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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. I don’t know,.I would let Lou enter. Dead or alive... That's not the problem - Dormal has no issue with it. It's Orlanth who doesn't allow you to become a soul-less sorcerer. Reasonably sure I said Orlanthi Captain not a a soul-less sorcerer.. I am not sure they are one and the same.The captain of a vessel does not a) have to be Dormali, (though the more he has in his crew, the better chance he will not be thought too odd), and b) that a Dormali has to be a sorcerer, I believe I noted one could be a soul-full shaman or c) an Orlanthi even has to worship Orlanth. or d) that an Orlanthi can not be a soul-less sorcerer. An Orlanthi can be a LM , lest one cannot be an Orlanthi and be Lhankor Mhyan this statement must be false. Cheers .
  2. I think you might be right Joerg, Yes the rules agree with you Which does suck cause that would be a great entry. Still, I am sure @Jeff would prefer to give away Pegasus Plateau and The Smoking Ruins to another fine entrant than win them for himself. Mind you, he could angle for the special personalized A Rough Guide to Glamour by Nick and friends or the 8 months of Monster of the Month with that special something being added by Austin!
  3. I had better defend @Joerg and those holding like opinions here. Wile Storm is mighty, it would do well not to challenge Water in its own domain without many teleports, long extensions to Fly and sylphs of great power to aid with their inevitable retreats. I was just saying Orlanthi do take to the oceans not that they could conquer them. I imagine they sail the waves with a little fear and a great deal of respect.
  4. Well, that is a minimum of 6 and a ¼ kilos (based the Lincoln penny, the Shield penny weighs more). Nothing t be sneezed at. The smaller currency (common) coin in DP is the clack, which weighs in at .2 troy oz... or 500 troy oz for 2500 of those....About 15 and a half kilos getting heavy. Hmmm @lordabdul, how much is that in cow?
  5. A quick word to the wise There is a lot of coded language that can go into this, and some that already has, but most important is that respect should be used first and foremost. I see this blowing up to stupid heights very soon. I am with Ian, but I do not wish t be told I am a (fill in the blank), because I have stated an opinion! I should have the right to an opinion, I have fought all my life for such a right! I am quite happy to shoulder the responsibility to accept those who disagree with me having an opinion and a right to said opinion as well. In these days where people are being shot for their colour, I do not want to see one of my fave places on the internet decending that horrible slope to hell and intolerance that takes up so much of the traffic of a place I had a hand in building (the web). Oh web of such great possibilities, what have we wrought. Anyway, please I beg ya, if you can not speak in nice tones without recriminations, presumptions and bad tastes, let it go, PEACE ETA sorry @Richard S. I did not see this as I was writing mine Remember what Thumper’s Ma said!
  6. I thought I would try a little detective work myself oh "master of beetles" and as I am in the middle of a Heortland project that I have been working on for a while I entered in this word “Heortland”, and found only two pages where once there were very very many. Cheers
  7. Greetings, Nope, too busy playing war-games and trying to write one for Helm’s Deep. Did not start playing RPGs until A D&D! Ah I remember when I was a young ‘un meself! Now I am confused I was a full adult (in every state and province in North America I had reached a bit more that the age of majority). Considering the Boxes came out in the 70’s how old were you when you started playing? Well below teenage I am thinking.
  8. Err, Glam rock... Although that suit might be some kind of hologram projector that a prog rocking nerd could appreciate... or some kind of crazy worn musical instrument!
  9. A movie I saw of a polar bear (one of the most powerful hunters on the planet) trying to make a walrus sandwich, (recipe... first catch a walrus) tells me otherwise. The entire battle happened on land, and when it ws done though the polar bear lived, it was probably crippled by the truly epic battle and for it’s remaining short life would have real problems catching anything so it will probably die of starvation rather than its substantial wounds. What blew my mind was all the other walruses about just moving out of the way of the tilt rather than joining in. It seems, according to the movie, that polar bears do not usually challenge walrus but this one was starving as the climate was changing and its usual hunting methods were useless and most of its usual prey hard to get or find. ETA not only was the walrus powerful it was unnaturally (if I can use this phrase) fast.
  10. Why pick it up when you can win it for free. Pop over to this thread, Glorantha Has Talent?, read about the contest, check out the rules, record an entry and send it in and win yourself a free copy! QED! YAY!
  11. Joerg and I will have to tell the tale of the raid he ran for me so we could get the feel of a cattle raid before writing a generic one to use for talking about the process in the Wind Words Podcast, Cattle Raid I like this for those special times when the adventures are, to quote Elwood Blues, “On a mission from god!"
  12. You beat me to it by living up to you name good Sir_Godspeed! After all, we do know how much the Orlanthi hate sorcerers. Or was know it all grey beards? Or both... :) Seriously one of the two write ups I see to Dormal is the possibly non-canonical RQ3 short cult write up. In that the one Dormal restrictions to be an initiate are: May* be a sorcerer or shaman. Now I do not see any reason the Dormali would cast-out an orlanthi Captain but I have found reasons they might welcome one... ETA Originally said, must and changed to may as it will soon t be pointed out to me about the error. Must be too used to cut and paste, I was staring right at the words as I typed, Thanks metcalf! From a slightly less canonical source Men of the Seas page 16 (seems the weill take anyone) Now one more source, RQ RiG and in neither writeup in this tome, of Orlanth’s cult, shows an animosity twixt air and water or any reason a Orlanthi can not be a Captain of a ship. Mind you I found many other reasons (as said) to have one as Captain or at least one on the ship. Two obvious ones is the ability to predict weather and the keeping of winds in a bag (sylphs). Last point, why would the Doornaii practitioner have to be a Captain Could not a captain hire a Dormali? Nice move Joerg, using my silliness to make a topic! And a good one too! Agreed. especially seeing as Joerg and I have, together argued with others that the Orlanthi are capable of being sailors and fine one at that. Perhaps he means that they are not as good as others, and we both missed that point. Cheers
  13. Ach, and don’t git me started! Ya try to tell tha kids these days but they’ll nay listen. When I was a young GM, just out of my DM short pants... ya know... I had ta built ma own Gonn Orta’s Castle with ma bear hands, MA BEAR HANDS, do ya ken? Afore I could populate it with giants and monsters and treasure... You try to tell a dragon it has to go to the dungeon! But ya try ta tell that to ‘em young 'uns and they’’ll nay believe ya!
  14. Yes, I see yer point Joerg, Orlanthi do not have ships, Ever, none, don’t even live near water. Got it You did mean Sartarites right? I mean, Sartarites that do not live near water.
  15. Being raised in Manitoba, I know exactly what you mean. It has a certain feel and smell, I can not describe but I remember years after having had it pointed out to me. I could say it smells of night, perhaps!
  16. There are a couple of reasons I do not use FB, but that is one of the major ones. I have tried to use their threads/topics/groups the way I use BRP and that is a truly wasted effort. Cheers
  17. Too bad you did not ask permission. Minlister is the holder of that copyright (I believe) and you really should ask his permission. Just my two bolgs worth... Folks please do not downloads that until @Minlister gives his approval. Cheers
  18. Or the pIxies, 200 people bought their first album back in the day and we all went out and bought a guitar.
  19. Interesting question and I do not believe I have see that in the RAW, but I will note here that not all cults have all common Rune Spells, Do check the RQ RiG or other future sources (i.e. GaGoG, etc.) for a Cult’s common Rune Spells I have seen the designers say about questions like this that the GM (I would say "the table", but that's me) can make their own decisions, which I like immensely! I have seen people be most negative about having no firm answer from Chaosium but I like the explicit right to decide to make it crunchier or not. Cheers
  20. I could never remember the count of the holy hand grenade, was it 3 or 4? Luckily you missed this moment in the history of Rune Magic evolution. Thankfully it was quickly abandoned.
  21. Nice and thank you for telling us about this. It's a good reminder that one is in Sartar, not in Kansas any more. Initially, it seems like a lot of work (taking notes on temples, their keepers and their ways and I would imagine the placement of special shrines and spells and other miscellaneous bits of data) but if you like the note keeping and creation this is an excellent way to make make your Glorantha truly stand out (not just vary but be something really special!). Do you have any examples that you have use in your games?
  22. Or they were chasing a cultist in Canada and a hockey game broke out.No madness required for gratuitous violence at that point.
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