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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Re: Bronze Age setting. Being Late Bronze into Early Iron Age means you have more powerful weapons and armour just be dint of being made of a different, yet still reasonably common, metal... but something that doesn't dramatically alter gameplay. Personally, I'm not a fan of fully plate-armoured "knights" crawling around dungeons... way too difficult and improbable. Coming from LotR, the only ones wearing full plate were the Gondorians, and that's only when needing to. Faramir, Boromir etc certainly weren't all armoured up!
  2. You realise that it's not a matter of "you also get", it's just that those spells are offered by the cult to initiates for reduced prices (sometimes free). You don't need to go to an Associate Cult to get Bladesharp, but it's probably more convenient. Most cults will allow you to use and purchase most (spirit) spells from somewhere (Chalana Arroy being a really obvious example of cult that's not so liberal) - even from shamans.
  3. Celine Dion gets her kit off in the Titanic???
  4. So.... which god brought Death to the universe? Which element is known for starting wars??
  5. Sorcery has a Neutralise Rune spell, so it would essentially be the same, just more powerful (being a Rune spell) - so you odn't need that laundry list. Just a straight out "any spell that uses the Illusion Rune" (although, that would bring about a complication - what about spells that can be cast with Illusion or some other Rune?)
  6. Not to mention, a great way to get killed Artefact - old, usually magical, item of some significance. Probably important to someone, but not necessarily holy or sacred. Regalia - item that is used in ritual (whether magical or not - eg, temples or ruling monarchs, etc), and often containing magic. Usually holy or sacred to a group of people.
  7. Does Dismiss Illusions only work on spells called "Illusion"? Or on any spells using the Illusion Rune (eg, Charisma, Clever Tongue, etc)? And what about Glamour? Or Sorcery spells using the Illusion Rune?
  8. Like, Logan pre-Wolverine... 😛
  9. p287 suggests you're right... "The community may vary, and wyters have been associated with everything from villages, military regiments, temples, clans, tribes, and cities. Any community with an associated Passion has a wyter." (my emphasis) "A wyter is bound to a single person, typically the leader of the wyter’s community, e.g., the king of a tribe, the chief of clan, the high priest of a temple, etc... " But, "The wyter can be transferred to another priest;"... probably only temporary setback. That too! "A wyter must reside in a specific sacred thing in the mundane world, such as an idol or dolmen,..." Also a temprary setback, but for the short term, your PCs shouldn't worry.
  10. Thanks, but I was referring to the Glorantha website having current links working, and current material - not needing to get older material available through archives.
  11. I always took the Dara Happans as Assyrian/Babylonian... although, that may just have been because of a picture of the beards etc, plus the pyramidal buildings, and clothes, etc etc. Perhaps the Sun Domers from down south took in somewhat of the local culture, and changed a bit? Or, after the Lunar Empire??
  12. My bad! I'm just remembering from Shamanic Voices from many years ago... (or similar - but I thought it was in that one). (I wonder how they feel about the "cultural appropriation" of their term?)
  13. Not there yet.... That's the next book on the list.
  14. Ah, I missed that. I'm recalling from RQ2, I think... maybe......
  15. why do you say "any" Rune... Virtually all of the Rune Spells list only one Rune from each deity that has that spells. I don't think Shield should be an exception. Just because they're not listed (don't know why... I'd say because it's a leftover from RQ2 when Shield was readily available for most cults). So, HD needs to pick which Rune is used for this spell... (well, ok, the GM or Chaosium do...). Note that Shield doesn't have the R-Magic Rune ... which signifies that any of the cults Runes can be used. As per above, it's going to become much less of a problem when it's only one Rune - and not just any. (It'd be nice if the associated cult's Rune for casting was listed when GaGoG comes out..
  16. I understand why the 404 happened - external sites trying to link to pages that have been removed - not a lot you can do about that without spending huge amounts of time!
  17. I clicked your link, and then went to the link about gender discrimination from Greg. Unfortunately, that goes to a 404 I figure it's not your responsibility, as it's the Glorantha site, but just want to mention
  18. Couldn't an allied spirit do it?
  19. Not helping a lot, but remember that a minor temple has about 500 Lay Members and Initiates - and the Lay Members aren't likely to be a major part of the ritual (and thus, the minor temple won't need to accommodate all of them at one time). Secondly, don't Moon Rocks grant the effect of a Full Moon? Can't go past a good Lune for the Lunies... And Madness. Bestiary p181/2 & 176
  20. It's going back a few years, but IIRC it's Shaman/Shamanka... and not sure about the plural form. (although, shamanka could be the plural, and I've forgotten the feminine)
  21. I had not heard that one! What happens when they swap over? So, would Elmal leave behind Gold or Bronze? (yeah, I know, he's not dead!!)
  22. Just curious - why are the bones of the Gods all Gloranthan Bronze? Why wouldn't each deity's bones be made of the Element(al Rune) for which they connect? In a way similar to the discussion about their blood having specific Power Crystals... (eg, Arroin's Tears)
  23. TBH, I"m not sure how to interpret this... Other than maybe "YGMV - so GM decides (in consultation with the players)"
  24. Just FYI - Ernalda has a minor Holy Day every week - Clayday. So, that economy isn't too significant.
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