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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Ah, now that is what I needed a serious answer! See g33k that is what I needed affirmation not negativity Why with an answer like that Mr soltakss (if that is indeed your name) it would seem you are a little green around the gills... May I call you Mr Newtling... for surely that is your real name isn’t it? J’accuse, my green friend, j'accuse! Mr Newtling here has been around for awhile trying to pass himself off as a newbie by the name of young soltakss but I am on to his ploys! Away with you, good sir, away! That is a tragic story now! I would ask Mr Newtiling here for his whereabouts at the time of this unfortunate event. Sure, timing permitting, send me a PM if you decide to join in or ask questions here. Now that is a serious applicant!
  2. Well this I can help you with. If the newtling should weigh as much as a duck (I wonder was it turned into a newtling), it would then be able to float, now if it floats that means it’s like....anyone? Yes, you in the back! It’s like wood yes that’s right and what do we do with wood? BURN IT... RIght, it's a witch and we all know witches can cast spells underwater. QED
  3. Just a little bit of team work... and a good question to start et voila another good topic.
  4. Just going to have to agree to disagree on that one sir g33k but thanks.
  5. Is this yours Ian, that would be cool, groovy and wavy gravy! Or does the new signature of yours mark you as a fan boy of this new product?
  6. Don’t rush in that PM it will not be first come first serve, take your time and let me know what you are seeking in a game . If it corresponds with what I an looking for in a player, well! MAGIC!
  7. Seems like it is time. I will be putting together a RQ classic game with RQ G rules online. I own all the original in pdf and print... but seeing as the collection can now be replaced reasonably I have no reason not to do this. I do ask that you be new to the classic material, that you are not a rules lawyer and that you have a healthy respect for handwavium (it will definitely be in use to bridge the differences twixt the new and old game rules). Speaking of new and old I would love to have a combo... That is new to RQ. We will have a few episode 000 games to start and then...Odds are Apple Lane will be the starting point in 1611-13ish... A look at the year span will tell you we are not long for this area of DP... , The lands here will be on fire for sometime to come and many will die... I would love to see this become a classic campaign and that means it could go for a while...so let’s see where can the party go after the one good low level classic module in the area? West or north NO! North east? No contacts, east ;maybe? South, no, You don’t have contacts that way either... did I say that I had a few RQ classic games? So, I would recommend east to start. There are people you know. and if occupied at least the lands contain new occupiers who do not know you, your clan or family... perhaps you can fade into a crowd in Pavis or...Get away from the trouble brewing at home. Stay and you may end up submitting and surrendering to the occupiers, a life whipped, or rebel and win.... or more likely lose and be crucified or a slave. Why are you leaving, lack of a future in Sartar today, being sent on my family for safely (possibly to be ready when the rebellion has a chance), you killed a lunar or became a known rebel? Life started so good with your successes at Apple Lane, now what? This should be all the railroading i will do, the modules might have a bit but that was the way it was before the really good modules started becoming the norm. Will I stay slavishly to the modules? (warning Borderlands will be one possible area to play, if so at first it will seem like a great deal of railrading but my 1st party through this area showed that to not be true. Ask me about it some day.) That said l i would prefer you to still not seek out clues and spoilers and be honourable about being new to the module. Or have read it so long ago you forget it... Yes @Joerg, I believe you. @EffStill interested in one of the first stops this should campaign should take as we discussed? Also. are you interested in Apple Lane? The game is going to be lo-tech, theatre of the mind... Skye or Discord or.... basically voice maybe a dice bot. Pics and maps in a lo-tech way MGF, if you wish and can help me make it so... yes, please, by the shovel full. That is, let's have fun, I know game can cause problems and friction and bad feelings and... but let’s not! MGF please! I do not run large games and possibly have two people already. I do like players to have two characters of the same clan/family/neighbourhood if they wish and are able to play thme as individuals. or... one for play and oe for special circumstances or to replace the first if... four or five players should be good. In exchange I am interested in a playing RQ G in 1625.... PM me if interested. Cheers! Oh, week day mornings or early in the week in the eve, a couple of huors a week or every two weeks before or after prime time Mountain Standard Time (GST-6). I have a poor wifi connection which is why I say lo-tech.
  8. Looked this up in what I thought would be a good source, RQ 2’s Borderlands and all it says is the the larval stage is entirly aquatic. Interestingly there is less on their medium of breathing in RQ G! So if they resemble their blue green marble variation they might well be lunged as adults. See below. OED Now while this does not answer the original question it does give us a place to start and I would assume an amphibian would be able to hold breath underwater longer than a mammal.
  9. Be safe, wear your foil hat!
  10. I believe not only is your interpretation correct but so is your second guess of how people tend to play the rule correct. Yor interpretation above is correct as I understand it. Your interpretation repeated below.... So, this is not how people tend to play that i have seen People like easy and consistent, and an alternating SR is not easy or consistent. I have not seen any one post a comment saying they do play that way, but I am sure people would complain about it in any case as being unfair or hard to remember, (why do I get one shot when I had two) and home rule it as two shots every round... For ease and simplicity this is what I do. No no no, I say I am RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT or maybe I am wrong! Gottit? Im my defence and many like me, the rules are poorly stated at times and this is one such rule that has cost many many pixels to die in vane attempts to explain how to interpret it! Good luck and have your SAN dice ready to roll. Cheers
  11. I believe not only is your interpretation correct but so is your second guess of how people tend to play the rule correct.
  12. Oh my, if I was snarky t’was unintended but I am pleased to be of help :) True, true, but us oldies and moldies remember poor ol’ George Ramiro losing all the moneys and royalties from Dawn of the Dead 'cause of an editing error. The legend has it an offending bit of film near the credits had been spotted and marked as destined to be lying on the cutting room floor and duly edited unfortunately the copyright notice went with it and well.... oops.... I believe this tale might be why the law you mention exists. Or maybe this is all just a fanciful tale with no truth to it at all...
  13. Well g33k they are still available here as you wish without the key on Broken Tower map and all the numbered circles gone from the Broken Tower map. The Adventure marker and path remains in the key but the Adventurer's path and the marker are gone from the map. Oddly, they both exist without the copyright that @Scottymentions are needed. Cheers
  14. As will you all, I can hear the shouts and recriminations err.... that is the sober reflections and deep thoughts of our Judges now... Patience friends, patience, Boldhome wasn’t built in a a day... err...
  15. Ah stop yer phishing, I’m on to you... You’ll find out soon enough!!!
  16. Well id no one else will give you likes for discovering a new item 2 years after release (really guy and gals, no likes for that) I will give him one.
  17. As long as you have thumbs and a can opener you should be safe.... sleep with one eye open anyways!
  18. Thanks dcaecake I like that and will it mention to want-to-be-healers that this might be the way to go.
  19. Maybe from the Telmori who change unwillingly on Wilday
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