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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. I think Mythras doesnt suit modern era or futuristic era in some ways, mainly due to the focus of hit locations which is great for a more tactile hand to hand combat setting. And you would need to have the Firearms combat options from Luther Arkwright or the free Firearms pdf. In any case you may need to refer the reader to another document in addition to Mythras Imperative. So I would go for OpenQuest and either refer the reader to OQ Basic Rules (free pdf) or carve up bits of the OQ SRD and itsert the relevant chapters directly in your own work. OQ is very similar to Mythras, but will probably suit Sci Fi better (it worked well for River Of Heaven).
  2. I like the idea that RQ = Glorantha, as my introduction to RQ was RQ2 and Glorantha. Of course I love other fantasy settings that use the BRP core rules, although it never felt right to me using the name 'RuneQuest' for a generic fantasy tool kit. Th core skeleton of BRP can be used wherever so I also like the idea of a generic rule set like a trimmed down BGB, without rules for Magic etc which could be pluggef into settings (with additional settinh specific rules). Just call it something other than RQ. I know it's late in the game, but calling the core rules something else besides BRP would be good. The name Basic Roleplaying seems wrong to me - the rules are not basic by today's standards, and the name itself sounds as flavoursome as an Accounting textbook. I would have much rather Chaosium had went with Worlds of Wonder as a name for their house system - who cares if it gets shortened to WoW, just like World of Warcraft? I do welcome that RuneQuest is set firmly in Glorantha, as that's how I've always seen it.
  3. I think that Dragon Pass and Prax is the logical kick off point for RQ, just like it was in RQ2. Then this needs to be followed south to Kethaela, or further north beyond Tarsh into the Lunar Empire heartland. But for me personally I am itching to see the Malkioni lands done in some depth, especially now that we have a more ancient-flavoured Malkioni then what had been previously eluded to. My only concern is that I may never get to see Handra and The New Coast, The Quinpolic League and the Kingdom of Seshnela, the Safelsteran City States, or the Janubian River Cities done in the same ammount of depth as Prax or Dragon Pass. Which would be a great shame. I am looking forward to some great detailed Malkioni settings to be published in the years ahead
  4. In some ways doing game stats may stifle your creativity, unless mechanics are your thing. If it is predominantly a setting book, then I'ld much rather it be stat-free if this allows a writer to create a richer narrative content.
  5. RQ Classic books have arrived this week in QLD Australia - cool !!!
  6. CRQ4 is a reasonable name if anyone knows the history, but RQ7 would be more logical for most of the public. I would be happy to go with either. RQ4 just won't be used in general referencing, for all the reasons everyone is saying. I don't think we will see it referenced all that much in these forums, let alone larger forums like RPGnet Lets just see what it becomes known as once the dust settles I reckon
  7. I think I may like many Gloranthan resources to be system-free if possible, like the G2G. Obiviously this depends on what is published, but some setting books may not need game stats Looking at the HQ Sartar and Pavis books this is a distinct posdibility as they are 85-90% stat free already. Even scenarios and campaigns are more plot driven in this setting than the usual 'hack'n'slay' scenarios on offer from many rpg companies. The books could be released in hard covers +pdf, and the HQ and RQ stat books accompanying them could be additionally purchased in pdf-only format, so GMs could just print what they need. Although I love RQ/BRP, I am aware that Glorantha also attracts GMs from other rpg systems. Especially now that the G2G is doing the rounds. The 13th Age Glorantha project shows that many D&D players may consider Glorantha as an alternative to Forgotten Realms or Ebberon. I have a good mate who quite likes Glorantha, but would likely run a game session using one of his favourite rpg systems, either Rolemaster or HARP Fantasy. So someone in his situation is likely to buy system-free resources and tinker away with whatever favourite system is preferable to run. Glorantha is certainly detailed enough to attract those from other rpg systems, and it is also rich enough to exist beyond the rpg industry. Glorantha is up there with the great settings of Fantasy fiction.
  8. This store sounds absolutely great. Just knowing such a place exists in the USA makes up for all the election campaign coverage your media is inflicting on the rest of us at the moment, heh heh
  9. Yes I could see this happening. Most of the back catalog could just sit there as is, still in print yet no changes. Conversion of game stats between CoC Classic and CoC 7E is so simple that the utility of keeping that back catalog active without effort spent updating it is a big asset to Chaosium I think. A few of the watermark titles could do with a 7E update just to keep them current, however not much changes in actual stats, its more a layout thing.
  10. Yes I have two second hand copies of that version, it was the best in flavour and production, and IMO the only edition that I feel is a worthy successor is the new CoC 7E book. Given how well the kickstarter for RQ Classic has been, I definately think there is a nostalgic market for a CoC Classic to sit nicely next to CoC 7E
  11. Next thing we'll be seeing Glorantha Lego on the shelves...
  12. Praxians have Khans, not Queens heh heh Good one, very witty Iskallor!
  13. RQ7 would have suited me. However I can see the point in reflecting that this edition of RQ is a progression of the original Chaosium RQ line rather than a continuation of the MRQ line. So I'm going with CRQ4 and seeing if it sticks
  14. Interesting to see Paul Jaquays name on something like this so many years ago, although I shouldn't be surprised In some ways, similar products to this I expect http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=55102&filters=0_0_0&manufacturers_id=576 and this http://www.rpgnow.com/product/108091/Background--Details-Kit?src=also_purchased&filters=0_0_0&manufacturers_id=576
  15. The idea that the stat blocks are pretty similar is very appealing so we can run earlier resources with the new rules. This has always been a great feature with CoC, so it makes sense for RQ to do this as well. BTW I suspect although the game will be called RuneQuest, these forums will eventually settle on a shorthand moniker just like the other editions. To me , if we don't call it RQ7, then I'll concede with CRQ4. We used the company title with Mongoose ( MRQ, MRQ2), so I think 'CRQ4' sounds logical for the new Chaosium edition
  16. I like having access to a quick char gen, but I personally think expanded char gen is a great thing and adds a lot of enjoyment and creativity to the char gen process. My only concern about it being specifically homeland driven is that it potentially straight jackets players into only creating characters from only those homelands. However I suspect experienced GMs won't find this too much a challenge to design other homeland backgrounds, and hopefully the ones provided can be used as a guide. Of course I really need to see the CRQ4 book, otherwise I am purely speculating. It all still sounds pretty good to me.
  17. I quite like doing expanded background char gen like this, but I also agree that an alternative quick roll up method should still exist and be presented as an option in CRQ4 I do like the flavour of what I have read so far, just as long as it is a generic process or a cultural table (not different tables for different ethnicities) Good stuff
  18. Mankcam

    The Sea Cave

    I think the OSR format may serve the RQ Classic line quite well, especially for the very early scenarios, although if buying a printed version then I would look for a collection under one cover if possible. I think some of the big products like the titles covered by the previous RQ2 Gloranthan Classic hardcovers may be great if they were updated to CRQ4 at some stage, unless the stat blocks are so similar that it makes it an almost pointless exercise.
  19. Mankcam

    The Sea Cave

    Rick I think the early RQ scenarios like Apple Lane, Sea Cave, etc may be better received if presented in a collected format, perhaps as an OSR omnibus. Just my two cents.
  20. Wow! The new layout and production really looks great. Just like Smiorgan, I also have a nostalgic penchant for the old Chaosium layouts, but they are the kind of production that many rpg companies left behind a decade or more ago, and are certainly not up to par with today's standards. The current pace is set by the evocative high quality publications that come out from companies like Games Workshop, Catalyst, Monte Cook Games, White Wolf/Onyx Path, Wizards Of The Coast, Pinnacle Entertainment, Cubicle 7, Modiphius, etc. I am really happy that the current production of CoC 7E has now made it to the heights of these other companies, and think it's great that Chaosium products are going to be of a similar standard. Very impressive and definitely the way forward
  21. I got the download of Mythras Classic Fantasy and have only skimmed it (I love pdfs for novels or quick-reference, but my brain only remembers rules from print copies for some reason). If I'd remembered Rod had also put in Ranks/Levels I would have just referred Auyl to Classic Fantasy and be done with it! Ok Auyl, disregard my previous post and check out Rod's rules
  22. Wow !!! All that's needed is a character portrait / digital picture import, and perhaps some genre/setting 'skins' for flavour This is really cool innovative stuff - go professional with this if possible !!!
  23. Nice retooling of RQ Essentials, much slimmer, and excellent for a free pdf. Looking forward to many more Design Mechanism books to come!
  24. A slim book about 100 pages would suit me for a generic ruleset, so this could be in the ballpark if it gets produced as a hard cover. Otherwise I suspect I may only get it in pdf format out of interest.
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