and he scoffs at time!
  3. Thank you ever so kindly for the BRP Goodness, good sir!
  4. If you have Mac Preview I suggest using mark-up to make the sheet your own. I a'int perfect but it does work.
  5. Ooh nasty, did not know that, and no associated cults... ouch! So, they are OP once per season if what you say is so... puts a whole new spin on the Humakti... Time to buy votive candles and lots of them.
  6. Thought these were interesting. From The Guide to Glorantha. page 447 page 290 This seems to be a recurring theme in a few other mines as well, you are not alone in the dark. Hope you got lots of lamp oil!
  7. I had thought since the curse myself. But I am wondering now that you ask, you are referring to the birth of a Mistress Race Troll? Could it be since the God’s Wars or the Dawn as you postulate?
  8. Where can we find more on this? Aw c’mon unca Joerg! Tell us everything!
  9. We are starting a possible campaign and this will be are first extended look at the rules rather using them for one offs. Not sure our short little games will be a good example or demo of the rules in “action" as we will be using this as a test to be sure we got the rules right ourselves but more often then not we will be waving away tech problems during play (and looking them rules up in the time between games). rather than flipping through page after page of rules. You might be better served in that goal pf yours with short games and one-offs. Now assuming I am wrong, perhaps this is actually what you might be interested in, give me a Personal Message (PM) and lets see what we got.
  10. Sneak you will know if you did not succeed, CREAK.... You still won’t know if your opponent heard you or not, but you will know ya f***ed up. Hide is as you say in the GM category, A tab and boom it sits were it was meant to be. Just got missed in cut and paste. So, "I am happy the tapestry is here no one will see me" (with boots plainly sticking out). So thanks for pointing out hide, now fixed.
  11. I remember this from RQ3, can not remember where I encountered it but needed it this afternoon so I recreated it from memory for my benefit but if you like it, feel to use it. Best thing it is so intuitive I remember it from a couple of decades ago. Passions and Runes I put into the hands of the player. They will know if they fail pretty quickly, and for the new category of magic the player should be able to know right away as well so I put it under player. For the purpose of MGF one could let the player roll just about anything if the GM determines it will not hurt if the player knows he failed. Who rolls what Adventurer GM Agility Skills Communication Skills Manipulation Skills Perception Skills Magic Skills Knowledge Skills Sneak Hide Passions Runes
  12. Early evening MST for a couple of hours in the early week, days to change...I would like to play every week, but we will see. Did you give the first post a good read to see if this is for you.
  13. We are trying to not be as evil... really. I like that this thread is moving being beyond being for my benefit and moving to being potentially good for all!
  14. With Chaosium you could not walk down the avenue without tripping over gems like, that! Watch Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 (and ST: TNG?) for authors who loved and wrote for Chaosium (Larry DiTillio is the easiest to list) and added in-jokes to their shows to boot. Gene Day has been mentioned as someone who brought many to see his illustrations in Chaosium after falling in love with his comic art elsewhere. Ya, know, I remember reading that article back in the day by Herr Wilson, and thinking, ‘Well, that makes a whole lot of sense.’ This is just the beginning... Hopefully people will unload the whole 9 yards of gems to be had!
  15. All I can say is wowsie, wowsie , woo woo, Pebbles! Hot damn, but that looks easy and evocative.
  16. Here’s the beauty of it. A good question is a like a gift that keeps on giving, If it does not turn out to be of help to me, it will be to someone else. I will be having a look over all the above so thanks guys. Everyone is taking about using commercial mapmaking kit made for their opuses, anyone using their drawing Word processing or photo manipulation software for mapping who would care to share their tips. Anyone firing up Illustrator, Open Office, PS, or GIMP and knocking out a map. Are you using templates, clipart, custom brushes to paint a forest or a mountain range? Cheers
  17. Like much, eh? I do like the idea of a box of coloured pecils some graph paper and an evening, though! The price is right, the learning curve is much lower as, alas. are the results...
  18. This is the package that started me down the rabbit hole from google docs. I think it gets @Joergs vote of approval as well. Just waiting for a response to confirm. It do look purty!
  19. So, I am looking into some mapmaking software. I was going to use google docs, cheap as hell, but my art is not what is should be. Should I invest in map making software? Is there good free product out there? Can I use clip art of overhead shots of trees and hills buildings etc. (and does anyone have tips on what and where) and paste them into Google Docs? Buck up and draw green circles for trees brown squares and rectangles for buildings... you get the idea? What are people doing with their Covid Lock Down online gaming experiences in terms of cartography.
  20. What Governor race has the two opposing foes signing in on a single ad... here it is... Utah! ..
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