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Everything posted by Zit

  1. You're right, I missed the point (or I forgot it...). Dumbo the elephant has a big Might, hence more damage, but Bog Nose the rhinoceros has a big Size Class, hence less resulting damage. The latter compensates the former, and this work with any combination of Size Classes. Clever.
  2. I mean a relative difference between attacker and target. An elephant will probably crush me with one single hit, but not another elephant. Shouldn't it be "...is bigger than the "attacker" ?
  3. In Basic Combat, the RP loss is modified by the Size Class. Shouldn't it be by the Size Class difference ? (didn't we already address this point somewhere ?)
  4. OK, I watched the movie. It's just a collection of -very well made- special effects. You'd better read the books and play the game.
  5. I don't find the font very... bronze age.
  6. Instead of Glorantha is "a Bronze Age World", I'd rather say "inspired by the [early] Ancient World" -correct my English if required- for all the reasons developped above.
  7. That' right. In almost all the RQ2 publications, one can find some concealed touches of self-irony, but never ridiculous nor inconsistent. Glorantha gives us the illusion to be intelligent.
  8. Zit


    During a Heroquest Challenge, how is set the boon's challenge rating ? (This could be a question for the HeroQuest section).
  9. I don't think so. There must only be a myth justifying this (rather than explaining), which is a major difference with our real Earth (to come back to the OP).
  10. 0. YGWV, unfortunarely not RW By the way, what is the mythological explanation for gravity in Glorantha ?
  11. So if you have a skill of 65, the target loses UP TO 6 SR (actually = the tens die you just rolled, which could be 0 to 6 in this example). Or am I wrong ?
  12. Zit


    Uz deities vs. Chaos
  13. Zit


    Where are typical Uz quests to be found ?
  14. The Fifth Element was full of franco-belgian 70's-80's scifi comics references, but I think it was enjoyable by everybody. Of course, such films have a special appeal to those who grew up with the comics, but I believe they are entertaining for eberybody. But I'd recommend the books, anyway. I used to love them. And I recently thought that it could be a good theme for a rpg.
  15. no, you're right, a penalty is better, but the chart says "one Consequence". (even if the text below says "Penalty") ok, I won't mention pages anymore, I only thought it would help. But I mentioned the sections as well. "Diseases and Illness" -> "Wounds & Infection": the last sentence is cut.
  16. Do you want to start an errata thread ? I've already seen 2 : - p.11 language table: any French shall speak any Occitan with a penalty (not a consequence) - p. 35, Corn Dollies: a page reference is missing "see also p.xx"
  17. it looks like the calculation are ok, but if you modify a characteristics, the attributes and skills do not change.
  18. 6th century steppes nomads, of course (although it slowed down a bit these last times)
  19. p.175 : "Normally, each pre-activated power occupies Channelling points equal to the number of Life Points it would cost in Advanced Combat, but the relevant Power System description may include specific rules, instead" p. 198: "The invocation of a Blessing in Combat takes one Concentration action, and costs no Life Points" (and p. 173: "Some powers like Divine Blessings do not require an Activation roll or the expenditure of Life Points") p. 199: "With Narrator approval, you can use Ritual casting to extend and improve a Blessing," So I suppose that extending a Blessing can only be done with a ritual, not with pre-activating otherwise it would cost no channeling. But p. 196: "As already explained, Holiness has the same function as Channelling, that is it limits the number of multi-use powers that a believer can pre-activate or sustain with extended duration." Shall this sentence be removed ? Or does Or did I miss a point ?
  20. I think you mean 10km, which is close range for Narrative Time and Downtime. According to the chart on page 178 "power duration summary", the extended range comes with the extended duration only if the power has been ritually extended, that is with a conflict: "If ritually cast, range may increase to kilometres.". This would mean that when extended with the pre-activation procedure (no ritual), the range remains in meters. Right ?
  21. So how do you find the Value of the improved power for the Conflict setting if freeforming ? You still need to refer to the attributes, don't you ? ?? I haven't seen this. And I don't see the point here p.176, extended range: "...when a skilled power user unleashes his or her paranormal abilities with an extended Activation procedure, this line of sight limitation is broken" What is this "extended Activation" ? Pre-activation or ritual casting (conflict) ? If I extend the duration using pre-activation, does it extend the range ?
  22. Please tell me if I understood well: Improving means augmenting the power attributes except duration, even if the attributes are not manipulate Extending means augmenting the effect duration If I want to only improve a power, I need to win a Conflict vs. value If I want to only extend a power, I just need to pre-activate it and multiply the cost (Life Points or whatever the system requires) by the Time Scale. When extending + improving, only a conflict (improvement with possible consequences) is required with the value multiplied by the time scale. No pre-activation is required, leaving the channeling free. Question about Extending Blessings, p. 199 : "With Narrator approval, you can use Ritual casting to extend and improve a Blessing". Even if only extending it ? This would contradict the side note on page 176, where pre-activation should be used when only extending a power.
  23. Zit

    Where in Glorantha?

    Not in Glorantha but in France : herdmen do exist ! https://fr.yahoo.com/news/reims-homme-arrĂȘtĂ©-alors-quil-broutait-lherbe-nu-105709912.html
  24. don't tell me ! I wanted to go there and play this game but the battery of my car died.
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