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Everything posted by Brootse

  1. You could try and say that your Storm rune is so powerful that you grew extra arms.
  2. Found this from Divination chapter: "A deity cannot invade anyone’s mind; though it knows when a worshiper has lost faith." So if a worshipper has stopped worshipping for some reason, the gods may not send their goons if they deem that the worshipper hasn't lost their faith.
  3. That sounds like a good way to handle it. Another would be to give Humaktis Loyalty (Employer).
  4. The following passage says that "These spirits do not come into action when initiates transfer to an associate cult.", so the Voria->Ernalda->Asrelia cycle (or turning into the Dark side of the Earth) is allowed. But other than that the sentence "The deity, without excuses, is striking out at those who deny it." doesn't seem to leave much wriggle room. I've allowed Storm gods' worshippers convert into Humakt without Spirits of Reprisal attacks, because the initiation severs all previous connections. And also so far I've followed the RQ3 rules which turns characters into inactive initiates if they fail to attend worship ceremonies, but inactive initiates don't seem to exist anymore, unless the new Cult books allows them.
  5. From RQG: The Spirit of Reprisal (sometimes called a Spirit of Retribution) is a common feature to most cults. This is a spirit, monster, or curse, which falls upon initiates who quit the worship of their deity, or upon God-talkers, Rune Lords, or Rune Priests who offend their deity by violating major cult rules. The deity, without excuses, is striking out at those who deny it. That's quite clear-cut, but I'd like to ask how other people have handled leaving cults. Iirc in RQ3 the spirits of reprisal were on the table only if you committed sacrilegious acts. So if someone is eg. taken a prisoner and miss a Holy day worship because of it, would the spirits attack them in your Glorantha? What if they are wearing slave bracelets?
  6. In the Snakepipe Hollow's ancient Earth temple there was a broo that was a quadruped goat with a horned human head.
  7. Humakti lay Members are expected to tithe ten percent of their current silver every cult holy day (many use this as an excuse to go on sprees just before the holy day)
  8. Well, then it wouldn't be a normal fyrd imo, but yes, then I'd allow it. And yeah, for a while I've used the 2nd ed Cult Compendium rules for lay membership. In addition to the Honour code there's this funny rule: Lay Members are expected to tithe ten percent of their current silver every cult holy day (many use this as an excuse to go on sprees just before the holy day)
  9. Yes, but I think that they had Lokarnos worshippers during that era too. If not for trade, then at least for ceremonial charioteers for the count and minting coins for the Light's Sons.
  10. Since the Wheel coins are created by magic, the people in the Praxian Sun County knew who the reigning Dara Happan Emperors were even during their Solitude of Testing era.
  11. I'd define a regiment as a group of soldiers under the same commander who move together on the battlefield as a unit. I wouldn't use a minimum size, but perhaps the max size of 1000 or so would be ok. And in almost all cases a unit like that would have a wyter. I wouldn't allow the spell's use on a normal clan fyrd, but only on humakti.
  12. Has any source ever mentioned Praxian or Dara Happan cottars etc.? No.
  13. The King of Dragon Pass video game made many people fans of Glorantha, and changing the names used in that game and Guide and other old products will not benefit anyone.
  14. My group talks about this. If a character gets too awful stats he's deemed to have been thrown off from the cliffs.
  15. That's easy to answer, they become adventurers and die like flies. And as for contraception:
  16. Glorantha doens't have viruses or bacteria, so no Terran polio or the like. All of the diseases are "magical". It's unclear if most of the women in the Dragon Pass are initiates of Divine cults. The rulebooks and writers here on the forum say no, but in the Adventure book every NPC is an initiate, the militia, ie. most of the men, included. Personally I think that I'll use the tables unmodified for PCs in my campaign. Not because I think that they portray Glorantha accurately, but because they make the game more dramatic for the players. With the tables their characters have to use runes, spells, wealth etc. if they want their children to survive.
  17. Karrg's Sons must always let a musicians finish their pieces before giving their opinion about it.
  18. The rule that Lhankor Mhy worshippers need to have a beard, but fake beards are ok. Reminds me of the Shabbat elevators: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabbat_elevator
  19. I've always made the characters roll for success only at the end, so if they lose concentration they haven't rolled the casting roll yet. And I've also ruled that the mps are also only used at the end.
  20. I was browsing the guide today to check the timeline for one of the PCs in my campaign, and then re-read this thread for more info. I found some conflicting material: Volume 1, p. 239: Further troubles came with a huge fleet of Wolf Pirates who took residence on the Three Step Islands in 1605 and raided the whole south coast. Volume 2 p. 472: Three Step Islands are a small archipelago south of Kethaela. It is a pleasant place suitable for crops and sheep. Were the Three Step islands canonically settled in 1605 or 1610, and are they barren or pleasant and suitable for agriculture? And is Orstando Black Wolf still the person who established the Wolf Pirates?
  21. The wording isn't 100% clear, but it seems to imply that dropping a weapon and drawing a new one is only one action, and only if you resheath your weapon it takes two actions to change weapons. P. 194: Changing weapons involves dropping a weapon in hand and drawing another. Resheathing a sword and then drawing an axe, for example, is two actions and would take 10 strike ranks. And you don't have to resheath or drop your weapon to get a hand free, you could also grab the weapon with your shield hand, and the rules don't specify it taking any time, only that readying and resheathing takes time.
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