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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Seems to me that one was able to use any weapon with while riding a charging mount and get the mount's damage bonus (DB). Page 219 of the RQ RiG BOOKseems to contradict this Between the quote and the paragraph above it under the heading Mounded Combat I am left wondering... HMM, Do I remember this incorrectly? Is it an artifact of previous RQs I have played, Home Rules I have played or written, or is this contradicted elsewhere in the rule book and any weapon wielded by a rider or a charging animal is only restricted by the rider’s skill and is modified by a the beasts DB, not the rider’s?
  2. Thanks for leaping keeping this resource in BRP denizen's sight. Sir_Godspeed. I hope this resource gets used both by readers and contributor’s alike. Don't forget to share your gems so these can be great set pieces in any Gloranthan game. Cheers
  3. That is nice, but it does not enter them into the contest,
  4. And cries of "my ransom is"... or "I call upon (Insert name of god here) to save me!” ringing out from the defeated.... Yes, I have always seen the simulations twist of he rules led to good narration as sweat breaks out on a gamer’s forehead and he realizes that his next idea had better be good, or... Ruric glances woefully as his battered shield, flics the blood from his eyes with a jerk of his head and realizes he is spent. Too many wounds on him, too little mana from the gods remaining to spawn more miracles. His opponent stands untouched... Two choices remains, one uncertain and requiring permanent sacrifice from his soul or... he falls to his knees sighing, "My ransom is held for me at the Clearwine Earth Temple”, he begins while making the Rune of Communication with his hands... "Let us send messengers to make ready the transfer of wealth from my clan to yours. I declare surrender and offer ransom in the name of wise and peaceful Issaries"
  5. OOh, that should have been in my thread Dragon Pass Pastimes . That is a thread that needs resurrecting.
  6. Glorantha has talent, or at least that is the impression amongst our Wind Words podcast crew, and we thought, “why not bring this talent into the spotlight?” So…. It’s time for a contest! While our crack team of Mostali craftsmen build us an edifice to house your Gloranthan talent, and our Grey Beard sages argue the minutiae of the rules to judge the competition, and we select the judges with an eye to them being open-minded, unlike Yelm’s Court when Orlanth brought the raucous horn and the radical “new music” to "the contest” let us entice you with some details! It is my great pleasure and honour (by the grace of silver-tongued Issares and the ever entertaining Orlanth) to bring you this announcement of overflowing Gloranthan Goodness. Glorantha Has Talent? Wind Words is audio, and so is our first contest. Okay, so think of an audio friendly entry and how to make it happen. Now you have an idea for an entry, what’s next? What will you need? A computer, its recording software and a mic, maybe sound FX. found sounds, instruments and/or noisy friends. We are looking for jokes, filk songs, poems... the standard audio things and beyooooond: Heortling boasts or greetings, myths and folktales told around a crackling fire—you can add crackling fire to your audio files, yes? Plan up to 3 minutes of audio, keep it PG 13, use your imagination, wrap it up all in Gloranthan goodness and push record. We will accept almost any digital audio formatted entry (let’s say some of you are still operating on a a Wang computer, check with us to see is we can still listen to your file created on it) . Keep an eye here to BRP Central and an ear to our WInd Words’ podcast for more info and the rules in the coming weeks! Contact us at tribe@windwords.fm or here for questions, help, hugs*, validation* or encouragement. *Sorry no hugs or validation, Joerg is still open to smuggles Glorantha, let’s see that talent!
  8. Hm let me meditate™ on that. Nah, that would take too much time. Instead I will read this egregiously wonderful topic again, like a good little munchkin (now where did I put that note pad)...
  9. Thanks, I was not aware they still called the time zone GMT, I thought that was buried years ago, in a move away from regionalism.
  10. The poster says 10 am GMT... would that be the old Greenwich Mean Time? What they call UTC nowadays?
  11. Joerg and I trolled (dug around) in the remains of those missing tales for a possible Podcast theme and we are sad to report they are mostly still missing. There is material about Tada and his tales in the verdant past of Prax (I loved hearing Joerg act out exactly why the folks that named names in the early days named this hero/god thus... Tahdah!). There are tales about his wonderful city underground and his grisly parts, so there is substantially more than I recall from decades ago. Still the larder of knowledge found in the entrails (according to the trolls, and they should know) is a wee bit empty.
  12. Thanks Brent S that is really nice of you. Well, we tried for thinking outside of the box and I feel we succeeded at a couple of points, but I really liked the idea of turn about being fair play that Joerg pitched. I believe that got a great reaction from Ludo as well. I like to think we had this as a focus point for our thinking thorough out much of the ‘cast. If it did not appear apparent I can only blame the depth of what many think to be a simple task—raiding cattle. We cut a substantial amount of material and we could have actually added without too much effort. Oh, I am sure you have a allied ear for that a possibility on the 'cast’s crew... This was s decision we made early to be part of the community as opposed to aloof from it. That is the main reason we celebrate our hobbyist brethren! We are all... how’s that go...UZ? And you wondered why my editing got behind in May... Ye GODS, I am only mortal! Unfortunately, I think you covered that one already oops! Yep, as the man said... We had a dozen more scenarios, but we made our point. It’s your turn.. Ideas, anyone? How do you get cattle or stop others from getting cattle in yer games?
  13. Either a master assassin or a game designer who has recently had bis product brought into the Chaosium fold, Depends on who you ask. Maybe both...
  14. Aye, another round of munchkinerry and egregiousness here at this table, for this barbarian, if ya please!
  15. What is the source of these great pics? They all seem to come from the same place.
  16. With a great many of us using Handwavium to a greater or lesser extent.
  17. Now if this isn’t a set up I don’t know what one looks like... Two, one to carry the post and the other to share it... So much better than light bulb jokes!
  18. I have had the pleaser of working with these ladies and the gent, very nice. And when they evoke the charge of the Mongol Horde bearing down on one, the earth shakes. PS They regretted the hats, I worked wth them at a summer folk fest.
  19. Do not forget homeland passions and rune affinity bonuses. Possibly the roll "below 92" bonus of up to three Characteristic points. Or even better 1 point per year from 19 for the "under 92" characters and 1 per year from 19 of the rune affinities until 21. Most Characters seem to end up with about 450-600 skill percentiles above base (that is, all statted out) in RQ G chargens for 21 year olds. How much will this add up to? What is the under 92 rule? RQ RiG page 53,
  20. Great! Gives new insight in Fozzie’s “Wakka, wakka.”, no?
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