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Rick Meints

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Everything posted by Rick Meints

  1. I have a few spare copies if you want to private message me.
  2. It was a pleasure being on your podcast, Dirk.
  3. Greg himself has explained that he sort of goofed when naming this Praxian Minor Tribe. They are a people who ride Lizards, and use the bola as their preferred weapon. If he had to do it over again, Greg probably would have just called them "Lizard Riders" or similar and not mentioned their favored weapon in the tribal name. It's one of these quirky inconsistencies of Gloranthan writing. I recommend embracing it and coming up with a fun explanation.
  4. We can put something like this onto Redbubble:
  5. As was said above by MOB, we do NOT have the rights to sell the CoT cover art without text.
  6. Yes, the Slipcase set of the Guide to Glorantha is for sale now. https://www.chaosium.com/the-guide-to-glorantha-slipcase-set/ NOTE: Previous purchasers of the Guide PDF set on glorantha.com or chaosium.com or the RQ Classic Kickstarter should be receiving a discount coupon in their email today. SHIPPING: The Guide is in all three of our warehouses (Australia, UK, and US) so shipping will not be delayed. This is not a pre-order. EMPTY SLIPCASE: For those of you that have previously purchased the 1st printing of the Guide we WILL be selling the empty slipcase by itself. You don't have to fret about not having the 50th Anniversary of Glorantha slipcase if you want to purchase one. We will start selling the empty slipcases very soon.
  7. The Guide to Glorantha will be available for purchase VERY SOON. Unfortunately, some people viewed the product while we are still in the process of setting it up and testing how it looks in the store. While we may very well offer the Guide and Atlas as a bundle, the $179 price listed is for the Guide to Glorantha + PDFs, and does not include the Argan Argar Atlas. I realize that many buyers may find the $179 price for the Guide "steep". I feel the need to mention that if we printed this out as more standard 8.5" x 11" books of 256 pages each it would be FOUR books. Most RPG buyers would not find a $45 price tag for a single full color hardcover 256 page book outrageous, especially when it includes a free PDF of that book. 4 x 45 = 180.
  8. Reprinting any version of Gloranthan Classic Volume 1: Pavis & Big Rubble is not currently on the production schedule. As I have consistently said a number of times, we do NOT have good electronic files to use for printing this book. It was done at the end of the era where printers still used film instead of PDFs to print books. Thus, the official status is "not in 2017". That does not mean it will never get reprinted. After we have redone Pavis and Big Rubble as separate RuneQuest Classic books in early 2017, we at least will have recreated all the files and good art scans again. I don't like to say never, but I must be clear that reprinting the hardcover version of P&BR is an extremely low priority because we might only sell a few hundred of it. If you really want to buy it, I suggest following Ebay. It comes up for sale at least a few times per year.
  9. Cults of Terror only had ONE printing. The artwork was done much larger, and spans the front and back covers of that singe printing. as for Cults of Prax, the Biturian Cover is the first printing, the Prax map is the second printing.
  10. We put those EXTRA dates in the rulebook for only three reasons: 1. We had the space and wanted to fill the column. 2. We wanted to tease people a bit. 3. We thought it was a fun addition. NOTE: We tend to add a few bits of extras, but we don't tend to rewrite things. Fixing a typo is not the same as rewriting. jongjom: the shiny Cults of Terror cover is from a brand new high quality scan done recently of the original painting. I also scanned in the original Lunar warrior (Crimson Bat section) piece of art again. The original is in our archives. Thank you to all who are helping crowdsource edit these books.
  11. All of the above have been incorporated. Many thanks.
  12. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop submitting factual things you want updated to match the Guide or any other more current texts. We are NOT going to rewrite these books for whatever may have changed over time unless it is something super simple like a date shifting 5 years. We are not updating the history, cosmology or other related things. If Esrolians stopped wearing round hats in 1378 and switched to square hats we are not going to ferret out all the references, redraw the art, and cross check it with every other Classic book, magazine article, the Guide, HQ:G or anything else. One of the beauties of Glorantha is INCONSISTENCY between sources. While you are welcome to start a thread to discuss how Glorantha has been refined, changed, and redefined over the decades, please do not have ANY expectation that this is "stuff that needs fixing" in these classic books. It is akin to asking that they all be updated to third edition RQ rules. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
  13. With all respect and politeness, please don't call these topics "Errata". What you are finding is great. These are typos, formatting, and similar adjustments. These are NOT Errata. Errata is a very specific term for RULES issues and fixes. It is incredibly potentially misleading to have all this under an errata thread. People can easily get the misbelief that the book is a train wreck of errors that make it unplayable. A missing comma, an extra space, or a long dash instead of a short dash are nice to correct, but they have NO impact on game play.
  14. While we have no bad news, we have no good news either. This isn't something that is actively progressing. I wouldn't expect any news for months, if not longer.
  15. Rick Meints

    AAA in HC?

    When we reprint the atlas we will do it in hardcover only. Right now we are trying to sell out of the remaining stock of softcovers. We don't know when we will reprint the hardcover AAA.
  16. I hereby invoke the "ask me any question you want, but when" clause.
  17. Unfortunately, Chaosium doesn't have an office or staff in California any more. We are happy to help DunDraCon run events, provide them prize support etc. I don't expect to have new-RQ playtest events run there though.
  18. We cannot guarantee that anyone who orders the Guide will have it delivered to their doorstep by Friday December 23rd 2016. The Guide is not in the US or UK warehouses yet, although it is due to arrive there literally any day. Before you ask, we do not know what day it will arrive and be available for shipping either.
  19. Hobby Japan is an amazing company that was licensed by various game companies to do Japanese translations/editions of many popular RPGs and wargames starting in the 1970s. They've been around for almost 50 years. Chaosium licensed a number of their games to them, including RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu and Stormbringer back in the 1980s. They also did editions of the boxed games Dragon Pass and Arkham Horror. I don't have a list of all of the supplements they translated for each product line, but I know they did a wide range of 2nd/3rd edition Call of Cthulhu and 3rd edition RuneQuest supplements up through the 1990s. I'm not sure when they stopped producing them. As for Stormbringer, they did the main boxed set and at least 3 "Companions" of supplements. Of all the Chaosium products, their licensed foreign editions are where my knowledge is the sketchiest. I didn't even become aware of any of the non-US market until I moved to the UK in 1995. That's when I began discovering the UK, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Finnish, etc. editions. What a wonderful array.
  20. We are almost ready to start pre-orders on the Guide. We are in the process of getting the discount coupons sent out to people who have previously purchased PDFs of the Guide, so they can use that coupon when buying the printed version. Otherwise we will get an avalanche of "I bought the PDFs so do I get a discount?" emails, and similar. We also want to avoid the frustrating situation of people buying the Guide at full price, and then getting a coupon a few days later. The other possible reason for not starting pre-orders is that we enjoy messing with people by keeping them in a confusing fog of chaos, rumor, and suspense. We are, after all, not called "The Orderium". :-)
  21. We have decided that we do not want to take pre-orders before starting the printing of a standard book. If we have no idea what the demand for a product will be like, then we might do a Kickstarter to find out, but that is only for a few products because Kickstarters are a lot of work. Taking pre-orders before beginning printing isn't all it is cracked up to be. Yes, it allows people to pay early, and even help pay the print bills. Yes, you will know at least SOME of the initial demand of a book. It also has its problems. First off, it is hard to mix pre-order items with other items in a shopping cart and have the shipping work out ok. You won't be shipping everything at the same time, and processing two smaller shipments is more expensive than processing a single larger shipment most of the time. You can take pre-orders for just the single item on offer, but then you have an ongoing record keeping problem, because people move and you have to process address changes. Some people will ask for refunds, which you could disallow up front, but that still makes some people unhappy. Also, if you take re-orders and there are production delays you can face several rounds of "where's my book" or "why is it taking so long" which all take time to answer. Any one email is easy to deal with, but you might get dozens of emails like that every week. Trust us when we say we speak from experience. Even the best planning and process controls do not prevent all chances of delay. I guarantee you that we had no clue that a typhoon was going to cause humidity problems for our printers, and while no damage was done, it delayed shipment by 8 days while things dried out. We confidently believe that we have printed enough Guide sets that it will not go out of print any time soon, and if we see a steady demand for it we can always print more. Chances are we will know 6 months ahead of time before stock will run out and can have a reprint in the works, if justified. As for what a pre-order is, at Chaosium we define a pre-order as the opportunity to buy a book that is not in our warehouses yet, and customers will have to wait at least a week or more before we can ship it to you. In general, we start pre-orders after the books have been shipped by the printers, but before they have arrived at our warehouse.
  22. g33k, The cycle is simple: PDFs get released/sold, people submit edits to a forum, probably on this website, we then incorporate the edits we agree with, a few weeks later we then start the printing process.
  23. The RuneQuest books will be in color hardcover books. We will do ONE limited edition slipcase for the full set of books. We will not have a variety of slipcases for different configurations of books. We need to keep complexity of bindings, slipcases, etc to a minimum. We plan on crowdsourcing the editing of the books by making the PDFs available prior to printing the books.
  24. The name of the "Guide laden" ship headed to the UK is the ESTELLE MAERSK, but it is not scheduled to arrive in time for Dragonmeet.
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