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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. Ah, Gloranthan Ducks - ruffling feathers since 1976! Could make a good game-con shirt...
  2. The Twilight Series is like WoD meets Romance novella fan fiction, lets give that a miss. The Underworld films do it much better, although it doesn't attract the fandom. Plus WoD pretty much have all that cornered. Percy Jackson & The Olympians isn't too bad, although a little juvenile for my tastes, and something that may be more suited to the game mechanics of FATE or Savage Worlds. hmm The Dark Tower Series may hold some possibilities, its very gritty and its got all kind of weird in it
  3. Yes, moving on from my rather contentious views of our avian friends, I am really looking forward to RuneQuest being released with some supports closely following the initial release. This is very welcome news!
  4. That seemed to suit the days of the old paper cover fanzines, but it kinda feels out of step with the feel of the G2G. I'm not saying to rewrite history and get rid of Ducks. So nothing to suck up. I'm just saying that it's perhaps not great to focus on them during the early phase of the new RQ roll-out In my experience Ducks have been used to ridicule Glorantha, rather than promote it. Ducks are ridiculous. However I think that is entirely the point of them. I have followed Glorantha since 1984, so that seemed okay back then. I think it just doesn't resonate the same these days. Reading the G2G is more like a Osprey book or like a colourful anthroplogical text on ancient cultures (which is a compliment). It comes across much more in that flavour than it does as a Led Zep-Jodorowsky-Bakshi dreamscape with wacky background characters. Different times. My concern is more about maintaining consistent flavour authencity. HQG does a good job of capturing the flavour of the G2G, so I suspect CRQ4 will do likewise. Throwing Ducks into the mix too early could put off a lot of people who are atracted to the G2G. Just sayin' However I could see possibly a vehicle for Ducks in a Gloranthan card game like Khan Of Khans with a Duck focus, that could work - Ruler Of The Flock perhaps?
  5. The notion of Ducks has always seemed too ridiculous for me, and I feel it damages the authentic flavour of Glorantha. It would be akin to having talking-hamster-sages running around in Westeros. But at the same time I understand why others like the Ducks; they are a free wheeling gonzo left-over from the cottage industry days of rpgs, and you cant take such things too seriously. If truth be told, I kinda do have a soft spot for Quackjohn, but I just wish I'ld met him in the Wind In The Willows rather than in Glorantha
  6. Aaarghhhh! The Return of Quackjohn! heh heh
  7. It will probably then sit in the vaults like The Ark Of The Covenant, but hopefully Worlds Of Wonder is one step closer to reprint reality due to all of your efforts. You guys have done a good thing here!
  8. If you are going to check out the free primer rule sets, then here's the links for your convenience: BRP Quickstart: http://www.chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/BRP/CHA2021 - Basic RolePlaying Quick-Start.pdf Call Of Cthulhu 7E Quickstart http://www.chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/CoC/CHA23131 Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules.pdf Mythras Imperative: http://thedesignmechanism.com/resources/TDM110 Mythras Imperative.pdf OpenQuest Basic: https://i.yuki.la/tg/1411550977967.pdf
  9. Definitely no Ducks in RQ Phase 1 please! We want to make sure it's popular enough for Phase 2 !!!
  10. As a KS backer of CoC 7E who ordered Pulp Cthulhu as an add-on, I know I haven't received my print copy of Pulp Cthulhu yet; only the pdf version. As far as I know, the other KS backers haven't received their printed books yet either. Although from the updates it looks like it is very close... I suspect the general public release will follow on very quickly from when the KS backers receive theirs, so fingers crossed for Christmas, but don't hold your breath
  11. Imagine going to a Lego exhibition and seeing Pavis & The Big Rubble fully set up, how awesome would that be!
  12. This fan-made info on Sheruffs is great, including continuing the mispelling! This helps keep the Sheruff in the Apple Lane setting, and can be used for any village in Sartar. Thanks for posting!
  13. I'ld prefer the entire BRPE notion to be replaced with the title Worlds Of Wonder, it is just a better name. The core book could still be a slim hardcover about 100 pages. Then you could publish slim setting books of about the same page count covering the original Worlds Of Wonder settings, and possibly a few new ones, such as Wild West, Detective Noir, Hollywood Action Blockbuster, Sword and Planet etc. Failing that, a POD hardcover book + pdf of the original Worlds Of Wonder could suffice. However I think all this has been canned now, and will be for quite some time.
  14. Yes this is welcome news indeed. A Quickstart rules followed by a three book set of core rules still on the agenda; however having some accompanying products closely following is quite the cherry on the cake!
  15. Mount And Blade Prax would be alot of fun!
  16. I think the Half Swording technique could also be a spot rule maneuver usable with 2H swords - perhaps you need to make a Hard or Formidable combat roll to perform it. The result would be that you automatically gain access to the Bypass Armour roll, regardless of whether a Critical Success is rolled or not. Only usuable against Rigid Armour. Just an idea
  17. Either that, or the RQ Quickstart comes out closely followed by a kickstarter project to do the hardcover book set of the full RQ core rules.
  18. The Mongoose rpg called LEGEND does weapon groups like this. LEGEND is the actual precursor to RQ6/Mythras (consider it an earlier edition of the same rules). Usually the pdf of the rules goes for $1 USD on Drivethru.rpg, so you could always grab LEGEND to see how they handle weapon groups. It all ports across near seamlessly to RQ6/Mythras, and is the logical option if you don't want the flavour of RQ6/Mythras combat styles. It would only be if you wanted to have 'official' weapon categories, otherwise you can just design your own without spending that US dollar on the rules, and it will probably be very similar. The RQ6/Mythras Combat Styles have the benefit of having combat style traits attached to them, so LEGEND is a little more bland in this respect.
  19. Actually I almost did RQ6 rules with Pulp Era myself, but eventually just upgraded to CoC 7E, which seems that it can also portray the pulp flavour that I wanted for these adventures. If you are definatly using RQ6/Mythras, then give the combat traits really pulpy names, and potentially throw in some Pulp Traits (maybe re-trap the Gifts mechanics), and it should run well. Also due to RQ6/Mythras having a big focus on hit locations, it tends to emulate gritty melee combat quite well, so you'll need to have liberal use of the Mooks/ Rabble rules if you want to keep focus on fast paced pulp action of the 'two-fisted' flavour. For major NPCs/Villains I would use the usual combat rules so you get your dramatic slug-fests as well. I seem to remember Pete Nash offering suggestions on pulp martials arts traits on either this forum or the Design Mechanism forum. I think there is a fan-made document in the downloads section of this website that has Pulp Era Professions for Legend rpg, which may port to Mythras. I cannot remember who created it, however I remember it covered all of the pulp archetypes. But yep I agree that with a few tweaks you can do Pulp Era quite well with RQ6/Mythras. But for myself it just made sense to go with CoC 7E as there is less to fiddle with to get the Pulp Action flavour, and I can run Cthulhu games with it straight out of the box. I just rule that a Extreme Success is an 'Extraudinary Success', and let the outcome be a little more fantastic than usual, and that captures alot of pulp moments. With a minor adjustment to the Luck rules for particular actions I can cover Pulp Traits as well. Now that Pulp Cthulhu has been published (digitially at least), I can see that it's basically a bag of tricks that I can cherry pick from to portray the pulp flavour that I want. But if you prefer RQ6/Mythras then with a bit of tweaking things you can easily run a good Pulp Era game with those rules.
  20. Sounds like a product for Pulp Cthulhu with a particular empasis on Noir flavour. Pure speculation is a great thing heh heh
  21. Sounds interesting - perhaps 1 AP of Rigid Armour reduced per 20% of Combat Skill sounds pretty reasonable, considering this is not a magic spell, its a Combat Style trait.
  22. Surely you jest? If not, then its kinda iconic as far as Pulp Cthilhu goes. Its a large glpbal sprawling campaign, and quite an undertaking to run. Its on many GM Bucket Lists, and some people have played Call of Cthilhu purely to run this campaign. You probably need to check the forums out at Yog-Sottoth.com. You will need about two years to spare to run Masks of Nylarthotep if you have monthly sessions, probably the same would go for Horror On The Orient Express. If that sounds too much an undertaking then I highly the Age Of Cthulhu scenarios by Goodman Games. Very pulpy, yet you will kick them over in a few sessions. They are for CoC 6E, although the more recent ones are for CoC 7E. Also any Cthulhu scenario by Oscar Rios usually has a low-pulp flavour which may be good for your tastes as well.
  23. Perhaps the Half Sword trait just halves the AP value when used against Rigid Armour?
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