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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. From what I have seen regarding Revolution, there would be no reason why it couldn't support pulp action heroes. I think if you wanted to portray Alan Quartermaine, Sherlock Holmes, Sam Spade, Indiana Jones, The Rocketeer, The A Team, Macgyver, Magnum PI, John Mclane/Die Hard, Burn Notice, Harry Bosch, The Expendables, etc you could easily do it. Takng it up a notch further to low-level Supers such as Batman, Watchmen, Deadpol, Punisher etc, should also be quite doable, just like any BRP game. I reckon you could easily go as far as many of the X Men Mutants with no problems. Higher-level Supers like The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, Superman etc could possibly work, although as suggested there are more broad / cinematic systems available for this that come to mind ( such as HeroQuest, OpenD6, FATE, Savage Worlds, Ambiquity, One-Roll, etc). But obviously just because it isn't supported in Revolution doesn't mean you can't do it. I think that one of the great ideas about Revolution is that it is a toolkit of BRP rules that a GM can tinker with. Given how the skills and other character facets are structured, I think it will handle low to mid level Supers much better than BRP Superworld did. With a bit of tweaking it could work for higher level Supers, but I suspect to do this well it require further streamlining of the rules and character portrayal. Possibly something to consider at a later date however. Many people do want to play Supers using BRP, so there may be a niche to look at there.
  2. Well I would of thought the Esrolian steads would work well using the Earth Rune square floor plans. However the published information on Pavis has fortified square steads for the Orlanthi settlers whom originated from Sartar. So this indicates that some Sartarites follow the square floor plan structure, and Jeff reinforced this earlier in the thread. So I am tentatively presuming that the square structure may be an urban design or a wealthy design. I will really need to read more of The Coming Storm before I speculate further, and perhaps the second volume may have more information about this.
  3. Well I haven't had time to really give it a good look yet. However from what I can initially see, surprisingly the Steads don't appear to be along the lines of the Earth Rune influenced square structures like what Jeff posted. The village has descriptions of long houses and shows them as such on the map. So I am unsure if the square design discussed earlier in the thread is an urban Orlanthi house opposed to a rural Orlanthi house, or if it is an Esrolian house opposed to a Sartarite house. I will need to take a further look to clarify, but from a quick glance it appears that rectangular longhouses may be the norm for this region. Perhaps the houses Jeff described are in the upcoming second volume?
  4. A very dignified exit speech, full of hopes and new beginings. Modern politicians could learn a thing or two. I think its a good idea including some firearms rules in the new core book, and I am interested in Animism special effects. Good to see that there will be more content in less space. Mythic Rome will be an automatic purchase for me, and my interest is spiked regarding this new upcoming 'super secret' release. Looking forward to many new Mythras products in the near future. Best of luck to Loz, Pete, & other associates I pledge my sword
  5. A low resolution or non-background version would have been a nice option as it's a bit slow to scroll at times using Adobe in Windows 10 on my Microsoft desktop PC. However its not a big issue for me as it seems to run much more smooth in iBooks on my iPad, which is predominantly what I use to read pdfs on.
  6. So its a Heortland outpost, its sounds like once allied to both the Hendreiki and the Esvulari, but now semi-autonomous and almost forgotten about. It probably did have God Learner Cataphracts proudly manning it before the distasters at the end of The Second Age, and it may have had another name. Knights Fort and Horsemans Fort may have been what locales casually referred to it, and it just stuck over time. I like that it keeps the title Knights Fort more out of a sense of its own self importance, rather than any current mandated knights operating from the site. Perhaps it is garrisoned by a patchwork bunch of mercenaries of mixed ethnicity, Esvulari, Hendreiki, Esrolian, and a few ring-ins from elsewhere; and ruled by a canny rudimentary Lord of Aeolian philosophy, who does have family legacy to the region and protectorate of the Marcher Barons. Sounds like the fort may be a bit neglected and a shadow of its former self. Possibly a place where dishonored warriors and criminals can regain their worth by servitude perhaps ... not unlike The Men Of The Nights Watch from Game of Thrones. Does not sound like it will be a pivotal location in any upcoming epic campaigns to be published, which makes it an excellent location for a GM sandbox setting
  7. So does anyone know much about this game called 'Sabre'? http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185867/The-Sabre-RPG-Basic-Edition It looks very much like a MRQ D100 SRD game with a few name changes for core Characteristics. The character sheet looks close to OQ, Renaissance, Legend, and Mythras/RQ6. I haven't come across it before, and I thought I knew all of the BRP games...
  8. You can download 'Mythras Imperative' for free, it's a primer for the Mythras system and it probably contains most of the foundation game mechanics you need to play Classic Fantasy: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185299/Mythras-Imperative
  9. What a good day to come home early from work and find this bit of news, so I immediately had to go grab the pdf. Looks really good. If I run this it will probably be with RuneQuest (hopefully CRQ4 will be published by the end of this year, otherwise I'll consider RQ6). Considering the majority of this book appears narrative content then it isn't an issue regarding system translation.The visual portrayals of the Sartarites look very much in keeping with the Orlanthi depictions from the G2G, heavily influenced by ancient Thracian, Dacian, and perhaps some Mycenaean analogues. Also there is a reasonable amount of Norse flavour as well; not so much in appearance, but evoked more through cultural ideology and behaviours. Good to see that this is going to be part of a longer campaign, and I really like that the pdf cost gets credited off the print copy. Now I have to add this to my already large backlog of reading...
  10. Good article. It captures some of the rules changes in a nutshell, and also gives us some teaser info on upcoming products
  11. I think the Skill Check progression may need to be slowed in such a campaign, otherwise the characters would peak too early and it end up being a grind until the Hero Wars kicks in. I would probably use a system where you determine what skills you used the most over the past year (maybe a number of rolls equal to half POW?), and make the Skill Checks during Sacred Time, to mark the passing of the year. The characters could receive bonuses to their Skill Check rolls for any skills that they are constantly paying in-game training costs, to keep the training economy valuable. Additionally I'ld probably allow Critical Rolls to grant Skill Checks at the end of any session they occur in, for novelty sake. I would love to run a campaign spanning such a time frame. Kind of like Pendragon in Glorantha.
  12. I have read most of the earlier ones on the moon design site, it is only recently that I have been using this thread - thanks for the heads up, I had best check to see if I missed anything
  13. Hey that sounds pretty neat. I think I like this units dice rule almost as much as I like chainmail bikinis
  14. Personally I prefer to read it via this thread, it's so much easier to scroll down and see each panel. Great stuff!
  15. I don't like the Characteristics being different from the earlier editions stat blocks solely because of minor inconsistency issues with the back catalogue. However it's no big deal in actual game play, and it does add some internal consistency to how things are recorded on the character sheet.
  16. So it is variable AP, somehow based on the units dice of the attack roll. I also like this notion of SR decreasing with Life Points reduction. Interesting, I will need to see more
  17. Yeah it's the best pulp I have seen, because it is essentially a set of tool kit options that you can fiddle with to adjust to the level of pulp you want. Often I find pulp era games a little too pulpy, so I like that these options can do low pulp rather well, right up to wildly pulp flavour. Yes it's great, I am really hanging out for the hardcover printed edition
  18. That sounds fair MOB, I just had to ask. It's certainly not all bad news if you guys are considering including it in a published anthology of Sandy's scenarios!
  19. It depends how much Epic I want in my games. It is certainly appealing to set the game against the majesty and chaos of The Hero Wars. However sometimes I just want no epic backdrops, just a sandbox setting where the characters are wearing piece meal armour, roustabouts scrambling around for every piece of loot they can find, perhaps also settling kin grudges and such, possibly exploring ancient ruins of a bygone age. If I had the time I would love to run the kind of game Simon has described, starting off around 1610 - 1615 for a sandbox, then slowly progressing into the more pivotal events a decade later with the fall of Whitewall followed by the liberation of Sartar. By that time the characters would be veterans who can take their place amongst the major players of The Hero Wars. However I'll never get the time for it these days. I'm glad that it sounds like CRQ4 will have options for varied character experience levels to start play with.
  20. I haven't joined Cult of Chaos, as I'm unlikely to be involved in regular attendance at any formal RPG Conventions. I think I'ld rather just have the The Derelict in pdf version. MOB is there any chance of non-Cult of Chaos members being able to purchase this scenario as a pdf at a later date?
  21. Sounds like a fun little game to run for your kids. Good to see you ushering in the next generation of rpgers!
  22. Although I love knowing the timeline and what happens in Dragon Pas & Prax during the first decade of the Hero Wars, I personally think sandboxing settings may be better set in the decade prior to Argrath's ascendancy, so 1610 - 1620. Lots of scope for low level treasure looting, skirting the authorities and such, a bit more like a Fritz Leiber novel, rather than something from the pages of The Iliad. It sounds like published CRQ4 campaigns will have a more epic flavour, so I can see why the nominal period will be set a few years later with some of the major battles able to be used as backdrops.
  23. What was the nominal date for the Borderlands campaign? I remember that RQ3 used 1621, although I think RQ2 may have used 1623. I am hazy and dont have my books handy, but would this campaign be much different if played in CRQ4's nominal date of 1627? Sartar will have been liberated by Agrarth, and doesnt he liberate Pavis & Prax as well?
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