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Everything posted by SDLeary

  1. It was Stormbringer; very similar to the ones in Mythras. Ringworld had modifications at character creation to various stats based upon homeworld gravity. SDLeary
  2. Didn't one of the BRP spin off's try this? Damage based on a formula similar to DM, resulting in a die (say D8), then having the weapon type shift that up or down (ex d8 down to d6) depending on type? Or perhaps I'm remembering an old thread on a similar subject from the speculation period before one of the major game releases. SDLeary
  3. Oddly, along the lines of Pendragon. STR + SIZ / 6 = Damage in d6 This is an interesting thought. Perhaps then, STR under the required for the weapon lowers the amount of damage for the weapon by one step? This of course would open up another can of worms; that being possibly penalized twice for low STR (in terms of damage), once with a low or no DM, and then again for not enough STR for the weapon itself. SDLeary
  4. Yes, if the attack roll is a Critical (only success level above success), then the weapons lethality rating is doubled. Critical attacks in the game outside of the Lethality double rolled damage. SDLeary
  5. We got into the habit of rolling % dice to see how much of the limb was lost. Further hits to that location went to general HP IIRC if there was something left. If there wasn't, then it went on to the abdomen or chest. SDLeary
  6. Perhaps an opposed roll against the targets CON x5? The way I like to work things is that at 0 HP rather than the person dying, they are in that downward spiral just before death. Depending upon how the damage was inflicted, they then have CON rounds, minutes, or hours to live, unless they receive First Aid, which simply stabilizes someone. Perhaps if the Target makes their CON test, then they are at 0 HP (under the above method) and have pushed their time from one level to the next (ex. minutes to hours); a crit moving things two levels? SDLeary
  7. An excellent intro! Have you thought of a Special package with ROME? You should see if Mark can redo the video to this this! Istanbul SDLeary PS, the slower original version to make it easier.
  8. Because the STR requirement and can vary widely, I'm partial to the old RQ3 penalties in this area. -5% for each point of STR under the requirement. I would not necessarily have a bonus for 2 hand use with a pistol, but would probably negate part of a STR penalty. Bracing, perhaps 10%. You have four basic options. Single Shot, Short Burst, Long Burst, Spray. A short burst is considered three rounds at a single target, and has a Lethality Rating of X%. A long burst is considered five rounds at a 1m area of effect, also with a X% lethality rating. Spraying is also in short and long varieties, being the same as a long burst, but with 2 and 3 meter areas of effect. The Lethality Rating is a percentile chance that the target dies outright from the hit, thus no rolling for number of rounds that hit, etc. If a lethality test is a success, the target drops to 0 HP; if it fails, add the two dice together (0's counting as 10s) and apply the result as damage. Regular weapon damage is only rolled for single shot. To streamline things, some larger calibers also ONLY have a lethality rating (very heavy hunting rounds, .50 BMG, etc.) even if they will only ever fire single shot. For most longarms the rating is 10%, large caliber arms up to 20%. You still have the problem with the T-Rex, but you do have the chance to kill him outright. Now, something I don't like about the system. The lethality rating seems to be applied to all rifles, regardless of autofire or not. I would probably restrict this to automatic weapons only, and roll normal damage for bolt or semi weapons. SDLeary
  9. Nah, understand all that. I'm simply trying to find a way to fit it into the existing framework. No need to reinvent the wheel unless absolutely necessary. As for Autofire itself, I still think the way to go is to adapt Delta Green's methodology. SDLeary
  10. If its this simple, just adjust the STR/DEX requirements on firearms and enforce them, yes? Looking at the chart on BGB p255, it looks like the assumption is bigger weapon, bigger round; for that they are already onboard. Just have to make adjustments for round caliber (big gun, smaller round, less STR needed). In other words 1911A1 (a Heavy Pistol) in 9mm or .380 Auto should have a lower recoil, and thus lower STR requirement, say 9 and 8 respectively. I wouldn't go much lower in this example, because you still have to have enough STR to hold the big weapon on target. SDLeary
  11. Yes. I'm the guy with the hilariously long character list. SDLeary
  12. 3rd... simply because, Sandy's Pamaltela campaign. It started as a second, but quickly moved into 3rd for playtest reasons. It always seemed cleaner and more logical. SDLeary
  13. Except in Britain, where you can have Romans and Celts, Romans and Saxons, Saxons and Celts, in the same region (Logres has all three), at least with the Advanced Character Generation rules in 4e. In 5e this is dialed back, but with the Book of Knights and Ladies peeks through again, though mainly in the form of faith. SDLeary
  14. Not so much where you were from, as cultural background. Celts had better CON, Saxons better STR, and so on. SDLeary
  15. Hmm, sounds like a heretical approach to the "excellent" Root/Branch skill system from Ringworld. SDLeary
  16. I endorse this! I've been killed by Sandy Petersen many times! Its always tons of fun! SDLeary
  17. Is this the program that printed things out in a hit location Mr. Man shape? Many such renderings per landscape page? SDLeary
  18. A short video from the US Marines... Semi vs. Full Auto SDLeary
  19. Wow! I had completely forgotten that some semi-auto firearms are listed with a ROF of 2! I don't remember us playing things that way anyway. Semi's always had a rate of 1, bolt and lever 1/2. The only weapons that had a ROF of 2 were double barrel rifles or shotguns. But, we did play that you could continue to fire a semi each following DEX rank or SR, as long as it was at the same target. Depends on the level of SciFi, but yes. The only exception that I might make is if the target is in medieval full harness, that has been polished, for a parade, on a Tuesday... well you get the idea. It reflects off, assuming a laser. And just a suggestion... Man portable lasers are nasty. In order to maintain a decent number of shots in the "magazine", and to prevent untimely emitter overheating, they run at a lower power than vehicle mounted weapons, and are tuned in such a way that they cause an unarmored, fleshy target to go pop. That is, they superheat an area of flesh, causing a large, deep area to blister and burst outward. These lasers do not impale, but do cause bleeding on a Special. They don't do "more" damage than firearms, but on average cause more gruesome wounds. Damage = 1d6+7 SDLeary
  20. I somewhat like this, but not the +20 to hit. Perhaps +10% for a three round, +5 for a 5 round; assuming of course handheld weapons... bipods, tripods, pintles reducing or negating the penalty. Also, AFAICT, bursts over 5 rounds tend to be for suppression fire (or at least they are supposed to be), and I think the lethality rating and the area effect from Delta Green for such weapons fits better. SDLeary
  21. IIRC, it grew out of an early third edition proposal that didn't pan out. The author then took it and finished it off themselves, significantly changing things by publishing time. Its a lot more crunchy than it was during the playtest that I was in. SDLeary
  22. Yes. Also, auto fire has a "lethality rating". If you hit, roll under the lethality rating and the target dies, otherwise roll damage as normal. No figuring out how many round hit, separate damage, etc. 3-round bursts are at a single target. Longer bursts give an area effect. And so on. And not firearms related, but the integration of UA style mental effects while still using a SAN based system is excellent as well. SDLeary
  23. I would like to suggest that people take a look at the new Delta Green. They seem to have a decent system for firearms and automatic weapons. SDLeary
  24. Hmmm, it would be useful if once they are inside and want to come out and do harm ("as an enemy") that damage is tripped. Is there a similar spell to create such a portable stockade? SDLeary
  25. "I'm sorry citizen, but you have revealed one of our great Mostali defensive weapons. When did you see the ballista. Oh well, back in the clay pot with you!" SDLeary
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