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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. It was once upon a time straight up Glorantha... Can’t remember the tribe, was it Culbrea? Any of the Old Ones remember?
  2. John used to be a huge influence on Glorantha, I see he still maintains a site. Any ideas if he will be contributing JC products?
  3. Yes, I have never minded when something gets retconned or gregged, I just have more choices in how I wish to run it (keeps the papers guessing) and even better, I have possible alternative stories to give to yet players depending who they talk to or where they research.
  4. No, but when do they come the remaining 40% off?
  5. Yes, we should have a running calendar of Conventions as well. We will get around to keeping on top of that I wonder if we should ask for a volunteer who can keep up on those items and feed them to us after a thorough vetting, fact checking and editing. We get the info and post it to the site. I do not mean a review but a one liner with dates and and URLs all part of a service. Add in a one or two line "want games" "want players" etc... this would have to be simple, a post saying what is wanted and a PM address and name or an email for followup elsewhere. Glorantha stuff only! Ludo, look at all the likes and positive comments we are getting :> If we truly wish to be peer to peer we need to listen to what our peers want... Granted we can not let the listeners be the tail that wagged the dog, we will have to be us before we are them, but simple services... well consider this a part of the editor meetings this Friday guys. @Joerg. and @lordabdul There are lots of ways of improving our services to the community and I hope my partners are taking notes on what you guys want and what we can do well (but easily). We are hobbyists after all who would like to play and then talk about Glorantha. Thanks ever so much for letting us use this thought of the OP's to help players looking for games and examining how many folk want this to happen @J_Noll. Cheers
  6. Thank you, I can not support Zuckerberg at this point in time. so yer doing me a great service!
  7. Sorry for the facetious post, I never recommend that a new comer should know more about Glorantha, I feel that wold be a sure way to ruin the discovery. An old new comer, well that is more difficult As an old hand I am eagerly awaiting the completion of the entire rules set. For this to occur I aver we will need the GM guide and the GaGoG (both promised). Still, that being said, less is more! Remove the silk shade that obscures the depth and breadth of Gloranthan Goodness at a good pace and the rewards will be doubled or trebled.
  8. Let me saying this very clearly... NO YOU DO NOT! REALLY! I think that gives the gist of my argument.
  9. Thanks David Scott, that is precisely what I interpret as well. Not having magics up is the equivalent of fighting with a hand behind one’s back .Works well enough for the old cartoon character, Snagglepuss, not so much for Naimless. Flame On! Cheers
  10. Does not change my thought that we need to give a one line or two line classified for the people by the people (where have I heard that before) in Wind Whispers I grant you printing costs will go up... wait a minute... okay, I will give you will have to cut 2 lines from a email and then paste both ‘em into a WordPress box hit a soft carriage return and maybe end up with a horrible repetitive strain injury. But, being the rebel I am, I cry... Viva the free peoples classified, libre! It seems people would dig it and you want to give that to other people..sheesh..
  11. What’s wrong with saying magic has been cast and saying no more....worked for me for the span of 4 decades. If you wish to know the magic, cast the appropriate spell or as we told the dissenter’s “no whining!” We were not that mean, but if there was a solution... And here, though I have played many other games than RQ this is where I cut my teeth. I just assume all have magic (an "orlanthi all” of course), everyone can and probably will cast magic, Ergo, If I cannot achieve a goal and there is no obvious reason, well I will have to assume there is probably magic preventing me from doing so. How do I overcome this obstacle. We’ll, if I have magic... (did you know a sword is a magical archetype of many different truths?)Again, note I assume that magic is involved if un seen well there is probably a reason for that too Works for many, many many game tables. Does not work for me, if I have a say but each to their own, Simply. at some point the (extremely clever) player will have to note that there is one more button open then there should be, the individual's opposite is touching hair far more than should be common. And there is that certain pleasant fragrance of meadows after the rain (the clever person is smelling ozone from the cute quote from a poet that was in reality subtle casting of a spell not an evocative telling of a fragrant poem about a rainfall). This can happen from the enchantment of one who you are interested in via magic, whether of a mundane or a mystical origin is difficult to say. In fact, having felt this a few times I will not say that I know. One must decide for oneself how to do this, I personally ask my players to suspend our reality, cloak themselves in Glorantha’s much more interesting hyper-rune-laced-magical-realty and ignore that it’s the dice, or a story or my bullshitting them that allows them to accept a spell has been cast they did not see, deal with it. (no whining )... Unless...
  12. RQ 3 was a nicer fit for this, as the formula was a lot easier to remember than the tables of today (in fact tables are unintuitively not good for speed, the table is meant to make it easy as there is nothing needing to be to remembered, alas if you do not have to remember the tables not only do you not remember but the table can be set up to not be intuitive and they are). In the day, my parties would figure this out (stat changes due to magic) before and include it on custom sheets. I see that the adventure Yozarian's Bandit Ducks did this, as well. Way to go boys! Yes. I am seriously awaiting the release of the GMs book which I hope will address this.So as I was typing this I asked myself, why am I so sure the alternative method is not in the rules and why do I keep harping on the coming GM book having the answer? Are all, it as been a few moths since reading this, so I open my pdf and: —from the RQ RiG page 53. Cheers
  13. No worries Crel, as expected while I had the feel of it jajagappa knows the way of it. :) Et voila M. @lordabdul!
  14. Or it is simply a part of a few other eccentricities that the BRP stomping grounds seen to have developed in the past couple of weeks in the search areas. There have been some great cameos of the fabled and odd Dragonewts similar to one they make in one of the new titles. (title withheld to avoid needing spoiler warnings).But as to an actual examination of them there is only the Elder Race Section in RQ 3 that I know of... that and a few small zine notes. Thanks Jajagappa! There is of course the famed picture of Dragons’s Eye found in the old Gazetteer of Dragon Pass that featured the pic shown at the top of page one of this thread. Ah yes, I have not read that yet, is it the same as the RQ 3 write up? Yes, just did a write up for the Kralori Primer (a JC product in development and being released early this week while still laically in beta) in Wind Whispers #5 so I believe the dam is cracked and the flood of non central Glorantha might be coming sooner rather than later.
  15. Ah! So have you always been a loose canon, or is this something new?
  16. The Booty! Chaosium, Nick Brooke, and Austin Conrad of Akhelas have graciously donated the following wonderful PDFs of their works as prizes and in the case of Austin and Nick they have said they will specially mod the PDFs for the contest. These publishers have been at this for a while so I will let them describe their treasures in their own way! Mind you I have been working with Austin on his great collection for 3/4 of a year, so I am honoured to put in a bit of a kind word for our prolific genius and his oeuvre. Now in alphabetical order: A Rough Guide to Glamour A Rough Guide to Glamourr By Nick Brooke, Chris Gidlow, Michael Hagen and friends Monsters of the Month – January to August! That’s right! Eight months worth of terror, wonder, awe and cuddly cuteness—all at once. Austin Conrad has offered the first 8 issues of his wonderful series, Monster of the Month as his treasure to be chosen to by our worthiest and the wisest competitor! He says that those who chose his treasure will also get a special memento from him! Hmm! His cute, horrible, and awesome pets, all created from his fevered imagination, are in order of appearance: Spirits Of Madness Geiron Lord Of Elephants Night Of The QuackIng Dead Hunters of the Sky Heortlings of Sartar Dolorous Edd Petty Spirits And a yet to be written 8th issue, I can’t wait! The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories Authors divers and varied From Chaosium Seven ready-to-play adventures for RuneQuest! The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories Authors divers and varied From Chaosium So we look forward to hearing your entries and giving you your choice of these great prizes. Record your work of art, and enter soon! Cheers
  17. Except around here. :( It was devastatingly poor in the 80s and 90s and now... I have seen five board game/RPG cafes close in the past month that I had hoped to sell on trying RQ. Granted they mostly played Settlers and such as well as WOTC product like M:TG or D&D but I will now never know. Looks to me that if one wants to play about here it will be with someone from Germany or France or perhaps Pellucidar or Barsoom! Cheers
  18. Not DandD surely... but RQ, OH, YEAH! YEP!
  19. I am trying to talk my partners in Wind Words to run a free "looking for games" "running games” I have “x”, but I wish "y” free classified section in our Wind Whispers news letter but I am having a hard time (can’t figure out why, considering a thread like this comes up all the time) convincing them it is needed. So, @lordabdul and @Joerg. this is what I was referring to in putting in a simple classified section. Whatcha all think?
  20. Well, if the important spells had those 200 percent skills you would have very little use for the unimportant (I suppose you mean killing) skills. Again, a 200 hundred in killing a few people vs a couple hundred in changing the lives of all in a Principality. Seems that for the level of crunchiness RQ combat achieves, it works better that the death dealer has a few hundred in attacking vs the one seducer having a few hundred in preventing the attacks from all the death dealers friends and allies ever being needed.
  21. I think y’all are missing a crucial point. A well negotiated treaty, a well bargained alliance (or even the bargaining leading to a wedding leading to the treaty or alliance). These are worth battalions of mighty warriors. A well made treaty can prevent wars or even win them before they start! Show me the Humakt who can do this. So while the short term looks underwhelming in comparison with our death dealer with the 200 percent bonus, the 30 percent bonus can win or lose kingdoms in the final analysis! Give me a Bismarck over a Achilles any day of the week. Cheers
  22. Mystery solved, poor connection was at fault, i finally got to send a message.
  23. Normally speaking, I say conversion is easy, however Lunar magic as is it now is an exception. It did not exist in previous editions of RQ as a separate entity until RQ 3 and then it existed as an amalgam of spirit magic/sorcery but of the RQ 3 variety of course. Cults are a smaller problem but still a bit sticky as some common spells have been moved about some spells a cult used to have are gone and some have been added and there have been subtle mods to some cult’s very nature as well.
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