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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. Probably just develop Archetype/Classes. Then ignore Skill Checks based on use, and work out how you want to do Levelling - either EXP based or milestone based. Then at each Level Up grant a number of Improvement Rolls (like the MRQ line of BRP), and these are made like normal Skill Checks, however rank skill preferences according to archetype/class. Perhaps rank them as Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary/Other skills, and if the PCs make a successful skill check then they get to roll a different dice for skill % gain: Primary (1d8%), Secondary (1d6%), Tertiary (1D4%). Perhaps grant a Feat/Talent or Characteristic Gain every 3rd level. It's a bit of an unusual query, as most people choose to translate from Level Based games rather than the other way around. If it was the later, I'ld just recommend getting the Basic Fantasy book.
  2. I remain convinced that perhaps CRQ4 should takes some cues from CoC7E combat. Many of RQ6 style combat options can be covered by choosing to use the Maneuver option. I would really like to see this replicated, as it is a simple catch-all mechanic that allows for a wide range of options in combat, and encourages creative gameplay.
  3. I used to restrict it based on POW minimums. 1PP for POW 10, and raise that by 1PP for each additional 3pts of POW. Of course the other restrictions are narrative, such as teacher availability, cult/guild requirements, etc
  4. I stumbled across this dramatisation on YouTube which presents a highly sanitised made-for-television interpretation of the events leading up to the Rum Rebellion in Australia. It may be helpful for people checking out the Cthulhu & Convicts supplement. If only HBO had produced this, it would have been much grittier, akin to 'Deadwood'. This production wouldn't have won any awards but its watchable, and a reasonable resource for this supplement. Pity Russell Crowe didn't play Macarthur...
  5. For the non-Aussies reading this, Leichhardt was an explorer who disappeared during the later part of the Colonial Era of Australian history. Quite a well known historical figure in Australia. This setting book details the earlier Colonial Era years from the Penal settlement through to the Free Settler years, so at first glance it probably covers the initial 50 years or so of European colonisation of Australia. I think it looks to be predominantly focused around the first 25 years or so, during the height of the corruption of the 'Rum Corps' who practically ran the colony of New South Wales. A great time for a period setting I reckon. It's about 50 years or so before the Leichhardt expedition. Although you could easily have earlier explorers set out to their doom during this period, as Australia was a wild, mysterious, and almost alien place back then. Who knows what lived in The Bush or The Interior...
  6. I really like having strong 'narrative' aspects to rpgs, but only if there is good mechanics backing it up if I need to use them. Some may call these mechanics 'simulationist', which is a fair call. What I don't like is when the term 'narrative' is used to justify poor mechanics, as has been the case in some rpgs during recent years. Generally I think BRP can walk the line between 'narrative' and 'simulationist' quite well, although it obviously leans more toward the later, which is a good thing.
  7. Seeing MoN 7E in a hardcover with slipcase, which could include a box for handouts/props...that sounds like a kickstarter to me!
  8. I quite like seeing Cthulhu across different eras, although it is a niche. Modern Urban Era Mythos, Ancient Age Mythos, Colonial Age Mythos etc are great opportunities for licensees rather than the core company I think. I would much prefer that Chaosium focuses on the iconic era of the 1920s and 1930s. There are three main types of books I would like to continue to see: 1. Anthologies of 'one-shot' scenarios - these could be 1920s/1930s, but also an opportunity for other eras. Complete with pre-gens designed for those particular scenarios. These could be themed, or just completely random. Like the recent Nameless Horrors publication. They could range from hard core horror investigations for the purists, through to superficlal serials designed with the ultra pulpy enthusiasts in mind. 2. Lovecraftian County - setting books and small campaigns set in Lovecraft's version of New England USA. Typically 1920s, and hard core purist play would be the focus 3. The Grand Campaigns - global spanning campaigns with lots of exotic locations, in the vein of SoYS, MoN, BtMoM, HotOE. These ideally would be set in the 1920s and 1930s, perhaps being more tailored for action orientated mild pulpy play rather than purist. The kind of sprawling campaigns that attract GMs to the system to run, as part of a GM 'bucket list'. If Chaosium considers another era other than the 1920s/1930s, then the next logical era is the Victorian/Edwardian 'Gaslight' era from the late 1800s to early 1900s. The core Gaslight book would obviously focus on Great Britain as the heart of the British Empire (just update the most recent Gaslight book), but supplements could also span the empire and beyond, such as Parisan Bohemia, Colonial India, Boer War Africa, French Foreign Legion, the East Indies Company in Java, the American Wild West, Tsarist/Bolshevik Russia etc But having more than two eras would spread the authors efforts rather thin, so that's the reason I believe the above eras are best served by Chaosium.
  9. These are the kind of humble statements that impress me the most. You have my respect
  10. I would love to see both Beyond The Mountains Of Madness and The Masks of Nylarthotep updated for CoC 7E. However it's so simple to convert stats from earlier editions to 7E that it's really not an issue either way.
  11. cool !!! Colin Baker would make a better Doctor now I reckon he looks like he would make an great lovecraftian antiquarian well you cannot get much better than that at a convention in the UK congratulations!
  12. I am surprised that I quite like the CoC 7E skill mechanic, but at the end of the day, I may have also been happy if the RQ skill resolution would have been followed instead. I think the main thing is to have some consistency, so it makes sense now to follow CoC 7E since it is the most recent release The core system from CoC 7E is only a few small tweaks to BRP BGB: adding an extra layer of skill success level; using a bonus/penalty dice instead of a +/- numerical modifiers; one maneuver action rule covering heaps of previous combat spot rules. More like refinements more than anything totally new. Most things simplify gameplay rather than making it more complicated. I wouldn't like to record three values of skill scores (thats not necessary), and perhaps the core Characteristics didn't need to be altered to be a % ( I don't mind it, but it is at odds with the stat blocks of earlier editions) If CRQ4 had been released first, then it would have made sense to have CoC 7E influenced by CRQ4's mechanics instead. I think it is strange that the two main rpg game lines seem to be developed in isolation, given that they are both rpgs under Chaosium's BRP umbrella. I like that RQ2 is being used as a foundation document, but I would think it would be logical for CRQ4's core skill mechanic to be consistent with the core skill mechanic of Chaosium's other flagship line. If people are uncertain about changing from the old mechanics, then RQ2 is a perfectly valid option now that it is being released as RQ Classic. In fact perhaps Chaosium could release a CoC Classic as well, a slim book based upon the first or second edition, with the original text and art etc. Could be quite charming if it is a slim hardcover volume. That way everyone could run either BRP Classic lines or BRP Contemporary lines, as per their preference. However it makes sense that the contemporary lines should have similar core skill resolution mechanics. (I'll wrap this up here, otherwise I'm going off thread too much - it is meant to be acknowledging Rick's statement - sorry for the derail)
  13. You'll just have to make your POW% roll to wait patiently...
  14. Yeah I hate those situations. Although the recent MagicWorld was not my preferred version of BRP, I still liked the mechanics over many other RPGs on the market, and I think that Ben Monroe did a great job compiling bits of the Elric/Stormbringer core books with bits of the RQ3 core book. The same text with higher production standards could still peak interest. It probably doesn't make business sense for Chaosium to spread their efforts too broadly, however I wonder if there is now wiggle room for a licensee here? Perhaps even Ben himself? As the old Chinese proverb goes, "Crisis is just another word for Opportunity"
  15. I would like some consistency to some extent with all the BRP lines, including CoC 7E; well at least in the core skill resolution mechanics, which I feel is a litte better than the earlier mechanics. The changes are slight, not as much as how skill resolution differed in the MRQ SRD line, yet I think they are still an improvement. It could easily work with the RQ2 stat block, just as long as the three values for skills don't get recorded on the hand written character sheet ( referring to a Quck Reference table is not an issue - we already do that with BRP BGB). This way all three contemporary BRP lines will have a consistent core skill resolution mechanic for familiarity's sake. It will be quite weird if this is not the case. Everything beyond the core sill mechanic should be modular to the setting line. Mythic Iceland is certainly rich enough to be a stand alone setting, and given the popularity of the Vikings tv series at present, it makes it a hot property without paying royalties to someone like George R R Martin. It makes good sense to repackage it, and I am sure it will look great with the current production standards.
  16. I'm unsure if it was automatically included at a higher backer level in the CoC 7E Kickstarter, however I will be receiving it as I ordered the PDF+print book as an Add-On. I'm really happy that it's not vapourware this time
  17. Definitions of 'Imperative' adjective: of vital importance, crucial; also preemptive or authoritative command noun: obligatory; also urgent or essential The last definition is very telling I believe it could be a new slimmed core rule book for Mythras. Probably an edited RQ6 Essentials, possibly with an example setting included. I'm no Sherlock, the cover title includes the phrase: 'An introductory Ruleset for Mythras and D100 Roleplaying"...
  18. I am also interested in seeing what direction BRP core system goes with Mythic Iceland. In some ways it may be logical to update it to be in keeping with the core skill mechanics from CoC 7E for consistency. In other ways it may make sense for it to remain BRP Classic (BGB). However my preference would be to make the skill resolution consistent with CoC 7E. In any case it will be a worthy title to be published with the same quality standards as the recent releases. Despite such, focusing on two main product lines, CoC and RQ, is probably the best way tl go. I would rather have two good quality setting lines with great resources rather than try to spread those efforts broadly across too many settings. However if BRP core/classic has a separate idenitity then it leaves a nice niche for licencees to fill in the gaps. In any case, Chaosium sounds much more on track than it did this time last year. Some exciting days ahead
  19. I just saw what you did there...lol
  20. The CoC 7E kickstarter backers already have a pdf of the Pulp Cthulhu, and it looks pretty close for final release. I don't think it will be too long a wait now..
  21. Yeah I always found it weird that the game was called RuneQuest, yet the game mechanics behind Runes was almost nonexistent. If CRQ4 is firmly set in Glorantha, then I welcome having Runes deeply embedded in the game mechanics and character generation,
  22. This is an inspiring statement from Rick A great reflection over the past year, I like the direction its all heading in MOB Thanks for posting it!
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